• HÃY CÙNG TẠO & THẢO LUẬN CÁC CHỦ ĐỀ KIẾN THỨC [Vn Kiến Thức] - Định hướng VnKienthuc.com
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Ai giúp mình sửa lỗi sai bài này đi
School of Hope is a special school for children with disabilities and it is established in 8/ 1990 .Currently schools are raising and care of 110 children , including 27 deaf students , 83 children with mentally retarded . Most of them were from poor working families ,street children and helpless
In the frist time the shool was only 2 classes with 10 students and 5 blind deaf and dumb students .The facilities were very poor and there were only a few teacher. After 18 years of growth and development, finally more students arrived. Their parents realised that young teacher was making great efforts to help their poor kids.
Watching the teacher taking a class one can see how time consuming the work us. Because of their students less lucky than students in other schools. Schools should have its own way of teaching. As for blind students, the teachers will teach that to her word. For deaf students will have a hearing aid. Students are forbidden, the teacher, who will use her body language. Than that teaches how to greet the kids every day
Although hard work but the teacher is always loving her job


VPP Sơn Ca
For your reference:

School of Hope is a special
one for children with disabilities. It is established in 8/ 1990. Currently the school is raising and taking care of 110 children, including 27 deaf students, 83 children with mentally retarded . Most of them were from poor working families, street children and helpless.
At the first stage, the shool had only 2 classes with 10 students and 5 blind deaf and dumb students. The facilities were very poor and there were only a few teachers. After 18 years of growth and development, finally more students arrived. Their parents realised that young teachers were making great efforts to help their poor kids.
Watching the teacher taking a class one can see how time consuming the work. Because their students are less lucky than students in other schools, schools should have its own way of teaching. As for blind students, the teachers will teach that to their word. For deaf students will have a hearing aid. Students are forbidden, the teacher, who will use her body language. Than that teaches how to greet the kids every day
Although hard work but the teachers always love their job.
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