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Kỳ thi tuyển sinh lớp 10 chuyên
Năm học 2006 –2007
Môn thi: TiếNG ANH
Thời gian làm bài: 150 phút



1. ……….....……….....……….....……….....
Opens at ……….....am
Closes at ……….....pm
Closed on....……….....
2. ……….....……….....……….....……….....
Next to ........……….....
Opens at ....……….....am
Closes at ...………......pm
Open Monday - .………......day
3. ……….....……….....……….....……….....
Movie title ..........……….....
Starts at ...………......pm on .……….......day

Bonus question!
What sports can you practice at Greenwood Fitness Center?

Read the statements. Listen and tick (√ ) your answers. (8m)
True False Don’t know
1. Dennis can’t play golf very well
2. Kate has a boyfriend.
3. Kate is fifteen years old.
4. Becky is older than Kate.
5. Kevin often phones Anne.
6. Kevin is married.
7. Anne is married.
8. Anne is surprised at Kevin’s news.


Name Who they are Personality, according to Rebecca
Rebecca the speaker d. _____________ and e. ____________
a. ___________ Rebecca’s brother f. _____________ and g. ____________
Judy Rebecca’s b. _______ h. _____________ and i. ____________
c. ___________ Rebecca’s dad j. _____________ and k. ____________
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -

Answer these questions
1. Who does Rebecca go to when she has a problem? ________________________
2. Who has lots of friends? ______________________________________________
3. Why does Rebecca get embarrassed at her father? _________________________
4. Why is Rebecca’s father sometimes annoying? ____________________________
5. Why does Rebecca say Brad is bossy? __________________________________
6. Why do Rebecca’s friends say she is generous? ___________________________
7. Who does Rebecca wish she was like? Why? _____________________________


I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others. (5 m)
1. A. comb B. home C. stone D. gone
2. A. houses B. horses C. promises D. practises
3. A. practised B. used C. passed D. stopped
4. A. invention B. eruption C. suggestion D. motivation
5. A. fantastic B. dangerous C. mango D. landscape

Answers: 1. _____ 2._____ 3._____ 4._____ 5._____

II. Choose the word whose main stressed syllable is placed differently from that of the others. (5 m)

1. A. advertise B. difficulty C. history D. introduce
2. A. piano B. policeman C. souvenir D. museum
3. A. similar B. Japanese C. teenager D. suitable
4. A. iron B. system C. Canadian D. prisoner
5. A. harvest B. produce C. circumstance D. ceremony

Answers: 1. _____ 2._____ 3._____ 4._____ 5._____

III. Choose the word/phrase that best completes each sentence or that best keeps the meaning of the original sentence if it is substituted for the underlined part.
(30 m)
Your answers:

1. I wish you___stop interrupting me whenever I speak.
a. will b. would c. did d. might 1……
2. They___haven’t replied the letter we sent two months ago.
a. still b. yet c. already d. ever 2……
3. ___the time you get to the theatre, the play will have finished.
a. Until b. In c. By d. On 3……
4. We could have provided him with a detached house but he___asked for a small flat.
a. decidedly b. specifically c. strongly d. solely 4……
5. Terry is in bed. He___flu.
a. has b. is having c. has been d. will have 5……
6. “Who___?” “___to get through to Helen.”
a. do you phone….I’m trying b. are you phoning….I am trying
c. are you phoning….I try d. do you phone….I try 6……
7. When I saw the vase in the shop window, I knew it was exactly what I___.
a. looked for b. look for c. had been looking for d. have looked for 7……
8. “While we’re in Leeds shall we go and see Mark?”
“But it’s been nearly 20 years since we last saw him. He___remember us.”
a. can’t b. couldn’t c. may not d. shouldn’t 8……
9. Nowadays it___cost a fortune to own a powerful computer.
a. hasn’t to b. needs not c. doesn’t have to d. mustn’t 9……
10. The building___the earthquake but then___by a fire.
a. was survived….destroyed b. survived….was destroyed
c. survived….destroyed d. was survived….was destroyed 10……
11. When I asked what was wrong, ___.
a. I was explained the problem b. he explained me the problem
c. the problem was explained to me d. All are correct 11……
12. You don’t object___late tonight, do you?
a. to working b. to work c. work d. working 12……
13. He asked where he___put the box.
a. shall b. ought to c. will d. should have 13……
14. The government has introduced___.
a. a children’s clothes tax b. a tax on children clothes
c. a children clothes tax d. a tax on children’s clothes 14……
15. ___the furniture___arrived yet.
a. None….has b. None….have c. None of….has d. None of….have 15……
16. Following the flood, ___in the area___major repair work.
a. each of building….need b. every building….needs
c. every building….need d. each buildings….need 16……
17. ___to Athens during the vacation.
a. All they are going b. They are all going
c. They all are going d. They are going all 17……
18. ___by the boy’s behaviour, she complained to the head teacher.
a. She annoyed b. Annoyed c. She was annoyed d. Annoying 18……
19. The scheme allows students from many countries to communicate___.
a. each other b. with each other c. themselves d. one another 19……
20. He is a___. a. capable of taking difficult decisions manager.
b. manager capable of taking difficult decisions.
c. capable manager of taking difficult decisions.
d. manager capable to take difficult decisions. 20……
21. Sharks are single-minded, and will usually ignore rescuers.
a. are selfish b. are cruel
c. concentrate on only one purpose/aim… d. attack suddenly 21…….
22. I have vague recollection from my childhood of that haunted castle.
a. souvenir b. memory c. experience d. opinion 22…….
23. There’s a shuttle bus to the nearby airport hotel.
a. bus with air-conditioners b. bus that travels regularly between two places
c. bus that travels overnight d. bus which looks like a shuttle 23…….
24. I was on my own a lot when I grew up in London.
a. free b. alone c. sick d. uncommitted 24…….
25.Young people should always think twice before having anything as permanent as a tattoo.
a think two times b. change their mind c. think carefully d. meditate 25…….
26. Keep ______________ on oil or fat on the cooker.
a. close eye b. your eye close c. a closed eye d. a close eye 26…….
27. The doctor insisted that his patient ______________ .
a. that he not work too hard for 3 months. b. take it easy for 3 months.
c. take it easy inside of 3 months. d. to take some vacations for 3 months. 27…….
28. Attitudes ______________ between two extremes.
a. vary greatly to animals b. greatly vary animals
c. to animals vary greatly d. greatly to animals vary 28…….
29. Most eggs are produced by battery hens ______________.
a. kept in similar conditions b. to preserve in similar conditions
c. to keep in similar conditions d. to have kept in similar conditions 29…….
30. They closed the area ______________ .
a. to public b. to the public c. to the public people d. against the public 30…….

IV. WORDFORM: (10 m) Read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line.

Healthy eating is (1) .................... the key to general well-being. DOUBT
Our bodies are made up of what we eat, so our (2) .................... and FIT
(3) .................... cannot possibly escape the effects of bad diet. VITAL
Sweets, chocolate and cake are fine in (4) .................... , but trouble MODERATE
arises when people just can’t leave them alone, (5) .................... GREED
eating every possibly sticky item that comes their way. (6) .................... TREAT
is available for serious problems but (7) .................... is normally AVOID
better than cure. Make a careful (8) .................... when it CHOOSE
comes to desserts, and favour cafes that offer a good (9) .................... SELECT
of fruit to round off a meal. A (10) .................... in your sugar intake REDUCE
may well hurt at first but you’ll feel better for it.
Your answers:
(1) .................... (2) .................... (3) .................... (4) ....................
(5) .................... (6) .................... (7) .................... (8) ....................
(9) .................... (10) ....................

V. Fill ONLY ONE word in each gap, using the word of your own. (15 m)

1. The 2006 World Cup __________________ is taking __________________ in Germany.
2. The World Cup always attracts a very big TV __________________.
3. Brazil __________________ the World Cup in 2002.
4. A footballer who does not get paid for playing is called an __________________.
5. In football, the winning team is the one that __________________ more _________________.
6. The __________________ crowd for a __________________ in the World Cup finals was in 1950, when almost 200,000 watched Brazil play Uruguay in Rio de Janeiro.
7. Some good teams were very disappointed because they did not __________________ for the 2006 World Cup – for example Russia, Romania and Uruguay.
8. Global ________________ describes the rise in temperature of the earth’s atmosphere.
9. The ‘________________ effect’ describes what happens when the atmosphere starts to contain too much of certain kinds of gas like, for example, carbon dioxide.
10. The country that ________________ the most ‘greenhouse gases’ is the United States.
11. The World Health Organization says that three million people die every year because of air ________________.
12. There are about 600 million ________________ in the world, and they produce a lot of pollution.

VI. Identify the one underlined word or phrase that must be changed in order for the sentence to be correct. Then correct them. (10 m)

1. As they grow older, children (A) in many cultures taught (B) not to (C) rely on their (D) parents.
2. In addition to save (A) on gas (B), the modern car is designed (C) to save on (D) repair expenses.
3. Education (A) trains (B) a student to see things as it is (C) to disentangle a skein (D) of thought.
4. People often (A) seem anger (B) when they (C) don’t get enough rest (D).
5. Caffeine (A) in coffee is relative (B) harmless if people drink (C) it moderately (D).
6. The (A) carpenters tried to join together (B) the pieces of the (C) broken beam, but found it impossible (D) to do.
7. The (A) lion has long (B) been a (C) symbol of strength, power and it is very cruel (D).
8. When I last (A) saw Janet, she hurried (B) to her next class on the other (C) side of the campus and did not have (D) time to talk.
9. Patrick was very late getting home(A) last night, and unfortunately for him (B), the dog (C) barking woke everyone up (D).
10. The (A) geology professor showed us (B) a sample about (C) volcanic rock which dated back (D) seven hundred years.
Your answers: Example: (0) A  me
1……………………... 2.……………………...3.……………………...4.……………………...


Read the text below and decide which answer A, B, C or D best fits each space. (15 m)

Many people remember being (0) ….. to the zoo as a child. They remember especially the excitement of (1)….. seeing animals for the first (2).…., when before they had only read about them in books or seen them on television. However, there is (3)..... discussion today about the future of zoos and what their role should be.
Supporters of zoos claim that they have an educational (4)..... and represent a good way for people of (5)..... ages to learn more about the natural world. Also, zoos provide (6)..... for important research and frequently (7)..... scientists to help save those animals which are becoming (8)..... rare in the wild.
Opponents, however, criticize zoos for a number of reasons. Firstly, they say that it is (9)..... to keep animals in cages. Even in the best zoos, animals may (10)..... because the places in which they have to live are both restricted and (11)...... . This can cause them to (12)..... stress and can affect their health.
Secondly, they believe that money would be (13)..... spent on protecting animals in their (14)..... environment. Finally, opponents (15)..... out that most people nowadays can see well-made nature documentaries on television and that this is a much more valuable experience than going to a zoo.
YOUR ANSWERS: Example: (0). C.

(0) C 0. A. given B. gone C. taken D. ridden
(1) ….……. 1 A actually B genuinely
C positively
D truly

(2) ….…… 2 A moment B event C occasion D time
(3) ….………. 3 A deep
B considerable
C large
D important

(4) ….………. 4 A activity
B function
C situation
D occupation

(5) ….………. 5 A several
B both
C all
D every

(6) ….…… 6 A ways B reasons C methods D opportunities
(7) ….………. 7 A make
B arrange
C allow
D let

(8) ….………. 8 A completely
B increasingly
C totally
D greatly

(9) ….………. 9 A violent
B severe
C heavy
D cruel

(10) ….………. 10 A suffer
B injure
C fail
D hurt

(11) ….………. 11 A designed
B manufactured
C artificial
D false

(12) ….………. 12 A experience
B have
C create
D bear

(13) ….………. 13 A further
B rather
C better
D more

(14) ….………. 14 A standard
B daily
C typical
D natural

(15) ….………. 15 A pick
B point
C show
D speak



Today I’d like to begin a discussion on the problem of the heating up of the earth. First we’ll touch on the relationship between fluorocarbons and the ozone layer. You probably remember that the ozone layer is the protective shield around the earth. It is important to all life, because it filters out harmful ultraviolet light from the sun. Ozone itself, a form of oxygen, is regularly made by the action of the sun in the upper atmosphere. It is also regularly destroyed by natural chemical processes.
The problem now is that too much of the ozone layer is being destroyed. Scientists suspect that certain chemicals, such as fluorocarbons, are contributing to the depletion of the ozone layer. And how do we use fluorocarbons? The most common uses are in spray cans and cooling systems. The chemical pollution from these fluorocarbons can account for some of the ozone losses that have been reported. There are. however, new studies linking the sun itself to the depletion of the ozone layer. We’ll go into that new study more next time.
Your answer
1.Who is the most likely speaker?
a. a doctor b. a mechanic c. a professor d. a chemist 1……….
2.What is the speaker’s main topic?
a. ultraviolet light b. the use of spray cans
c. air-conditioning systems d. fluorocarbons and the ozone layer 2……….
3.What is the most important purpose of the ozone layer?
a. providing fluorocarbons b. shielding the sun
c. protecting the earth d. destroying chemicals 3……….
4.What is the ozone layer made of?
a. fluorocarbons b. oxygen c. shields d. ultraviolet light 4……….
5.What will the speaker probably discuss next?
a. how to make air conditioners with fluorocarbons
b. harmful effects of ultraviolet light
c. the make up of the ozone layer
d. the sun as a cause of ozone layer depletion 5……….


Athletes who compete at international events like the Olympic Games work very hard to improve their performances. With the proper training, they can break records set at previous events. It is always very exciting to watch someone with a race, especially if she or he has just become the fastest runner in the world.
In recent years, however, it has been discovered that some athletes use illegal drugs to help them achieve better results. Without these drugs, some athletes could not perform well enough to win their races.
At the 1988 Olympics in South Korea, the athletes were banned for taking such illegal drugs. Ben Johnson, the Canadian runner, was one of them. After he won the 100-metre race, he was tested for drugs. The test proved that he had used an illegal drug in order to run faster. He was disqualified from the race, and another runner became the winner.
There are three main reasons for not using illegal drugs. Firstly, many of them are very dangerous. Athletes who use them often become very ill and sometimes even die. The second reason is that if they are discovered in the athlete’s body, he or she will be disqualified from international sporting events and may even be banned from competing for many years.
The last reason for not using these drugs is that they give the athletes an unfair advantage. Someone who uses them is cheating. Imagine that you are a very good athlete and that you have trained hard for many years. Suddenly, another runner beats you in the race. Then you discovered that she or he could not run as fast as you before she or he started taking drugs. How would you feel? Of course, there are many good drugs that athletes can use for illnesses.
These are given to them by doctors and are not banned by groups like the International Olympic Committee.



a. _____ a. an event 1. not right or honest
b. _____ b. proper 2. to say that something must not be done
c. _____ c. a record 3. a chemical substance that increases ability
d. _____ d. previous 4. to make someone unable to do something
e. _____ e. illegal 5. a sporting race or competition
f. _____ f. a drug 6. to behave in a dishonest or wrong way
g. _____ g. to ban 7. correct or right
h. _____ h. to disqualify 8. not allowed by law
i. _____ i. unfair 9. happening at an earlier time
j. _____ j. to cheat 10 the best performance

1. You cannot smoke here. It’s ………………….
2. He was …………………. from driving for three years after being caught drinking and driving.
3. It is …………………. to use …………………. to win a race.
4. Have you had any …………………. experience at doing this kind of job?
5. If any student is caught …………………. they will be …………………. from the examinations.
6. That’s not the …………………. way to spell that word.

1. What can happen if athletes train very hard?
2. Why do some athletes use illegal drugs?
3. What might happen to an athlete if it is discovered that he or she has been using illegal drugs?
4. What kinds of drugs are not banned by international sports committees?


Complete each sentence in such a way that it is as similar as possible in meaning to the sentence(s) before it (10 m).
Your answers
1. “It certainly wasn’t me who took your car!” said Bob.  Bob denied………………………………….………
2.The fox was unsuccessful in reaching the grapes.  The fox tried in…………………..…………………
3. “You should have waited for us”, the team leader said to John.  The team leader criticized John…………… ………
4.The authorities will prosecute anyone they find trespassing on this land.  Anyone found………………………………………
5.Betty is very happy to look after handicapped people.  Betty is devoted……………………………………..
6. There wasn't any butter. We used margarine instead.  Instead …………………………………………… ………………………………………………………
7. You can only get dishes and bowls with this design in Poland.  Only …………………………………………………
8. We didn't discover the mistake until much later.  Not ………………………………………………….
9. Flooding causes most of the damage in spring.  It's ……………………………………………………
10.The only reason the party was a success was that a famous film star attended.  Had it not ……………………………………………


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1. Barker’s Department Store (2 m)
Opens at 9 am (1/2)
Closes at 6 pm (1/2)
Closed on Sunday (1/2)
2. Greenwood Fitness Center(1 m)
Next to Greenwood Station (1)
Opens at 7am (1/2)
Closes at 8.30 pm (1/2)
Open Monday – SATURday (1/2)
3. Club 100 Movie Theater (2 m)
Movie title D for Danger (1)
Starts at 9.45 pm on Friday (1)
Bonus question! (3m)
What sports can you practice at Greenwood Fitness Center?
Playing tennis, soccer, go swimming.

1F 2DK 3F 4DK 5F 6F 7DK 8T

SECTION THREE (11 m, one for each + 12 m = 23 m)
Name Who they are Personality, according to Rebecca
Rebecca the speaker d. generous and e. moody
a. BRAD Rebecca’s brother f. bossy and g. argumentative
Judy Rebecca’s b. mom h. sympathetic and i. even-tempered
c. BILL Rebecca’s dad j. sociable and k. annoying
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -
Answer these questions
1. Who does Rebecca go to when she has a problem? Her mom. (1)
2. Who has lots of friends? Her dad.(1)
3. Why does Rebecca get embarrassed at her father? Because he always talks to people in the street.(2)
4. Why is Rebecca’s father sometimes annoying? Because he’s very stubborn.(2)
5. Why does Rebecca say Brad is bossy? Because he always tells her what to do.(2)
6. Why do Rebecca’s friends say she is generous? Because she likes to give presents and help people.(2)
7. Who does Rebecca wish she was like? Why? Her mom, because she never gets mad or annoyed.(2)

I. (5 m) 1.D 2. A 3. B 4. C 5. B
II. (5m) 1.D 2. C 3. B 4. C 5. B
III. Vocabulary and Structure. (30 m)
1.b 2.a 3.c 4.c 5.a 6.b 7.c 8.c 9.c 10.b 11.c 12.a 13.b 14.d 15.c 16.b 17.b 18.b 19.b 20.b 21. c 22. b 23. b 24. b 25. c 26. d 27. b 28. c 29. a 30.b
IV. (10 m) (1) undoubtedly (2) fitness (3) vitality ( 4) moderation (5) greedily (6) Treatment (7) avoidance (8) choice (9) selection (10) reduction
V. (15m, ONE FOR EACH CORRECT WORD) 1. championship/ place 2. audience 3. won 4. amateur 5. scores/goals 6. record / match 7. qualify 8. warming
9. greenhouse 10. produces 11. pollution 12. cars
VI. (10 m)
1. B, are taught 2. A, saving 3. C, they are 4. B, angry 5. B, relatively
6. B  join together 7. D  cruelty 8. B  was hurrying 9. C  dog’s 10. C  of

1. A 2. D 3. B 4.B 5. C 6.D 7.C 8.B 9.D 10.A 11.C 12.A 13.C 14.D 15.B

1.c 2.d 3.c 4.b 5.d (10 m)

I. Matching: (5 m) a. 5 b.7 c. 10 d. 9 e. 8 f. 3 g. 2 h. 4 i.1 j.6

II. Correct form (6 m): 1. banned 2. disqualified (banned) 3. illegal ; drugs
4 previous 5 cheating; disqualified 6 proper

III. ANSWERS: Each correct answer will be given 1 mark.
1. …..they can improve their performance in order to break records set at previous event.
2. … to help them achieve better results.
3. … he or she will be disqualified from international sporting events and may even be banned from competing for many years.
4. … Drugs, given by doctors for illnesses, are not banned by groups like IOC.

1. Bob denied taking / having taken my car.
2. The fox tried in vain to reach the grapes.
3. The team leader criticised John for not waiting / having waited for them.
4. Anyone found trespassing on this land will be prosecuted by the authorities.
5. Betty is devoted to (looking after) handicapped people.
6. Instead of (using) butter, we used margarine.
7. Only in Poland can you get dishes and bowls with this design.
8. Not until much later did we discover the mistake.
9. It’s flooding that causes most of the damage in spring (It’s in spring that flooding causes most of the damage).
10. Had it not been for the attendance of a famous film star the party would not have been a success (Had it not been for the attendance of a famous film star the party would have been a failure).


- CONTENT:. (20 m; mỗi kỹ năng 5 m)
- LANGUAGE USE & STRUCTURES (informal/friendly letter): (10 m)

Kỳ thi tuyển sinh vào lớp 10 chuyên
Năm học 2008-2009
Môn thi : Tiếng Anh (Cho thí sinh chuyên ANh)
Thời gian: 150 phút
Ngày thi: 02 –07 – 2008​


Part I: Choose the word or phrase ( A,B,C or D ) that best fits the blank space in each sentence. (15points)

1. He couldn’t open the jar, however…………..he tried.
A. diffiicult B. hard C effort D. best
2. The house still remains in……………….after the storm.
A. good condition B. a good condition C. good conditions D. the good condition
3. I have told him never……here again.
A. come B. to come C. coming D. should come
4. I’ve……..up my mind not to leave the job although the pay was low.
A. decided B. made C. taken D. got
5. The article was……the front page of the newspaper.
A. at B. in C. on D. of
6. Please…………….my luggage…………….to the airport tomorrow morning.
A. ask/will be taken B. get/ being taken
C. let/to be taken D. have/taken
7. “ Is this pattern important?”- “It’s……..to study well.
A. such important B. so important C. too important D. important enough
8. She was busy…………….a variety of articles to the customers.
A. with introducing B. introducing C. for introducing D. in introducing
9. “ I can’t understand how you missed the exit”
“ Well, it was so dark,….”.
A. we could see the road signs hardly B. hardly we could see the road signs.
C. we could see hardly the road signs D. we could hardly see the road signs.
10. The robbery took place in……
A. a busily shopping street. B. a busy street shopping.
C. busy shopping street. D. a busy shopping street.
11. If Maria comes to England, it will be a good.......for her to improve English.
A. posobility B. opportunity C. advantage D. probability
12. He was called upon to……evidence against his sister.
A. say B. give C. tell D. put
13. Terry will………his illness. Then his work will improve.
A. get on B. get up C. get in D. get over
14.I’m considering.............home.
A. go B. going C. to go D. about going
15. The old buildings in the city center have been….up to attract more tourists.
A. put B. got C. gone D. done

Part II: Use the correct form of the word given in brackets to make a meaningful sentence.(10 points)

1.He is one of the most famous………………..in the world. ( ENVIRONMENT)
2. The knife is……………because it can’t cut anything. (USE)
3. She has many…………..projects. (SCIENTIST)
4.Nam used to be………….when he was young. (PUNISHMENT)
5. Why is she standing…………the wall? ( FACE)
6. 9.30 A.M on Saturday is a rather…………….time for an appointment because I have a very important meeting at that time. (CONVENIENCE)
7. He always wears a………….shirt. (STRIPE)
8.That diamond is a………..antique. (PRICE)
9. We always have a bed ready in the spare room in case visitors arrive….......(EXPECT)
10. You’d better drive. I’m too……..for such traffic. ( EXPERIENCE)

Part III: Use the correct form of the verb in brackets.(10 points)
1. Jeans…1…(make)…about two hundred years ago, and now they…2…(sell)…..in every corner of the world.
2. She dislikes…3…(ask)…to do something by others.
3. You…4…(not tidy)………..this room for weeks.
4. Listen to these foreigners. What language……they…..5..(speak)…?
5. Stay here till the light…6..(turn)…..green
6.The last time he…7…(see)…in public, he…8…(wear)…a grey suit.
7. I’d rather…9…(be)…unemployed than….10…(work)….for him.

Part IV: Match the beginnings in column A with the most suitable endings in column B to make a meaningful sentence: (10 points)

1. Although he was very bad-tempered,
2.Always brush your teeth
3. Liz told me
4. Because I knew her family,
5. Talk to me like that again
6. He had a terrible temper,
7. Liz explained to me
8. I was sorry for her,
9. If you do that again,
10. There’ll be trouble

a. after you have a meal.
b. and I’ll hit you.
c.but everybody liked him.
d. he had lots of friends.
e. I did what I could for her.
f. to go shopping with her next Friday.
g. so I tried to help her.
h. that she didn’t do it on purpose.
i. unless you stop that.
j. you’ll be sorry

Part V: The following passage contains 10 errors. Find and correct them. The first one has been done for you as an example. (9 points). 0. country countries

It is a custom in Britain and in most European country to celebrate a person’s birthday. Members of the family and close friends are supposed being present at the party. If they can’t come they may send a gift by post. At the birthday party, the person which gives birthday party opens all the gifts in front of all people present and thanks him for the gifts. The mother usually made a birthday cake, or if she can’t, she may order one from a cake-shop. A number of candles are placing on top of the cake and would be lighted when the party starts. The number of the candles is also the old of that person. After the light is out they all sings a song “ Happy birthday to you”. Then they play any games or sing or dance together.


Part I: Read the passage below and choose the best answer for each question.( 10 points)

Getting good results in your studies come from developing good study habits . The best place to study is a comfortable room with good lighting. The best chair for studying should be one which you would be comfortable in, but not so comfortable that you may fall asleep in it after a while. Before you study, look for a quiet environment with no distractions. If you find your home too noisy for studying, try the library or community center instead.

When you study, set realistic goals for yourself to achieve. For example, do not try to study five chapters of Geography in one sitting when you know that you take more than an hour to read one chapter. Furthermore, remember not to push yourself too hard. When you have studied for a period of time, reward yourself by taking a short break. You could perhaps take a short walk or listen to some music for a while.

If you begin to feel sleepy when studying, do not force yourself to go on as you may lose your power on concentration. Instead, you may want to take a short nap to refresh yourself. Studying may also be strenuous on the eyes. When you study, it may be good idea to lift your eyes away from your books occasionally. Looking at objects at a distance or at greenary can help soothe tired eyes.

1. The first thing to be considered in developing good study habits is….
A. your ability to study well B. the best chair to sit for studying
C. environment for studying D. your attitude towards good study at home
2. Which of the following does NOT improve your good study habits?
A. a quiet room with enough lighting B. an extremely comfortable chair
C. a proper chair and a right- sized table D. a public or college library
3. When studying, you’d better………..
A. learn as much as you want in one sitting B. learn either sitting at the table or standing
C. take a short break after every chapter D. set goals that you are reachable for you
4. Taking a short nap is necessary when…..
A. you feel sleepy and can not concentrate on studying
B your eyes become red after studying
C. you can not lift your eyes away from your books
D. you want to go on after getting your concentration.
5. The best title for the passage may be…………..
A. How to use your study time efficently B. How to build up good study habits
C. How to get relaxed when studying D. How to avoid sleepiness when studying

Part II: . Fill in each blank space with a suitable word of the following passage.(10 points)

Henry is probably the luckiest person I know. I normally envy very few of my friends’ jobs because I’m happy with what I do, but Henry Adams is one of those rare people….(1)…job I would really like to have myself. Henry,…(2 )..had always been interested…( 3 )…both science and animals, wanted to be a vet, and we....( 4 )...both students at university at the same time.

When his course finished, …( 5 ) …went to Aberdeen, where he looked after domestic animals…( 6 )…as cats and dogs. He always said that he would like to move around because he didn’t believe in staying in any job for too long. So I wasn’t very surprised when he gave....(7 )…that job and went to work in the zoo. He stayed there for two years, and in the evenings he studied hard to get some higher qualifications. When he had succeeded…(8)....passing all his exams, he applied for a job…(9)…a keeper on a game reserve in Africa in 1994. He is now responsible for the well- being of thousands of animals. In addition, he is in charge of a special programme to protect species which are in….( 10 )….of extinction..


Part I: Rewrite the sentences in such a way that they mean almost the same as those printed before them. (15 points)

1. My daughter has studied English for two years.
My daughter started………………………………………………………………………………..
2. Although Tuan took a taxi, he still arrived late for the interview.
In spite of……………………………………………………………………………………………….
3. My brother works in a factory which has more than a thousand employees.
There are………………………………………………………………………………………………..
4. Nam and his family went on a trip to their home village for two days.
Nam and his family had..................................………………………………………………………
5. You should make an effort to get out and about more.
It’s high time…………………………………………………………………………………………..
6.They went on smoking all through the meal.
They didn’t…………………………………………………………………………………………..
7. No, please don’t tell him.
I’d rather ……………………………………………………………………………………………
8. A country cannot be prosperous if it is not quite independent.
9. You can try to get Tim to lend you his car but you won’t succeed.
There is no point ……………………………………………………………………………………
10. People say that he can speak four or five foreign languages.
He ….………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Part II : Finish each of the following sentences in such away that it is as mimilar as possible in meaning to the original sentence. Use the word given and other words as necessary. Do not change the form of the given word. (5 points)

1.She had completely forgotten him. (MIND)
2. My friend took no notice of my advice. (DEAF)
3. Peter knew that he had no chance to get a driving licence as it was too hard for him.(WIND)
4. Having to tell her about that terrible news, he couldn’t make himself to do it. (FACE)
5. The box of candy was passed from one person to another. (HAND)

Part III : Use the following sets of words to make full sentences .(6 points)

1. When Judy/be/young/she/want/be/nurse.
2.She/ tell/ everyone/she/be/nurse/when she/grow up.
3. When/she/eighteen/she/accept/for/train.
4. During her/train/she/suspect/make/mistake.
5. But she/pass/all/examinations/and/qualify/as/nurse.
6.Year/later/she/leave/job. Poor Judy! She/hate/sight/blood.
------------------ The end --------------------


Part I: Choose the word or phrase ( A,B,C or D ) that best fits the blank space in each sentence. (15points)
1.B 2A 3 B 4B 5C 6D 7D 8B 9D 10D 11B 12B 13D 14B 15D

Part II : Use the correct form of the word given in brackets to make a meaningful sentence. (10 points)
1.environmentalists 2.useless 3.scientific 4.punished 5.facing 6.inconvenient
7. striped 8.priceless 9.unexpectedly 10.inexperienced

Part III: Use the correct form of the verb in brackets.(15 points)
1. were made 2.are sold 3.being asked 4.haven’t tidied 5.are….speaking
6. turns 7.was seen 8. was wearing 9.be 10.work

Part IV: Match the beginnings in column A with the most suitable endings in column B to make a meaningful sentence: (10 points)
1.D 2.A 3.F 4.E 5.B 6.C 7.H 8.G 9.J 10.I

Part V: The following passage contains 10 errors. Find and correct them. The first one has been done for you as an example. (9 points). 0. country countries
1.beingtobe 2.which who 3.him them 4.made  makes
5.placing placed 6.would  will 7. oldage 8.sings  sing
9. any  some


PART I: Read the passage below and choose the best answer for each question.( 10 points)
1.C 2.B 3.D 4.A 5.B

Part II: . Fill in each blank space with a suitable word of the following passage.(10 points)
1.whose 2.who 3.in 4.were 5.he 6.such 7.up 8.in 9.as 10.danger.


PART I: Rewrite the sentences in such a way that they mean almost the same as those printed before them. (15 points)
1. My daughter started learning/studying English two years ago.
2. In spite of having taken/taking a taxi, Tuan still arrived late for the interview
3. There are more than a thousand employees in the factory where my brother works.
4. Nam and his family had a two-day trip to their home village.
5. It’s high time for you to get out and about more/you got out and about more.
6. They didn’t stop smoking all through the meal.
7. I’d rather you didn’t tell him.
8. Only when it is quite independent can a country be prosperous.
9. There is no point (in) (your) trying to get Tim to lend you his car./to borrow Tim’s car.
10. He is said to be able to speak four or five languages.

Part II :(5 points)
1. He had gone out of her mind.
2. My friend turned a deaf ear to my advice.
3. Peter knew that his chance to get a driving licence was gone with the wind.
4. Having to tell her about that terrible news, he couldn’t face up to it.
5. The box of candy was passed from hand to hand.

Part III : Use the following sets of words to make full sentences .(6 points)
1. When Judy was young, she wanted to be a nurse.
2. She told everyone that she would be a nurse when she grew up.
3. When she was eighteen, she was accepted for training.
4. During her training she suspected that she had made a mistake.
5. But she passed all the examinations and qualified as a nurse.
6. A year later she left the job. Poor Judy! She hated/hates the sight of blood.

• Tổng điểm của bài thi = Tổng số câu đúng/ 10.

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