Microalgae and Fisheries Production


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Tên tài liệu : Microalgae and Fisheries Production
Thể loại : Tài liệu tham khảo
Ngôn ngữ : Tiếng Anh
Nguồn : Tạp chí Nature - USA


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Marine plants, including mangroves, seagrass, samphires, saltcouch and saltmarsh plants, algae and
other plants growing adjacent to the tidal zone, are specifically protected under the Queensland
Fisheries Act 1994. The Department of Primary Industries and Fisheries (DPI&F) recognises that this
broad definition includes a diverse group of microalgae found within sediments of fish habitats such
as mudflats, sandflats, salt marshes, tidal marshes and estuaries.

Microalgae are extremely important for primary production within intertidal habitats and constitute a
major food source for higher trophic levels. A number of activities such as dredging and extractive
industries may impact on fish habitats and microalgae populations and the impacts could lead to
reduced local and regional fisheries production.

Although algae are included in the definition of marine plants, there are practical difficulties in their
identification and estimates of abundance. Where there is readily available evidence of algae, DPI&F will
be a concurrence agency and exercise its ability to require an approval for disturbance of these
(Couchman and Beumer 2007).

The results of a literature review (undertaken in 2002) on the available information on the importance
of microalgae in primary production within intertidal fish habitats is summarised below.
Fish habitat is defined in the Fisheries Act 1994, “Includes land, waters and plants associated with
the life cycle of fish, and includes land and waters not presently occupied by fisheries resources”.
This definition captures the habitats occupied by microalgae.
What are microalgae?

“Microalgae are unicellular microscopic algae called phytoplankton (‘phyto’= plant; ‘planktos’= made
to wander). These small plants range in size form 1/1000 of a mm to 2mm floating in the upper 200m
of the ocean where sunlight is available for photosynthesis. Phytoplankton species range from
primitive blue-green algae (cyanobacteria) to diatoms, dinoflagellates and green flagellates”
Hallegraef (1991).

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