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Past Perfect (Thì quá khứ hoàn thành)

Đỗ Thị Lan Hương

Cộng tác viên
Thành viên BQT
Thì quá khứ hoàn thành dùng để diễn tả một hành động xảy ra trước một hành động khác và cả hai hành động này đều đã xảy ra trong quá khứ.Để hiểu hơn về thì quá khứ hoàn thành tiếp diễn, mời các bạn cùng tham khảo bài viết dưới đây nhé!
Past Perfect (Thì quá khứ hoàn thành).png

Past Perfect
(Thì quá khứ hoàn thành)

1. Công thức sử dụng thì quá khứ hoàn thành

Câu khẳng định:Câu phủ địnhCâu nghi vấn
Chủ ngữ + had + past participle
I, You, He, She, We, They had finished before I arrived.
Chủ ngữ + had + not (hadn’t) + past participle
I, You, He, She, We, They hadn’t eaten before he finished the job.
Từ để hỏi + had + Chủ ngữ + past participle
What -> had he, she, you, we, they thought before I asked the question?

2. Cách sử dụng thì quá khứ hoàn thành

Thì quá khứ hoàn thành dùng để chỉ:
Khi hai hành động cùng xảy ra trong quá khứ, ta dùng thì quá khứ hoàn thành cho hành động xảy ra trước và quá khứ đơn cho hành động xảy ra sau.
  • I met them after they had divorced each other. (Tôi gặp họ sau khi họ ly dị nhau.)
  • Lan said she had been chosen as a beauty queen two years before. (Lan nói rằng trước đó hai năm, cô ta từng được chọn làm hoa hậu.)
  • An idea occured to him that she herself had helped him very much in the everyday life. (Hắn chợt nghĩ ra rằng chính cô ta đã giúp hắn rất nhiều trong cuộc sống hằng ngày.)
Thì quá khứ hoàn thành diễn tả hành động đã xảy ra và đã hoàn tất trước một thời điểm trong quá khứ, hoặc trước một hành động khác cũng đã kết thúc trong quá khứ.
  • We had had lunch when she arrived. (Khi cô ấy đến chúng tôi đã ăn trưa xong.)
  • Khi thì quá khứ hoàn thành thường được dùng kết hợp với thì quá khứ đơn, ta thường dùng kèm với các giới từ và liên từ như: by (có nghĩa như before), before, after, when, till, untill, as soon as, no sooner…than
  • No sooner had he returned from a long journey than he was ordered to pack his bags.(Anh ta mới đi xa về thì lại được lệnh cuốn gói ra đi.)
  • When I arrived John had gone away.(Khi tôi đến thì John đã đi rồi.)
  • Yesterday, I went out after I had finished my homework. (Hôm qua, tôi đi chơi sau khi tôi đã làm xong bài tập.)
Hành động xảy ra như là điều kiện tiên quyết cho hành động khác
  • I had prepared for the exams and was ready to do well.
  • Tom had lost twenty pounds and could begin anew.
Trong câu điều kiện loại 3 để diễn tả điều kiện không có thực
  • If I had known that, I would have acted differently.
  • She would have come to the party if she had been invited.
Hành động xảy ra trong 1 khoảng thời gian trong quá khứ, trước 1 mốc thời gian khác
  • I had lived abroad for twenty years when I received the transfer.
  • Jane had studied in England before she did her master's at Harvard.

3. Dấu hiện nhận biết thì quá khứ hoàn thành:

Từ nhận biết: until then, by the time, prior to that time, before, after, for, as soon as, by, ...
Trong câu thường có các từ: before, after, when by, by the time, by the end of + time in the past …
  • When I got up this morning, my father had already left.
  • By the time I met you, I had worked in that company for five years.

4. Ví dụ và bài tập về thì quá khứ hoàn thành

A. Xem ví dụ sau:
Sarah went to a party last week. Paul went to the party too but they didn’t see each other. Paul went home at 10.30 and Sarah arrived at 11 o’clock. So: When Sarah arrived at the party. Paul wasn’t there. He had gone home (before Sarah arrived). (Tuần rồi Sarah đã đi dự tiệc. Paul cũng đến buổi tiệc đó nhưng họ đã không gặp nhau. Paul về nhà lúc 10h30 và Sarah đến lúc 11h. Vì vậy: Khi Sarah đến dự tiệc thì Paul đã không còn ở đó. Anh ấy đã đi về nhà (trước khi Sarah tới)
Had gone là thì Past perfect (simple) - Thì quá khứ hoàn thành.
Thì past perfect được tạo thành = had + past participle (gone/ seen/ finished...) Đôi khi chúng ta đề cập một việc gì đó xảy ra trong quá khứ.
Sarah arrived at the party. Sarah đã đến dự tiệc. Đây là điểm khởi đầu của câu chuyện. Sau đó nếu chúng ta muốn nói về những sự việc xảy ra trước thời điểm này, chúng ta dùng thì past perfect (had + past participle):
When Sarah arrived at the party, Paul had already gone home. Khi Sarah đến buổi tiệc, Paul đã đi về nhà.

Xem thêm một số ví dụ sau:
  • When we got home last night. We found that somebody had broken into the flat. Tối qua khi chúng tôi về nhà, chúng tôi phát hiện ra có ai đó đã đột nhập vào ngôi nhà.
  • Karen didn’t want to come to the cinema with us because she had already seen the film. Karen đã không muốn đi xem film với chúng tôi vì cô ấy đã xem bộ phim (trước đó) rồi.
  • At first I thought I’d done the right, but soon I realised that I’d made a serious mistake. Thoạt tiên tôi nghĩ là tôi đã làm điều đúng đắn nhưng chẳng bao lâu sau tôi nhận ra là tôi đã phạm phải một sai lầm nghiêm trọng.
  • The man sitting next to me on the plane was very nervous. He hadn’t flown before./ He had never flown before. Người đàn ông ngồì cạnh tôi trên máy bay đã rất hồi hộp. Trước đó anh ấy chưa đi máy bay./ Trước giờ anh ấy chưa bao giờ bay.
B. Had done (past perfect) là dạng quá khứ của have done (present perfect). Hãy so sánh các câu sau:
  • Who is that woman? I’ve never seen her before. (Người phụ nữ kia là ai vậy? Trước giờ tôi chưa hề gặp cô ấy.)
  • I didn’t know who she was. I’d never seen her before. (= before that time). ( Tôi đã không biết cô ấy là ai. Trước đó tôi chưa bao giờ gặp cô ấy.)
  • We aren’t hungry. We’ve just had lunch. (Chúng tôi không đói. Chúng tôi vừa ăn trưa xong.)
  • We weren’t hungry. We’d just had lunch. (Chúng tôi đã không đói (trước đó). Chúng tôi đã dùng cơm trưa rồi. )
  • The house is dirty. They haven’t cleaned it for weeks. ( Ngôi nhà dơ quá. Mấy tuần rồi họ không lau chùi gì cả.)
  • The house was dirty. They hadn’t cleaned it for weeks. ( Ngôi nhà lúc đó dơ quá. Mấy tuần rồi họ đã không lau chùi gì cả.)
C. Hãy so sánh thì past perfect ( I had done) với past simple (I did)
  • “Was Tom at the party when you arrived?” “No, he had already gone home.” (Lúc bạn đến Tom có mặt ở buổi tiệc không?" "Không, anh ấy đã đi về nhà rồi.)
  • Nhưng: “Was Tom there when you arrived?” “Yes, but he went home soon afterward.” ( Lúc bạn đến Tom còn ở đó không?" "Có, nhưng ngay sau đó anh ấy đã đi về nhà.)
  • Ann wasn’t at home when I phoned. She was in London. ( Khi tôi gọi điện Ann không có nhà. Cô ấy đã ở Luân Đôn.)
  • Nhưng: Ann had just got home when I phoned. She had been in London. (Ann đã về nhà khi tôi gọi điện thoại cô ấy. Cô ấy đã ở Luân đôn.)

5. Bài tập về thì quá khứ hoàn thành

I. Put the verb in brackets in the Past Simple or Past Perfect:
1. They (go) ……………..home after they (finish) ………………… their work.
2. She said that she (already, see) ……………………. Dr. Rice.
3. After taking a bath, he (go) ………………………….. to bed.
4. He told me he (not/eat) ………………………… such kind of food before.
5. When he came to the stadium, the match (already/ begin) ………………………………….
6. Before she (watch) ………………….. TV, she (do)……………………. homework.
7. What (be) …………….. he when he (be) ………………. young?
8. After they (go) ………………………, I (sit) ……………….. down and (rest) ……………
9. Yesterday, John (go) ………………….. to the store before he (go) ………………… home.
10. She (win) ………………………. the gold medal in 1986.
11. Our teacher (tell) …………… us yesterday that he (visit) …………… England in 1970.
12. Alan (have)……….hardly(prepare)………..for dinner when her husband (go) ……..home
13. No sooner (have)…………….I (watch)……………. TV than the phone (ring)…………
14. Before I (watch) ……………… TV, I (do) ………………………….. my homework.
15. After I (wash)………………………….my clothes, I (sleep) ……………………………
16. “ It is the first time I have eaten sushi” , said Bill.
→ Bill said it (be) ……….. the first time he (eat) ……………….. sushi.
17. “ I broke my glasses yesterday”, said Lan.
→ Lan said that she (break) ………………………………… her glasses the day before.
18. I couldn’t attend the evening classes because I worked at night.
→ If I (not work) …………….. at night, I (attend) ………………….. the evening classes.
19. I didn’t have a laptop so I wish I (have) ………………………. a laptop.
20. You didn’t stay home. I would rather you (stay) …………….. home.

II. Put the verb in brackets in the Past simple, Past perfect or Present perfect.
1. She didn’t notice that she (never see) …………………….……… that film before.
2. I suddenly (remember) that I ………………………. (forget) my keys.
3. Bill no longer has his car. He (sell) …………………….. it.
4. (Have/you/put) ………………………. Off the fire before you (go) ……………… out.
5. I was very pleased to see Mary again. I (not see) …………………….. for a long time.
6. I thanked her for everything she (do) ………………………………… for me.
7. When I got to the office, I (realize) ………….. I (forget) ………………. to lock the door
8. Who is that woman? I (never seen) …………………………..… …… her before.
9. Tom was not at home when I (arrive)………………. He (just go) ………………… out.
10. She said it (be) ……………….. the first time she (meet) ………………….. such a man.

III. Rewrite the sentences beginning as shown:
1. David went home before we arrived.
When we ……………………………………………………………………………..
After ………………………………………………………………………………….

2. We had snack then we had a look around the shops.

3. The light failed the moment they began work.
They had no sooner …………………………………………………………………….
No sooner……………………………………………………………………………….
Hardly ………………………………………………………………………………….

4. We had never been so happy before.
We were………………………………………………………………………………...

5. I went to the zoo last year and that was where I saw a real tiger for the first time.
Before …………………………………………………………………………………..

6. I like you didn’t go to the party yesterday.
I’d rather you …………………………………………………………………………...

7. The man was poor so he could not afford accommodation.
If ………………………………………………………………………………………..

8. My teacher gave me a lot of homework.
I wish……………………………………………………………………………………

9. He didn’t obey with his parents.
I’d rather he……………………………………………………………………………..

10. She didn’t take that job in the city because his home was very far from there.
If his home …………………………………………………………………………….

6. Đáp án về thì quá khứ hoàn thành tiếng Anh

I. Put the verb in brackets in the Past Simple or Past Perfect:
1. They (go) ………went……..home after they (finish) ………had finished………… their work.
2. She said that she (already, see) …………had already seen…………. Dr. Rice.
3. After taking a bath, he (go) ……………went…………….. to bed.
4. He told me he (not/eat) ……………hadn’t eaten………… such kind of food before.
5. When he came to the stadium, the match (already/ begin) ………had already begun……….
6. Before she (watch) ………watched………….. TV, she (do)………had done……. homework.
7. What (be) ………was…….. he when he (be) ………was………. young?
8. After they (go) …………had gone……………, I (sit) ………sat……….. down and (rest) ……rested………
9. Yesterday, John (go) ……had gone….. to the store before he (go) ……went… home.
10. She (win) …………won……………. the gold medal in 1986.
11. Our teacher (tell) …told………… us yesterday that he (visit) ……had visited…… England in 1970.
12. Alan (have)……had….hardly (prepare)……prepared…..for dinner when her husband (go) …went…..home
13. No sooner (have)……had……….I (watch)……watched………. TV than the phone (ring)…rang………
14. Before I (watch) ………watched……… TV, I (do) …………had done………….. my homework.
15. After I (wash)…………had washed……………….my clothes, I (sleep) ……………slept………………
16. “ It is the first time I have eaten sushi” , said Bill.
→ Bill said it (be) ……was….. the first time he (eat) ………had eaten……….. sushi.
17. “ I broke my glasses yesterday”, said Lan.
→ Lan said that she (break) …………had broken……… her glasses the day before.
18. I couldn’t attend the evening classes because I worked at night.
→ If I (not work) ……hadn’t worked……….. at night, I (attend) ………would have attended………….. the evening classes.
19. I didn’t have a laptop so I wish I (have) ………………had had……. a laptop.
20. You didn’t stay home. I would rather you (stay) ……stayed……….. home.

II. Put the verb in brackets in the Past simple, Past perfect or Present perfect.
1. She didn’t notice that she (never see) …………had never seen……… that film before.
2. I suddenly (remember)...... remembered..... that I …………had forgotten…. (forget) my keys.
3. Bill no longer has his car. He (sell) ………had sold…………….. it.
4. (Have/you/put) ………You had put………………. Off the fire before you (go) ……went………… out.
5. I was very pleased to see Mary again. I (not see) ………haven't seen…….. for a long time.
6. I thanked her for everything she (do) ……………had done……… for me.
7. When I got to the office, I (realize) ……realized…….. I (forget) ………had forgotten………. to lock the door
8. Who is that woman? I (never seen) …………have never seen… …… her before.
9. Tom was not at home when I (arrive)………arrived………. He (just go) …………had just gone……… out.
10. She said it (be) …………was…….. the first time she (meet) …………had met……….. such a man.

III. Rewrite the sentences beginning as shown:
1. David went home before we arrived.
When we ……arrived, David had gone home.…………………………..
After ……………David had gone home, we arrived.……………………………….

2. We had snack then we had a look around the shops.
After……having a snack, we had a look around the shops.……………

3. The light failed the moment they began work.
They had no sooner ……begun work than the light failed.………………….
No sooner………had the light failed than they began work………………….
Hardly …………had they begun work when the light failed.…………….

4. We had never been so happy before.
We were………happier than everyday before.……………...

5. I went to the zoo last year and that was where I saw a real tiger for the first time.
Before …………I had seen a real tiger for the first time, I went to the zoo.………..

6. I like you didn’t go to the party yesterday.
I’d rather you ………hadn't gone to the party yesterday.…………...

7. The man was poor so he could not afford accommodation.
If ……the man hadn't been poor, he could have afforded accommodation.……………..

8. My teacher gave me a lot of homework.
I wish………my teacher hadn't given me a lot of homework.………

9. He didn’t obey with his parents.
I’d rather he………had obeyed with his parents.………..

10. She didn’t take that job in the city because his home was very far from there.
If his home ……hadn't been very far from here, she wouldn't have taken that job in the city.……….

Trên đây là cấu trúc, cách dùng và một số bài tập cơ bản liên quan đến thì quá khứ hoàn thành. Hi vọng qua bài viết này các bạn sẽ hiểu hơn , nắm vững kiến thức để đem đến kết quả cao trong học tập.
_Chúc các bạn học tốt!_​

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