• Chào mừng Bạn tham gia Diễn Đàn Kiến Thức tổng hợp No.1 VNKienThuc.com - Định hướng VN Kiến Thức

Viết lại câu Tiếng Anh (siêu khó)

Ngoc Linh 1995

New member
1: The Presidential visit attracted such an enormous crowd that all traffic came to a standstill.
=> So many....................................................................................
2: If you want to save your eyesight, we must operate immediately.
=> Only by....................................................................
3: Attendance at the exhibition has been down this year.
=> The exhibition........................................
4: Our science correspondent sees this new invention as the answer to many of our problems.
=> According to.............................................................................
5: We have a six o'clock deadline for this work.
=>This work.....................................
6: Cheques should only be accepted with proof of identity
=> Never.........................................................
7: He appears to be running away from your fierce dog.
=> It looks.................................................
Sửa lần cuối bởi điều hành viên:
1: The Presidential visit attracted such an enormous crowd that all traffic came to a standstill.
=> So many people were attracted by the Presidential visit that all traffic came to a standstill.

2: If you want to save your eyesight, we must operate immediately.
=> Only by oporating, can you save your eyesight.

3: Attendance at the exhibition has been down this year.
The exhibition had fewer Attendances this year.

4: Our science correspondent sees this new invention as the answer to many of our problems.
=> Không chắc nên không làm :D

5: We have a six o'clock deadline for this work.
=> This work will have finished at six o'clock

6: Cheques should only be accepted with proof of identity
=> Never accept Cheqeus without proof of identify

7: He appears to be running away from your fierce dog.
=> It looks as if he is running away from your fierce dog.
Thanks bạn nhưng hình như ko đúng với cấu trúc as if mà mình đã học.Câu đấy mình làm là: It looks as if he was running away from your fierce dog.
Ai biết đúng hay sai thì cm giúp.
Thanks bạn nhưng hình như ko đúng với cấu trúc as if mà mình đã học.Câu đấy mình làm là: It looks as if he was running away from your fierce dog.
Ai biết đúng hay sai thì cm giúp.

Nếu diễn đạt hành động không có thật thì bạn có thể dùng ở quá khứ, còn có thật thì dùng ở hiện tại.

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