Bài tập về Mạo từ

Bạch Việt

New member
B ài t ập v ề m ạo t ừ the - B ài t ập v ề m ạo t ừ t rong ti ếng Anh - B ài t ập v ề m ạo t ừ c ó đ áp án - C ác d ạng b ài t ập v ề m ạo t

Choose the best answer:

1. Salem doesn’t like .................. talkative people.
A. × B. the C. many D. a

2. It’s true that................ rich lead a different life from the poor.
A. an B. a C. the D. ×

3. Mary lives in .................Canada near Lake Ontario.
A. the B. × C. a D. an

4. The explorer crossed ...............Pacific Ocean in a canoe.
A. an B. a C. the D. no article

5. She has been playing ..............flute for ten years.
A. an B. a C. the D. ×

6. For breakfast we usually have ................... coffee and toast.
A. an B. a C. the D. ×

7. What time do you start ................ work in the morning?
A. an B. a C. the D. ×

8 Barbara hopes to go to ................ university next year.
A. an B. a C. the D. ×

9. They went on a cruise down .................Nile and saw the Pyramids.
A. an B. a C. the D. ×

10. Sarah thinks .................. life is more difficult in a foreign country.
A. an B. a C. the D. ×

11. The judge sentenced the thief to six months in ................... prison.
A. an B. a C. the D. ×

12. I’ve noticed that ..................Spanish eat a lot of vegetables.
A. an B. a C. the D. ×

13. A volcano has erupted in .............Philippines recently.
A. an B. a C. the D. many

14. ................ examinations always make him nervous.
A. an B. a C. the D. ×

15. We went to ............... cinema twice a month.
A. an B. a C. the D. some

Sửa lần cuối bởi điều hành viên:
1. My neighbour is ... photograhpher; let's ask him for ... advice about color films.

2. - We had ...fish and ...chips for lunch.
- That doesn't sounds ...very interesting lunch.

3. I had ...very bad night; I didn't sleep ...wink.

4. .. travel agent would give you .. information about ..hotels.

5. We'd better go by .. * - if we can get ..* at such ..hour as 2 a.m.

6. .. person who suffers from .. claustrophobia has dread of being confined in a..small space, and would always prefer..stairs to … lift.

7. - Do you take .. sugar in ..coffee?
- I used to, but now I'm on ..diet. I'm trying to lose ..weight.

8. .. man suffering from .. shock should not be given anything to drink.

9. - You'll get ..shock if you touch ..live wire with that screwdriver.
Why don't you get screwdriver with .. insulated handle?

10. - It cost fifty-five and.. half pence and I've only got ..fifty pence piece.
- You can pay by cheque here.
- But can I write .. cheque for .. fifty-five and .. half pence?

11. - .. Mr Smith is ..old customer and .. honest man.
- Why do you say that? Has he been accused of .. dishonesty?

12. - I'm not .. wage-earner; I'm .. self-employed man. I have .. business of my own.
- Then you're not .. worker; you're capitalist!

13. When he was charged with ..murder he said he had .. alibi.

14. .. friend of mine is expecting .. baby. If it's ..girl she's going to be called Etheldreda.
What ..name to give ..girl!

15. - He is .. vegetarian; you won't get ... meat at his house. He'll give you ..nut cutlet.
- Last time I had ..nut culet I get ..indigestion.

16. - I have .. hour and .. half for lunch.
- I only have ..half ..hour-barely .. time for ..smoke and .. cup of coffe.

17. - I hope you have .. lovely time and .. good weather.
- But I'm not going for ..holiday; I'm now going on ..business.

18. He looked at me with ..horror when I explained that I was .. double agent.

19. I wouldn't climb .. mountain for $1000! I have ..horror of ..heights.

20. - I have ..headache and ..sore throat. I think I've got ..cold.
- I think you're getting ..flu.

21. ..Mr Jones called while you were out (neither of us knows this person). He wants to make ..complaint about ..article in the paper. He was in ..bad temper.

22. If you go by ..train you can have quite ..comfortable journey, but make sure you get ..express, not ..train that stops at all the stations.

23. ..few people know (hardly anyone knows) that there is ..secret passage from his house to ..old smugglers' cave in the cliffs.

24. - I'm having ..few friends in to .. coffee tomorrow evening. Would you like to come?
- I'd love to, but I'm afraid I'm going to ..concert.

25.It's time you had ..holiday. You haven't had ..day off for ..month.
Sửa lần cuối bởi điều hành viên:
cac ban oi,mik lam bai tap tren co dung ko nha.
1.c; 2.c; 3.b; 4.c; 5.c; 6.d; 7.d; 8.d; 9.c; 10.d; 11.d; 12.d; 13.c; 14.d; 15.c.
kaka cac ban giup mik voi nka!!!
Theo mình câu 8 là B.a Vì theo đúng nguyên tác thì "u" trong university đọc là "y" nên không dùng an mà dùng a, hơn nữa khi dịch sẽ barrbara hi vọng đến được 1 trường đại học vào năm tới nghe hợp lí hơn.
Barbara hopes to go to .........a....... university next year.
không biết mình pm có đúng hok. bạn cho ý kiến nhé. :)
Theo mình câu 8 là B.a Vì theo đúng nguyên tác thì "u" trong university đọc là "y" nên không dùng an mà dùng a, hơn nữa khi dịch sẽ barrbara hi vọng đến được 1 trường đại học vào năm tới nghe hợp lí hơn.
Barbara hopes to go to .........a....... university next year.
không biết mình pm có đúng hok. bạn cho ý kiến nhé. :)

Theo mình thấy thì câu này tốt nhất là không điền gì. Anh ta muốn đậu đại học năm tới, nếu dùng a university có nghĩa là anh ta hy vọng đậu vào một trường ĐH nào đó trong năm tới. Thực tế chúng ta không biết ý anh ta thế nào nhưng xét về mặt ngữ pháp thì tốt nhất không điền gì.
các bạn ơi theo mình câu 1 phai la đáp án b vì "the " đứng trước thính từ chỉ một nhóm người, và câu5 là đáp án d vì ko có mạo từ dudduwngs trước các môn thể thao mà

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