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Trắc nghiệm Toeic bài 2


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Lesson 2 - Toeic Test Vocabulary
1) adv. miserably

(a) also; too; as well (used after a negative clause: I won't either)
(b) without pleasure or happiness; wretchedly; poorly
(c) accidentally; by chance
(d) in another country; outside; widely

2) n. autograph

(a) piece of soft material which cushions; block of pages stacked together and connected on one side; one's lodging (Slang); sanitary napkin; soft padded sections on the bottom of an animal's paw; sound of footsteps
(b) company; commerical business; corporation
(c) heap; tall bookshelf; chimney; (Computers) area in memory where information can be stored and then retrieved in the reverse order; (Internet) layers of the open system interconnection used to transfer information
(d) a person's handwritten signature

3) v. card

(a) to conceal; to cover up; to keep secret; to place out of sight
(b) to get; to accept; to absorb; to take in; to host; to accommodate
(c) to ask for an identification (i.e. in a bar)
(d) to think over; to ponder; to contemplate; to heat and spice for drinking (usually wine or cider)

4) v. doctor

(a) to remove; to take out; to squeeze; to press; to elicit; to draw out
(b) to make by machine; to produce; to crate; to make; to fabricate; to invent
(c) to provide medical treatment; to take care of someone who is ill; to fix; to repair; to mend; to tamper with; to falsify; to alter
(d) to record; to order in advance; to inscribe; to indicate

5) v. duplicate

(a) to gather together; to put together; to collect; to converge; to get together; to arrange; to meet
(b) to comply; to conform; to follow; to agree
(c) to copy; to replicate; to photocopy
(d) to work together; to cooperate

6) n. balance

(a) information that is confidential or classified; mystery; unexplained phenomenon; method or procedure that is known only by a select group of people
(b) understanding; wisdom; intelligence (Slang)
(c) provider
(d) leveling; harmony; stability; rest; remainder

7) adj. sound

(a) whole; healthy; in good condition; sane; firm; having a solid foundation; secure; valid; reasonable; thorough; moral; trustworthy; having common sense; conservative
(b) pedantic; cautious concerning minute details; scrupulous
(c) pertaining to the sale of goods to final consumers; of the sale of merchandise to end users
(d) separate; individual; discontinuous

8) n. clock

(a) report of recent events; information about previously unknown facts; people or events that are currently of interest
(b) agreement; settling of a disagreement by making mutual concessions
(c) timepiece; device for telling time
(d) freedom; liberation; newly distributed film (or record, book, etc.); press release; statement provided to the media

9) n. anniversary

(a) yearly date commemorating a special event; birthday
(b) form; model; image; condition; fitness; mold
(c) greatest quantity or amount possible; highest capacity; most possible; height; peak; limit
(d) a person who provides guidance; professional who gives counsel; consultant; counselor

10) n. term

(a) bed covering; quilt
(b) word; expression; idiom; semester; specified time period; condition; stipulation (e.g. the terms of an agreement)
(c) person who receives guests; large number; multitude (of people or things); computer which acts as a server for other computers
(d) reporter; person who writes for a newspaper or magazine; correspondent

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