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Life in the city
Life in the city is full of activity. Early in the morning hundreds of people rush out of their homes in the manner ants do when their nest is broken. Soon the streets are full of traffic. Shops and offices open, students flock to their schools and the day’s work begins. The city now throb with activity, and it is full of noise. Hundreds of sight-seers, tourist and others visit many places of interest in the city while businessmen from various parts of the world arrives to transact business.

Then towards evening, the offices and day schools begin to close. Many of the shops too close. There is now a rush for buses and other means of transport. Everyone seems to be in a hurry to reach home. As a result of this rush, many accidents occur. One who has not been to the city before finds it hard to move about at this time. Soon, however, there is almost no activity in several parts of city. These parts are usually the business centres.

With the coming of night, another kind of activity begins. The streets are now full of colourful lights. The air is cooler and life becomes more leisurely. People now seek entertainment. Many visit the cinemas, parks and clubs, while others remain indoors to watch television or listen to the radio. Some visit friends and relatives and some spend their time reading books and magazines. Those who are interested in politics discuss the latest political developments. At the same time, hundreds of crimes are committed. Thieves and robbers who wait for the coming of night become active, and misfortune descends upon many. For the greed of a few, many are killed, and some live in constant fear. To bring criminals to justice, the officers of the law are always on the move.

Workers and others who seek advancement in their careers attend educational institutions which are open till late in the night. Hundreds of them sit for various examinations every year. The facilities and opportunities that the people in the city have to further their studies and uncrease their knowledge of human affairs are indeed many. As a result, the people in the city are usually better informed than those of the village, where even a newspaper is sometimes difficult to get.

The city could, therefore, be described as a place of ceaseless activity. Here, the drama of life is every day.
Living in a multiracial community
Living in a community where there are people of various races is a rewarding and an exciting experience. Living in such a community is like a small world with many types and races in it.

Everyone, young or old, enjoys listening to stories about the people of other lands. We read books and newspapers to learn about the habits, cultures and beliefs of people who are not belong to our race but when we live in a community composed many races, we have the opportunity to meet and talk with people of various races. We can learn about the customs and beliefs directly from them. In this way, we have a better understanding about their ways of life. For examples, in Singapore and Malaysia, which are known as multiracial countries, Malays, Chinese, Indians and others have lived together for several decades. They have learnt a lot about the cultures and beliefs of one another more than what we can learn by reading books and newspapers. They have also absorbed the habits of one another to their benefits.

Further, living in a multiracial community teaches us how to respect the views and beliefs of other races. We learn to be tolerant, to understand and appreciate the peculiarity of those who are not belong to our race. We learn how to live in peace and harmony with foreigners whose ways of life are different from ours in several respects. We become less suspicious of the strangers and foreigners.

The relationship that develops among the people from the common understanding in a multiracial community makes life in such a community is very exciting. Any celebration of any race becomes a celebration of all of other races. Thus, there is a lot of fun and excitement in during every celebration. In this way, better understanding is promoted among the people in the world. Through each of races of the people in a multiracial community, we come to know about their respective countries. For examples, through Chineses and Indians in Malaysia or Singapore, we have come to know much about China and India. As a result, we have a better understanding of the peoples of China and India as a whole.

It could therefore be said that life in a multiracial community teaches us many useful lessons about the human relations.

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