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Tuyển tập các bài test cả bốn kỹ năng trình độ nâng cao (Có đáp án)

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VPP Sơn Ca
Test 1
Level : advanced
Date of testing : 27 March , 1994
Time allowed : 120 minutes

SECTION A : choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence
1. Our vicar is always _________money for one cause or another .
a. Lifting
b. Gathering
c. Raising
d. Asking
2. The experts were not fully _________that the animal was a puma.
a. Convinced
b. Believing
c. Found out
d. Realized
3. It was not until the thirteenth stroke……the bell stopped
a. So that
b. That
c. Before
d. When
4. They were amazed to find that the goddess …….. to be a very
modern-looking woman
a. Turned into
b. Turned over
c. Turned down
d. Turned out
5. Editors of newspapers and magazines often go to extremes to provide their …….. with unimportant facts and statistics
a. Public
b. Common
c. Audience
d. Viewers
6. He feels that his rise in ……….is well worth the loss of money
a. Situation
b. Environment
c. Status
d. Circumstance
7. The dogs are allowed to ………. Outside their enclosure
a. Graze
b. Drift
c. Wonder
d. Wander
8. After …….. at the display for several minutes , Mr .Taylor went back into his shop
a. Admiring
b. Gazing
c. Glancing
d. Observing

1.C 2.A 3.B 4.D 5.A 6.C 7.D 8.B
9. The silence suddenly………when a large car roared down the arcade
a. Broken
b. Banned
c. Abolished
d. postponed
10. Theatrical……..and artificial blood had been used to make the injured look realistic
a. Get –together
b. Make- up
c. Look out
d. Go- between
11. You will feel better after……..a rest
a. Will have
b. Are having
c. Will have had
d. Have had
12. When you …..next year, the children………much taller
a. Return/ will have grown
b. Return/ will grown
c. Will return/ have grown
d. Will return/ will grown
13. Active : I never hear him shout at his children
Passive :……………………….
a. His children are never heard shout at
b. His shout at his children are never heard
c. He is never heard shout at his children
d. He is never heard to shout at his children
14. Had I known she was sick , i……….her
a. Visited her
b. Had visited
c. Would visit
d. Would have visited
15. It is imperative that he……..the school regulations
a. Obey
b. Obeys
c. Would obey
d. Will obey
16. I wish that i……..in Hanoi at the end of 1972 to witness the “Battle of Dien Bien Phu in the air”
a. Was
b. Were
c. Had been
d. Has been

9.A 10.C 11.D 12.A 13.D 14.D 15.A 16.C

17. the decision was postponed ,……..was exactly what he wanted
a. that
b. which
c. who
d. none is correct
18 . never …….her stand on the deserted station platform
a. I will forget to see
b. Will I forget to see
c. Will I forget seeing
d. Will I be forgotten seeing
19. please ……… my luggage ……to the airport tomorrow morning
a. Ask/ will be taken
b. Get/being taken
c. Let/ to be taken
d. Have/ taken
20. the boss doesn’t allow ……..in the office
a. To smoke
b. Smoking
c. Smoke
d. To be smoke

17.B 18.C 19.D 20.D
SECTION B: Read the following passage carefully , then choose the best answer to each question
Up to about 1915, movies were short and programs were made up to several works . then D.W. Griffith and others began making longer films which provide the same powerful emotional appeal as did melodrama and presented spectacles far beyond what the theatre could offer . Consequently , after World War I increasing numbers of spectators deserted the theater for the movies.
This trend was accelerated in the late 1920’s as a result of two new elements. In 1927 sound was added to the previously silent film , and thus one of the theatre’s principal claims to superiority vanished . In 1929 a serious economic depression began . since audiences could go to the movies for a fraction of what it cost to see a play , theatre-going became a luxury which few could afford , especially as the depression deepened.
By the end of World War II , the American theatre had been reduced to about thirty theatres in New York City and a small number of touring companies originating there.
21. one thing that movies could do better than theatre was…….
a. provide longer programs
b. provide emotional appeal
c. provide more melodrama
d. provide greater spectacles
22.Up to the 1920’s one objection to films was that…………
a. they were too short
b. they were silent
c. they were too expensive
d. they did not tell a complete story
23. One thing that made people to choose the movies over the theatre was……………
a. World War I
b. The fact that films were less expensive
c. The fact that films were silent
d. The fact that films were shorter
24. By the end of World War II………………
a. Theatre had become entertainment for the mass
b. Theatre-going was no longer considered a luxury
c. Professional theatrical performances were confined mainly to New York City
d. There were no theatrical performances outside of New York City
25. when the author of this paragraph says “this trend was accelerated in the late 1920’s “ he means that …………………
a. Many more people went to the theatre than the movies
b. The shift away from the movies to the theatre was slowed down
c. The popularity of the theatre was gradually increasing
d. The shift away from the theatre to the movies was speeded up
21.D 22.B 23.B 24.C 25.D


SECTION A: Use of English
A. Fill each of the numbered blanks in the following passage. Use only ONE word in each space
My mother and my father are very (26)………….people . Mum is always very calm , not exactly easy-going , because she does(27)………..things very seriously sometimes, but she doesn’t get excited. When we were small she almost never(28)…………at us. When we did something wrong , she talked to us about it very firmly, but in a (29)……. tone of voice. If we shouted and cried, she (30)……….us go and sit(31)…………..ourselves in her sewing-room(32)…………we calmed down. So when the news came, she reacted in her usual way ,quietly seeing what she could do to prepare(33)………..the changes that were coming. Dad , on the other(34)……….. , shouted , kicked a chair ,and went (35)……….a long walk to cool off. During the next (36)……days he was cross with us , as nothing was our fault. All of (37)…..kids were worried (38)……..what was going to happen, and a(39)……..afraid , but we didn’t talk to or parents much. Most of all were sad about having (40)………leave all of our school friends.

26. different
28. Shouted
29. Calm/soft
30. Made
31. by
33. for
34. hand
35. for
36. few
37. us
38. about
39.bit/ little
40. to

B. Guided sentence building. Build a complete sentence with the given words
Example: I / wonder /why you / not / reply / last letter
I was wondering why you had not replied to my last letter.
41. prefer / countryside /noise / traffic/ city
42. we / believe / whatever /say/ liar
43. despite / age/ join / activities/ neighborhood
44. it / surprising /he/ pass / examination
45. man / injure / accident/ take / hospital
46. now that / highway /build /take /hours / get/ there
47. only guest / late / for / party / manager
48. it / stupid/ him /give up / job /need / money
49. wish / go / beach /you / last Sunday
50.neither / nor / be going / attend / meeting

41. My parents prefer to live in the country because they dislike the noise and traffic jam of the city
42. We don’t believe in whatever he says because he is a good liar
43.Despite his old age , he joins all the social activities of the neighborhood
44.It is surprising that he has pass the examination
45.The man injured in the accident was taken to hospital
46.Now that the highway has been build , it takes only two hours to get there
47. The only guest that was late for the party was our manager
48. It is stupid of him to give up his job when he needs money
49. I wish I had gone to the beach with you last Sunday
50. Neither he nor I am going to attend the meeting

Rewrite each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence(s) printed above it
51. You may be very intelligent , but you should be careful about this.
No matter ____________________________________________
52. I walked to school in 20 minutes
It took____________________________________________
53. He spent all his money . he even borrowed some from me
Not only____________________________________________
54. In spite of the heavy rain , my father went to work
Although ____________________________________________
55. After the beginning of the opera , late-comers had to wait before taking their seats
Once ____________________________________________

51. No matter intelligent you may be, you should be careful about this
52. It took me 20 minutes to walk to school
53. Not only did he spent all his money but he also borrowed some form me.
54. Although it rained heavily, my father went to work
55. Once the opera had begun , late comers had to wait before taking their seats

SECTION B : Composition
Write a composition from 120 to 150 words on this topic:
Level : advanced
Date of testing : 26 June, 1994
Time allowed : 120 minutes

SECTION A : choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence
1. There must be a large numbers of stars with planets which could ………...intelligent beings in the universe
a. Assist
b. Exist
c. Support
d. Survive
2. Modern English has ……….from the mingling of other languages
a. Involved
b. Evolved
c. Concerning
d. Transferred
3. The police disturbed a gang of men who………..were a chemist’s in Lynford
a. Breaking into
b. Breaking out
c. Getting through
d. Taking over
4. The descriptions given by people who………..to have seen the puma were extraordinarily similar
a. Exclaimed
b. Advertised
c. Issued
d. Claimed
5. When Alf got married , he was too………..to say anything to his wife about his job
a. Shameful
b. Confusing
c. Embarrassed
d. Curious
6. It will be a long time before any landing on Mars can be……………
a. Applied
b. Experienced
c. Experimented
d. Attempted
7. ……………..at the age of eight , the Florentines gave him a state funeral
a. On dying
b. Having died
c. Dead
d. On his death

1.C 2.B 3.A 4.D 5.C 6.D 7.D

8. The police were………when Mrs. Ramsay told them what she had done
a. Esteemed
b. Astounded
c. Astonishing
d. Flickered
9. In seeking independence , they do no sacrifice their human…………….
a. Mood
b. Situation
c. Dignity
d. Personification
10. Antique shop exert a(an)…………fascination on a great many people
a. Peculiar
b. Especial
c. Hysterical
d. Unconscious
11. Five years ……………, a long time, he might already be forgotten
a. Was
b. Is
c. Had seen
d. Both a and b are correct
12. I …………….the bell three times when he answered the door
a. Was ringing
b. Had rung
c. Rang
d. Would ring
13. If I had met you last Sunday, I ………..here today
a. Wouldn’t have been
b. Wouldn’t be
c. Were not
d. Am not
14. She demanded that she …………allowed to meet her son in prison
a. Was
b. Would be
c. Be
d. Both b and c are correct
15. We saw many solders and tanks……….were moving to the front
a. That
b. Which
c. Who
d. None is correct
16 . Hardly …………asleep when the phone woke him up again
a. The doctor fell
b. The doctor had fallen
c. Did the doctor fall
d. Had the doctor fallen
1. Hard as they tried, they…………in their scheme
a. Haven’t succeeded
b. Hadn’t succeeded
c. Succeeded not
d. Not succeeded
2. I’m not used …………spoken to like that
a. To be
b. To being
c. Being
d. With

8. B 9.C 10. A 11.D 12.B 13.B
14.C 15.A 16.D 17.C 18.B

3. Please keep the fire ………….it’s cold in here
a. Burns
b. Burn
c. To burn
d. Burning

4. We called …………her shop on our way home
a. At
b. On
c. Up
d. For

19.D 20.B

SECTION B: Read the following passage carefully , then choose the best answer to each question

Unlike the eyes , the ear has no lid, therefore noise penetrates without protection. loud noises instinctively signal danger to any organism with a hearing mechanism, including human beings .in response ,heartbeat and respiration accelerate . in fact , there is a general increasing in functioning brought about by the flow of adrenaline in response to fear.
Because noise is unavoidable in a complex , industrial society , we are constantly responding in the same ways that we would response to danger . recently researchers have concluded that noise and our response may be much more than an annoyance . it may be a serious threat to physical and psychological health and well-being , causing damage not only to the ear and brain but also to the heart and stomach. We have long know that hearing loss is America’s number one nonfatal health problem , but now we are learning that some of us with heart disease and ulcers may be victims of noise as well.

5. What is the author’s main point?
a. Noise may pose a serious threat to our physical and psychological health
b. Loud noises signal danger
c. Hearing loss is American ‘s number one nonfatal health problem
d. The ear is not like the eye
6. According to the passage , people respond to loud noises in the same way that they respond to
a. Annoyance
b. Danger
c. Damage
d. Disease
7. It can be inferred from this passage that the eye
a. Respond to fear
b. Enjoy greater protection on than the ear
c. Increase function
d. Is damaged by noise
8. Noise is
a. Not a serious problem today
b. America’s number one problem
c. An unavoidable in industrial society
d. A complex problem
9. What was the topic of the paragraph that preceded this passage
a. The eye
b. Heart disease
c. Ulcers
d. Fear

21. A 22.B 23.B 24.C 25. A


SECTION A: Use of English
A. Fill each of the numbered blanks in the following passage. Use only ONE word in each space

Dear Al,

Thanks a (26)………for your last letter. Sorry I haven’t answered before. I’ve been very busy(27)……………..ready to go to New York.

I was very sorry to(28)………….about your trouble with Sally , especially because it’s been going on(29)…………so long. You ought to try to make a(30)…………soon, I think – it’s bad for (31)…………of you to go on like this. I think perhaps it would be better(32)…………..you separated, but of(33)…………… I might be wrong -I don’t Sally very well .

You know , if I (34)…………..you , I’d go away alone for a couple a of weeks. If you were by(35)…………..you could think things out calmly and decided (36)…………….to do. Why don’t you take you holidays now and go off(37)…………. Scotland or somewhere like that? I’m sure (38)…………would do you a lot of good.

Write again soon and (39)…………me know how things are going. And I don’t (40)………..to kiss Julie for me. Ann sends her love.


10. Lot 27. Getting 28. Hear
29. For 30.Decision 31. Both
32. If 33. Course 34. were
35. Self 36. What 37. To
38. It 39.let 40. forget

B. Guided sentence building. Build a complete sentence with the given words
Example: I / wonder /why you / not / reply / last letter
I was wondering why you had not replied to my last letter.

41. I /use /public telephone /because /out of order
42. she /by /church /way /work/ day
43. factory /close /workers /go /on /strike /last week
44. director/ ill /so /deputy/ speech/ instead of
45. happen/ picture/ use to/ hang /wall?
46. I /complain /manager /restaurant/ food
47. not see/ picture /our city/ as/ look /100 years
48. advantage /have /car/ that /rely /public transport
49. it /age/ 14 /Jack London /leave school/ sailor
50. neither/ teacher/ parents /satisfied/ progress

41 . I have to use the public telephone because mine is out of order
42. She walks by the church on her way to work everyday
43. The factory closed because the workers went on strike last week
44. The director was ill so his deputy gave the speech instead of him
45.What happened to the picture that was used to hung on the wall?
46. I have complained to the manager of the restaurant about the food
47. We have not seen the picture of our city as it looked 100 years ago
48. The advantage of having the car is that you don’t have to rely on public transport
49. It was the age of 14 that Jack London left school and became the sailor
50. Neither the boy’s teacher nor his parents are satisfied with his progress

C. Rewrite each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence(s) printed above it
51. he had hardly left the office when the phone rang
No sooner____________________________________________
52. “ don’t do that! Are you mad? She said to me
She told____________________________________________
53. people rumored that he had died in battle
He was____________________________________________
54. after 4 years abroad, Mr. Brown returned home as an excellent engineer
After Mr. Brown ____________________________________________
55. she urged her husband to write and accept the post
She urged that____________________________________________

51. No sooner had he left the office than the phone rang
52. She told me not to do that and asked (me) if I was mad
53. He was rumored to have died in the battle
54. After Mr. Brown had studied /lived for 4 years abroad, he returned home as excellent engineer
55.She urged that her husband write and accept (should write and accept) the post

SECTION B : Composition
Write a composition from 120 to 150 words on this topic:

Level : advanced
Date of testing : 25 September, 1994
Time allowed : 120 minutes

SECTION A : choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence

1.Even by modern standards , the 46,000-ton Titanic was a…………ship
a. colossal
b. extravagant
c. anonymous
d. repulsive
2. The order to abandon ship was given and hundreds of people ……………into the icy water
a. drowned
b. emerged
c. plunged
d. repulsed
3. Whenever it went, the Puma left behind it a ……………of dead deer and small animals like rabbits
a. group
b. bunch
c. trail
d. team
4. Although the archaeologists were able reconstruct the fragments of the statue , they have been unable to discover her………………..
a. File
b. Identity
c. Record
d. Identificating
5. All the articles of jewelry were beautifully arranged on a…………of black velvet
a. Ground
b. Vicinity
c. Background
d. Terrace
6. In spite of lengthy discussions between the union and the management, closure became ………….because of the cancellation several major orders
a. Irreplaceable
b. Inevitable
c. Responsible
d. Impossible

1. A 2.C 3.C 4.B 5.C 6.B

7. The journalist informed ………….while carrying out his instructions
a. his arrest to the editor
b. the editor his arrest
c. the editor that his arrest had been
d. the editor of his arrest
8. Up to the time of his death, Richard Colson was one of most notable ………….in our town
a. characteristics
b. features
c. statement
d. figured
9. Recognizing who the customer was , the manager was most apologetic and ……….. the assistant severely
a. disregarded
b. grudged
c. reprimanded
d. complained
10. He tried to join the army but he was…………because of his poor health
a. tried out
b. put out
c. turned off
d. turned down
11. Where ………..all this morning? It’s nearly midday
a. were you
b. are you
c. have you been
d. are you being
12. I will do anything but …………..the dishes
a. wash
b. to wash
c. washing
d. will wash
13. ………………you mention it, I do remember the accident
a. if only
b. now that
c. no matter
d. so that
14. We’re late , I expect the film………….by the time we get to the theatre
a. have started
b. will start
c. will be start
d. will have start
15. ……………will Mr. Brown be able to regain control of the company
a. with hard working
b. in spite of his hard work
c. only if he work hard
d. only with hard work
16. Having been asked to speak at the conference……………
a. some notes were prepared for Dr. Clark
b. some notes were prepared by Dr. Clark
c. Dr. Clark prepared some notes
d. The members were please to hear Dr. Clark

7.A 8.D 9.A 10.C 11.B 12.C 13.B 14.C 15.D 16.A
17. I remember ………..him say the grass needed ………….
a. Hearing/cutting
b. Hearing/ to cut
c. To hear/ to be cut
d. To hear/ cutting
18. I wish ………..me a new one instead of having it ……………as you did
a. Would give/ to repair
b. Gave / to repair
c. Had given/ to be repair
d. Had given/ repaired
19. The boy could not find his six-pence anywhere………..get his arm out
a. Nor could be
b. Nor he could
c. Neither he could
d. Either he could not
20. Had he not been so busy taking the diamonds, he ………….the blow
a. Would feel
b. Had been feeling
c. Had left
d. Would have left
17. A 18.D 19.A 20.D
SECTION B: Read the following passage carefully , then choose the best answer to each question
Ever since humans have inhabited the earth , they have made use of various form of communication. Generally , this expression of thoughts and feeling has been in form of oral speech. When there is a language barrier , communication is accomplished through sign language in which motions stand for letters , words and ideas. Tourist , the deaf, and the mute have had to resort to this form of expression. Many of these symbols of whole words are very picturesque and exact and can be used internationally , spelling however, cannot.
Body language transmit ideas or thoughts by certain actions, either intentionally or unintentionally. A wink can be the way of flirting or indicating that party is only joking. A nod signifies approval , while shaking the head indicates a negative reaction.
Others forms of nonlinguistic language can be found in Braille ( a system of raising dots read with the fingertips), signal flats , Morse code, and smoke signals. Road maps and picture signs also guide and instruct people.
While verbalization is the most common form of language , other systems and techniques also express human thoughts and feelings.
21. Which of the following best summarizes this passage?
a. When a language is a barrier , people will find other forms of communication
b. Everyone uses only one form of communication
c. Nonlinguistic language is invaluable to foreigners
d. Although other forms of communication exist , verbalization is the fastest

22. Which of following statement is not true?
a. There are many forms of communication in existence
b. Verbalization Is the most common form of communication
c. The deaf and the mute use an oral form of communication
d. Ideas and thoughts can be transmitted by body language
23. Which form other form than oral language would be the most commonly used among blind people?
a. Picture signs
b. Braille
c. Body
d. Signal flags
24. Sign language is said to be very picturesque and exact and can be used internationally except for
a. Spelling
b. Ideas
c. Whole words
d. Expressions
25. In the passage the word VERBALIZATION most nearly means
a. The expression of human thoughts and feelings in the form of written words
b. The transmission of ideas and thoughts by certain actions
c. Putting ideas and feelings into words
d. Communication accomplished through sign language
21. A 22.C 23.B 24.A 25.C


SECTION A: Use of English
A. Fill each of the numbered blanks in the following passage. Use only ONE word in each space
A friend and I had arranged to spend a whole Sunday taking a long walk in the country. We set(26)………………on an early train, each carrying a heavy bag(27)…………..with sandwiches, cakes, fruits, and bottles of lemonade. I wondered how two people would finish it all.
Soon we had(28)…………behind the smoky air of the city and had reach the country station where our walk was to begin. We were lucky(29)…………the sun was shining and there was a gentle breeze to make it just for walking.
We decided to go on a walk called the Four Mile Square , it has 4 equal sides, (30)…………about 4 miles in length and on the maps looks (31)…………a rough square. It is famous because each side passes through a different kind of country.
We started off in (32)…………spirits along the first side , which followed a river , planning to have a swim and our first meal before we left it. (33)……………long, we came to the gate near(34)……………there a notice “ Be aware of the bull”. We were very annoyed. Our path ran through this field , and , as it was a public foot-path, the farmer had no right to put a dangerous animal in it . “Oh , but it’s all right”, my friend said” the bull is tied up. Come on.”
I followed , because I could see for myself a strong rope (35)………..to the ring in its nose at one (36)………..and round a large tree at the other. We felt very bold and walked nearer , waving a red handkerchief just to show that we weren’t afraid.
The bull began to walk towards us and didn’t stop . “He seems to have a long rope” I said , walking more quickly. The bull, too , was walking more quickly. Then at the same moment , we both saw that the rope was(37)…………..and without another word, we began to run.
We were(38)…………way cross the field , but it didn’t take us long to reach the gate again. We jumped over and very much out of breath and looked back to see the bull quietly examining a bag of food. “ That was a clever trick of mine , (39)……….it?” said my friend, “I dropped the food on(40)………….to draw away the bull’s attention .”
“ No” , I cried , “it was not clever! I dropped mine accidentally.”

26.Off/ out
27. filled
28. left
29. because
30. each
31. like
32. high
33. before
34. which
35. tied
36. end
37. broken
38. half
39. wasn’t
40. purpose

B. Guided sentence building. Build a complete sentence with the given words
Example: I / wonder /why you / not / reply / last letter
I was wondering why you had not replied to my last letter.
41. There / be / increase /road /accident/ in /last year
42. Mr. Green /take/ charge/ office/ while /director /away/ vacation
43. He /furious /me /not invite/ party /Sunday
44. rain /everyday/ so have /spend /most /time/ indoors
45. He/ show/ photograph/ hotel /stay /during /holiday
46. In /opinion /violent films/ should not/ show/ television
47. you/ know/ Linda/ engage /friend/ mine
48. If /smoke/ there/ greater chance /you/ die /lung cancer
49. accident /fault /so /I /pay /damage
50. you/ borrow /book/ if /promise /keep/ clean

41. There has been an increase in road-accident in last few years.
42. Mr. Green took charge of the office while the director was away on his vacation
43. He was furious at me for not inviting/for not having invited him to the party last Sunday
44. It rain everyday so we had to spend most of our time indoors.
45. He showed me the photograph of the hotel where he had stayed during his vacation
46. In my opinion , violent films should not be shown on the television .
47. Do you know that Linda is engaged/ has just got engaged to a friend of mine
48. If you smoke, there is a great chance that you will die of lung cancer
49. The accident was my fault so I had to pay for the damage
50.You can borrow the book if you promise to keep it clean

C. Rewrite each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence(s) printed above it

51. There was never any answer when we rang .
Every time_________________________________
52. I can meet you If you arrive before eleven
So long as_________________________________
53.when Einstein was 26 years old , he began to research on the theory of relativity
At _________________________________
54. Mary said that what happen was Jim’s fault
Mary blamed Jim on _________________________________
55. Mr. Clark bought a new car although we advised him against it

51. Every time we rang, there wasn’t any answer
52. So long as you arrive before eleven, I can meet you.
53. At the age of 26, Einstein began to do research on the theory of relativity.
54. Mary blamed Jim for what had happened.
55. Despite our advice, Mr. Clark bought a new car.

SECTION B : Composition
Write a composition from 120 to 150 words on this topic:
Test 4
Level : advanced
Date of testing : 18 Dec , 1994
Time allowed : 120 minutes

SECTION A : choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence
1. The construction of the new road is…………..winning the support of local residents
a. Thanks to
b. Reliant on
c. Dependent on
d. Responsible
2. No matter how angry he was, he would never …………..to violence.
a. Resolve
b. Resource
c. Exert
d. Resort
3. After leaving school, Nigel decided to…………in the army
a. Enlist
b. Enroll
c. Register
d. Sign
4. ………………a fire , hotel guests are asked to remain calm
a. As a result of
b. In the event of
c. By reason of
d. In the time of
5. When I went into dining room next morning, the………………of the dinner were still on the table.
a. Remains
b. Results
c. Remnants
d. Relics
6. I will keep you application …………..file for the time being
a. In
b. With
c. On
d. At
7. She……………. wanted a house overlooking the sea
a. Particularly
b. Strongly
c. Essentially
d. Extremely
8. For centuries Rome was the ……………power in the Mediterranean .
a. Utmost
b. Superlative
c. Overruling
d. Supreme
1.C 2.D 3.A 4.B 5.A 6.C 7.A 8.D

9. I couldn’t tell what time it was because workman had removed the……….of the clock
a. Hands
b. Pointers
c. Arms
d. Fingers
10. Supposing I …………..to agree to your request, how do you think the other students would feel?
a. Would
b. Am
c. Were
d. Could
11. I hope you won’t take ………………if I tell you the truth
a. annoyance
b. offence
c. resentment
d. irritation
12. His failure………..great disappointed to his parents
a. Forced
b. Made
c. Caused
d. Provided
13. While politicians argue about nuclear weapons, ordinary people are simply concern ……………staying alive.
a. Of
b. With
c. For
d. In
14. I’ so tired that I can take…………..what you’re saying
a. Up
b. Out
c. In
d. On
15. The Committee took just thirty minutes to ……………the conclusion that action was necessary.
a. Judge
b. Make
c. Decide
d. Reach
16. After his girlfriend left him, George determined never………….in love again
a. To fall
b. Falling
c. For to fall
d. Having fallen
17. Few pleasures will be equal………….of a cool drink on a hot day.
a. It
b. That
c. Such
d. This
18. He phoned to tell me that he couldn’t come tomorrow because he …………to the dentist
a. Had gone
b. Was going
c. Would go
d. Went
19. …………..his advice, I would never have got the job
a. Except
b. Apart from
c. But for
d. As for
20. No sooner had he sat down to lunch……….there was a knock at the door
a. When
b. That
c. As
d. Than


SECTION B: Read the following passage carefully , then choose the best answer to each question
The research for alternative sources of energy has led in various directions. Many communities are burning garbage and other biological waste products to produce electricity. Converting waste products to gases or oil is also an efficient way to depose of waste.
Experimental work is being done to derive synthetic fuels from coal, oil ,shale and coal tars. But to date ,that process has proven expensive. Other experiments are underway to harness power with giant windmills. Geothermal power, heat from the earth , is also beings tested.
Some experts expect utility companies to revive hydroelectric power derived from streams and rivers. Fifty years ago hydroelectric power provided one third of the electricity used in the United States, but today it only supplies 4 percent. The oceans are another potential source of energy. Scientists are studying ways to convert the energy of currency , tides and waves to electricity. Experiments are also underway to make use of temperature differences in ocean water to produce energy.

21. Which is the best title of the passage?
a. The use of water production of energy
b. The search for alternative source of energy
c. Efficient ways of disposing of waste
d. New discoveries in geothermal power
22. Fifty years ago one third of the electricity in the United States was provided by
a. Wind
b. Waste of product
c. Water
d. Oil
23. In the second paragraph, the phrase ‘synthetic fuels’ could best be replaced by which of the following
a. Biological fuels
b. Low burning fuels
c. Fast burning fuels
d. Artificial made fuels
24. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage as an alternative source of energy
a. Burning garbage
b. Geothermal power
c. Synthetic fuels
d. Electricity
25. According to the author, the impracticability of using coal, oil shale and coal tars as source of energy is due to
a. Their being time consuming
b. Their being money consuming
c. The scarcity of sources
d. The lack of technology
21.B 22.C 23.D 24.D 25. B


SECTION A: Use of English

A. Fill each of the numbered blanks in the following passage. Use only ONE word in each space

Helen packed a small suitcase , said goodbye to her mother and hurried out of house to(26)………..the bus to the station. There was no one(27)……………waiting at the bus stop, so it looked as if the bus had just left. Helen looked at her watch anxiously : it was already two o’clock. Her train left at two thirty and since it would (28)…………..at least twenty minutes to reach the station, she didn’t have much time to (29)…………., even if the bus came along at once.
Just then the taxi came slowly down the road. Helen knew that the(30)………..to the station was at least five shillings, which was more than she could (31)……………., but she quickly made up her(32)……………that it would be well(33)………….the extra expense in order to be sure of catching her train. So she stopped the taxi and got in. she told the driver that she had to catch the train which left at half past two. The man nodded and said that he would take a short(34)………….to get her to the station in good time.
All went well until, just as they were coming out of side- street into the (35)…………..road that led to the station, the taxi ran(36)……………a car. There was a loud crash and Helen was thrown (37)…………..so violently that she hit her head on the front seat. Both drivers go out and began shouting(38)…………each other. Helen got out as (39)…………., to ask them to stop quarrelling , but (40)…………..of them took any notice of her at all.

27. else
28. take
29. spare
30. fare
31. afford
32. mind
33. worth
34. cut
35. main
36. into
37. forward
38. at
39. well
40. neither

A. Guided sentence building. Build a complete sentence with the given words

Dear Mr. Brown,
41. I be happy/get/ letter/offer job/your company
42. You/not tell/ when/ want me/ start work/ for you
43. My present employer/expect me stay him/ end month
44. We think/ about buy / house/office
45. My wife/ be anxious/ find / good school/children/attend
46.She worry/not be able/continue / study/same subjects
47. They be/ secondary school this year/ study hard
48. Let hope/problems/not take/long solve
49.Please / write me/let know/soon possible
50. I look forward/start work / you
Yours sincerely,
John Smith

41. I am happy to get your letter offering me a job in your company.
42. You don’t tell me when you want me to start working for you
43. My present employer expects me to take with him until the end of the month
44.We are thinking about buying a house near the office
45. My wife is anxious to find a good school for the children to attend
46. She is worried they will not be able to continue to study/studying the same subjects
47. They are in secondary school this year, so they have to study hard
48. Let’s hope the problem will not take long to solve
49.Please write to me and let me know as soon as possible
50.I look forward to starting to work with/for you

C. Rewrite each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence(s) printed above it
51. I had only just put the phone down when the boss rang back
52. My mother was the most warm-hearted person I’ve ever known
I’ve ______________________________________________
53. they never made us do anything we didn’t want to do.
54. The patient recovered more rapidly than expected
The patient made______________________________________________
55. My boss works better than he ‘s pressed for time.
The less______________________________________________

51. Hardly had I put the phone down when the boss rang back

52. I’ve never known a more warm-hearted person than my mother
53. We were never made to do anything we didn’t want to
54. The patient made a more rapid recovery than expected
55. The less time boss has, the better he works


Write a composition from 120 to 150 words on this topic:

Test 5
Level : advanced
Date of testing : 26 Feb, 1995
Time allowed : 120 minutes

SECTION A : choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence

1. After a lot of difficulty, he …………….to open the door
a. Managed
b. Succeeded
c. Obtained
d. Realized
2. I’ll have to ………………..to you , otherwise he will hear
a. Shout
b. Whistle
c. Decrease
d. Whisper
3. After closing the envelope, the secretary …………….the stamps on firmly
a. Licked
b. Sucked
c. Stuck
d. Struck
4. When he spoke over the phone, his voice was so……………..that I could hardly near him
a. Dim
b. Faint
c. Dull
d. Unnoticeable
5. When he retired from his job , the director …………….him with a good watch
a. Offered
b. Dedicated
c. Presented
d. Satisfied
6. I would like to offer a small……………..to anyone who finds the missing dog.
a. Receipt
b. Repayment
c. Expense
d. Reward
7. Could you lend me some money? I’m very……………of cash at the moment
a. Down
b. Scare
c. Low
d. Short

1. A 2. D 3. C 4. B 5.C 6.D 7.D

8. Mary Smith decided to give up her job for the ……………of her children.
a. Sake
b. Care
c. Advantage
d. Concern
9. If…………….it would stop raining for a morning, we would cut the grass
a. Ever
b. Only
c. Just
d. Even
10. He played an active…………..in politics until he was well over 80
a. Part
b. Scene
c. Job
d. Position
11. She hated the chocolate until it ……………,then poured it over the cake
a. Formed
b. Changed
c. Melted
d. Flooded
12. When she was crossing the room, the night-nurse happen to notice the old lady………….to get out of her bed.
a. Has tried
b. To try
c. Trying
d. Tried
13. I’m afraid a rise in salary is …………..just now
a. Out of sight
b. Out of control
c. Out of date
d. Out of the question
14. He……………..being giving the receipt for the bill he had paid
a. Asked to
b. Insisted on
c. Demanded
d. Required
15. He retired early…………..ill-health
a. On behalf of
b. Ahead of
c. In front of
d. On account of
16. This is the…………….of the bicycle which were stolen
a. Detail
b. Description
c. Information
d. Example
17. We stayed at home because Ann wasn’t very keen on…………going out ……..the rain
a. For/ under
b. About/ with
c. On/ in
d. For/when
18. She’s ………….the best student in my school
a. By far
b. Until then
c. Up now
d. Since now
19. ‘why is the ground so wet?’ – ‘ it …………..last night’
a. Would rain
b. Would have rained
c. Should have rained
d. Must have rained
20. He is decorating the house with a view ………………it
a. To sell
b. To selling
c. For selling
d. To be sold

13. D

SECTION B: Read the following passage carefully , then choose the best answer to each question
The sun was going down beyond great bank of loud which were full of orange-pink light. I would usually be time for Joe to be going in but he didn’t want to go back if Aunt Daisy and Uncle Ted were still there, because his mother would only send him straight to bed out of the way. So he turned away home and walked down the lane past the football field , kicking a stone before him at the risk of scratching the toes of his best brown shoe. A couple of dogs , one large, black, smooth-haired , the other smaller with a long black and white coat, playing on the edge of the field, running round, jumping at each other and sometimes rolling over together, totally content in each other’s company.
Joe watched them for a moment or two and walked on. Twenty minutes later he was on the riverside and half-way round the circle he had set out to walk from the town and back again. On his way he had passed several couples and one or two family groups returning from their Sunday evening walk ; but now there was no one about except one man resting on the grass between the path and the river bank. When Joe realized that it was his father , his surprise was so great that he stopped. Then his father, who had been leaning on his arm and looking into the river, looked around, but didn’t surprise to see him.

‘Hello ,Joe,’ he said dully. He went back to staring at the river. The fact that he was wearing his beast clothes somehow added to the strangeness of his sitting there alone like this, and as Joe looked at him he was conscious for the first time of a sense of his father as not his father , but someone without connection with himself : as a man, with thoughts and feelings outside their existence as father and son. He saw , for the first time, his father as a person carrying about with him a world of his own , and he had an indefinite sense of this world of his father’s extending back to a time and a life before he himself was born. He was only a part of his world , while his father belonged in the centre of his , Joe ’s world. And things were far from well in his father’s world, he knew.
He moved a few steps nearer , and his father didn’t looked at him. ‘They are all at home, wondering where you are’, said Joe.

21. Joe didn’t go straight home because he
a. Didn’t want to see Aunt Daisy and Uncle Ted
b. Wanted to find his father first
c. Along the bank of the river
d. Half –way to the town
22. Instead of going home Joe went
a. On to the football field
b. Through some field
c. Along the bank of river
d. Half –way to the town
23. When Joe had completed half his intended walk
a. Saw a man sitting by him
b. Passed a couple of people
c. Went back to the town
d. Met some family groups
24. When Joe ‘s father saw Joe , he
a. Sat down on the grass
b. Didn’t seem very interesting in him
c. Looked round at the river
d. Went back to the river
25. That evening Joe realized that
a. He hardly knew his father at all
b. Ha had not seen his father wearing those clothes before
c. He had never really love his father
d. His father had a life of his own

21.B 22.C 23.A 24.B 25.D


SECTION A: Use of English
A. Fill each of the numbered blanks in the following passage. Use only ONE word in each space

I’m interested in sports , especially athletics, and I run for seven or eight kilometer a day. I particularly(26)……………cross-country running, where you have to run across field, jump (27)…………….streams and so(28)………… While I’m running I think about all sorts of things, and (29)…………….the end of the run I’m sometimes surprise to find that I’ve manage to(30)……………a problem that was on my mind.
Next year I’m going to try the London Marathon. It’s a long , hard (31)…………,and you have to be tough to finish, but I very much want to do it. I worry a bit(32)…………..getting old, and I’d like to prove(33) …………….myself that I’m still almost as(34)………… as I was twenty years ago. I’m interested in mountaineering as well as running. I’ll never become an expert climber, but I know (35)………….. I ’m doing in the mountain. I successfully completed a (36)…………..in snow and ice climbing when I was younger ,and I’ve done a series of easy climbs in Alps (37)…………… the last few years. My wife does not share my (38)………….in the mountains. She agreed to go(39)…………..with me once, but she found that she felt ill as(40)...................as she got above 1,000 meters.

26. Enjoy/like
27. Over
28. On
29. At
30. Solve
31. Race/ competition
32. About
33. To
34. Fit/strong/healthy
35. What/ how
36. Course
37. During/ in /for
38. Interest
39. Climbing
40. Soon

B. Guided sentence building. Build a complete sentence with the given words

41.going/ visit /friends /make with /hostel
42. begin /rain/ manager/get/ office/ morning
43. When/ boy/ twelve / father/die/dangerous disease
44. I /tell/meeting/ if/see/tomorrow
45. it/ important/brother/stop/smoke/once
46. I / think over/ offer/give/my answer/soon/possible
47. After/dinner/set out/ saying/where/going
48. We/invite/party/occasion/party
49. She /leave/ wait/rain/minutes/ night
50.sister/willing/help/mother/housework/when / holiday

I’m going to visit the girl which I have made friend with in the hostel
42. It began to rain when/ after the manager had got to the office this morning
43. When the boy was twelve his father died of a dangerous disease
44. I will tell her about the meeting if I see her tomorrow
45. It is important that your brother stop / should stop smoking
46. I will think over your offer and give you my answer as soon as possible
47. After dinner he set out without saying where he was going
48. We were invited to the party on the occasion of her birthday
49. She left me waiting in the rain for ten minutes last night
50. My sister is willing to help our mother with the housework when she has a holiday

Rewrite each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence(s) printed above it

51. “ Why don’t you put a better lock on the door, John?” Jane said
Jane suggested _____________________________________________________
52.Although both his legs were broken in the crash, he managed to get out of the car before it exploded
53. It ‘s necessary for you to finish by Saturday
54. The water so cold that the children could not swim in it.
The water was not_____________________________________________________
55. John has not get his hair cut for over 6 months
It is over_____________________________________________________

51.Jane suggested that John put/ should put a better lock on the door
52. Despite his two broken legs in the crash , he managed to get out of the car before it exploded
53. You don’t need to finish by Saturday
54. The water was not warm enough for the children to swim in
55. It’s over 6 months since John had his hair cut

SECTION B : Composition
Write a composition from 120 to 150 words on this topic:
Test 6
Level : advanced
Date of testing : 7 May , 1995
Time allowed : 120 minutes

SECTION A : choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence

1. If want to live in harmony with other people , we should get rid of
a. Ideas
b. Thoughts
c. Prejudices
d. Opinions
2. In every country there are ………………between different regions, especially between the North and South, which result in unfriendliness , even hatred
a. Differences
b. Conflicts
c. Quarrels
d. Disputes
3. We don’t know who wrote the letter. It’s ……………….
a. Nameless
b. Not signed
c. anonymous
d. signed
4. ………………life has its excitement, but it is likely to cause tension, expecially to old people
a. Rural
b. Country
c. Urban
d. Village
5. His argument was so …………..that his opponents were reduced to silence.
a. Weak
b. Funny
c. Profound
d. Convincing
6. The rock star died in an accident a few days ago, and his …………was attended by thousands of young people
a. Death
b. Procession
c. Funeral
d. Festival

1.C 2.A 3.C 4.C 5.D 6.C

7. Because of lack of orders, the company cannot keep all the employees. One hundred…………..were announced yesterday.
a. Posts
b. Redundancies
c. Vacations
d. Jobs
8. The trade union urges its members to go on strike to…………..against the sacking of one worker
a. Act
b. Protest
c. Oppose
d. Talk
9. She is a rich woman, so few people believe that the diamond she is wearing is
a. Good
b. Expensive
c. Sham
d. Genuine
10. You needn’t take a taxi, because it’s only ………..from here to your hotel
a. Ten minutes walk
b. Walk ten minutes
c. A ten-minute walk
d. A ten-minutes’ walk
11. For the past few years we have succeeded in keeping down…………, so life has been somewhat easier for salaried employees
a. Employment
b. Inflation
c. Currency
d. Money
12. After a Filipino woman was hanged by Singaporean authorities, the Philippines threatened to………..diplomatic relations with Singapore
a. Break up
b. Cut in
c. Break off
d. Break
13. World War II ……………in 1939 and ended in 1945 with the total defeat of Fascism
a. Set out
b. Set in
c. Broken out
d. Broke
14. This year we are celebrating the 20[SUP]th[/SUP] anniversary of the total …………of South Vietnam.
a. Liberation
b. Liberty
c. Freedom
d. Fight
7.B 8. B 9.C 10.C 11.B 12.C 13.C 14.A

15. When the last Americans…………..Vietnam , the country was reunified and later became a member of the United Nations
a. Departed
b. Went out
c. Had left
d. Left
16. ……………our economic achievement , we are still a long way from being an ‘Asian dragon’
a. In spite
b. Despite
c. Though
d. Although
17. When our country…………… a full member of Asian, it will gain in status of the whole world
a. Become
b. Will become
c. Becomes
d. Becoming
18. The new work of Japanese scientists on AIDS has been …………as a major breakthrough
a. Called
b. Saluted
c. Hailed
d. Greeted
19. I walked away as calmly as I could…………..they thought I was the thief
a. To avoid
b. Or else
c. Owning to
d. In case
20. Could you please tell me if you have any electric typewriters…………..?
a. In store
b. In order
c. In supply
d. In stock
15.C 16.B 17.C 18.C 19.D 20.D

Read the following passage carefully , then choose the best answer to each question
Every word on the label describing a food, a drug, a cosmetic, or a medical device is important in protecting you and your family from buying an inferior product, from misusing a good one, from being tricked by dangerous quackery , or from unknowingly possession an item harmful to health.
First of all , the label on a can or package of must be completely truthful. If a loaf of bread is made with soy flour , the loaf cannot be labeled as white bread.
A label must not be misleading. This restriction is somewhat vague and therefore cannot prevent all violations. Although the government tries to eliminate all misleading labels, the consumer must nevertheless be always on guard . just because a can of sardines has a fancy-sounding foreign name, don’t take for granted that the fish were imported. It is the law, too, that manufacturers must list their names and places of business on their labels
Manufacturers must use common names in identifying their products so that everyone can readily understand what he is buying. Synthetic foods must be prominently labeled as artificial. Foods composes of two or more ingredients must bear labels listing all ingredients in the order of predominance.

21. According to the article, the main purpose of the label is to
a. Attract the customer
b. Protect the consumer
c. List the ingredients
d. Protect the manufacture
22. Careful reading of the label will prevent
a. Misuse of the product
b. Buying an inferior product
c. Buying the harmful substance
d. a ,b and c
23. The author suggests that
a. Some labels misleading because of in spite of government inspection
b. All labels are misleading
c. Most labels are vague
d. The government does nothing about misleading labels
24. A foreign name on a label
a. Is never misleading
b. Always indicates that the product is an imports
c. May lead one to believe that the product is an import
d. Is never completely truthful
25. The most important ingredients of a product must be listed
a. First
b. Last
c. In the middle
d. As artificial
21. B 22.D 23.A 24.C 25.A


SECTION A: Use of English

A. Fill each of the numbered blanks in the following passage. Use only ONE word in each space

As the train approached the seaside town(26)…………… I was(27)………….to spend my holidays, I went into the corridor to stretch my legs. I stayed there a short (28)…………, breathing in a fresh sea(29)…………..and exchanging a few words with one of the passengers , (30)…………..i had met earlier on the station platform.
When I turned to go back to my seat, I happened (31)…………glance into the compartment next to (32)…………. Sitting there was a man who many years before had (33)……….my neighbor. He was a great talker , I remembered; it used to take hours to get away (34)………….him when he began a conversation. I was not at all sorry when he went to live in another part of London. We had not meet since(35)……………,nor did I wish to meet him now, when my holiday was about to begin.
Luckily at(36)………….moment he was much too busy talking to the man opposite him to catch (37)………….of me. I slipped back into my compartment, took down my two suitcases and carried them to the far end of the corridor so(38)………… to be ready to get(39)……………….the train as soon as it stopped. The moment the train came to the halt, I call porter , who is no time at all had carried my luggage out of the station and found me a taxi. As I drove towards my small hotel on the outskirt of the town, I breathed a deep sigh of relief at my narrow escape. There was a little (40)……….. that I should run into my boring ex-neighbor again.

26. Where
27. Going
28. While / time
29. Air
30. Whom
31. To
32. Mine
33. Been
34. From
35. Then
36. That
37. Sight
38. As
39. Off
40. Chance

B. Guided sentence building. Build a complete sentence with the given words

Dear Margaret,

41. I /arrive /Tan Son Nhat Airport/ 2 o’clock / yesterday afternoon
42. My parents/ glad/ welcome/home/after my two-week trip/Singapore
43. evening/ at / dinner/I / tell/trip
44. I/ show/photos / souvenirs / give
45. They/ delighted/ see them
46. Today/ i/write/thank you/help/stay there
47. I /read / a lot / Singapore/ cleanness and orderliness
48. guiding and help/ make/trip/much more interesting
49. I remember/see me off/ Changi Ariport / and / promise /visit Ho Chi Minh City
50. I / look forward / see you here

Affectionately yours,
Vu Phan

Dear Margaret,

41. I arrived at Tan Son Nhat Airport at 2 o’clock yesterday afternoon.
42. My parents were so glad to welcome me home after my two-week trip to Singapore
43. In the evening at the dinner I told them about the trip
44. I showed them the photos and souvenirs you gave me.
45. They were delighted to see them
46. Today I’m writing to thank you for your help during my stay there
47. I’ve read a lot about Singapore and about its cleanness and orderliness.
48. Your guidance and help made my trip much more interesting
49. I remember you seeing me at Changi Airport and promising to visit Ho Chi Minh City
50. I’m looking forward to seeing you here

C. Rewrite each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence(s) printed above it

51. Although it was raining heavily , none of the workers came late
In spite _________________________________________________
52 . I walked away as calmly as I could so that they wouldn’t think I was a thief
In case___________________________________________________
53. He didn’t return to his native village until the war ended
Not until____________________________________________________
54. They’ll have to change the date of the meeting again
The date________________________________
55. The Prime Minister said that there were so many difficulties ahead and suggested that we should double our efforts
The Prime Mister said, “________________________________”

51. In spite of the heavy rain, none of the works came late
52. In case they thought that I was the thief , I walked away as calmly as I could
53. Not until the war ended did he return to his native village
54. The date of the meeting will have to be changed again
55. The Prime Minister said, “ there are still so many difficulties ahead. Let’s double our efforts”

SECTION B : Composition
Write a composition from 120 to 150 words on this topic:
Test 7
Level : advanced
Date of testing : 2 July , 1995
Time allowed : 120 minutes

: choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence

1. The police have …………….enough evidence to ensure his conviction
a. Picked
b. Attempted
c. Accumulated
d. Investigated
2. It is usually better not to…………….things, in case they are not returned
a. Lend
b. Offer
c. Borrow
d. Lose
3. You can learn as much as you like, but you only master a skill by…………it a lot
a. Practicing
b. Training
c. Exercising
d. Doing
4. He was afraid of losing his suitcase so he tied a ……………on it on which he had written his name and address.
a. Badge
b. Mark
c. Label
d. Notice
5. The author had qualified as a doctor but latter gave up the ……………..of medicine for full-time writing
a. Practice
b. Treatment
c. Procedure
d. Prescription
6. It’s twenty years now since the Socialists came to…………..in that country
a. Power
b. Force
c. Control
d. Command
7. Learners of English as a foreign language often fail to…………..between unfamiliar sounds in that language
a. Separate
b. Differ
c. Distinguish
d. Solve

1.C 2.A 3.A 4.C 5.A 6.A 7.C

8. I have lived near the railway for so long now that I’ve grown………….to the noise of the trains
a. Accustomed
b. Familiar
c. Unconscious
d. Aware
9. He applied for training as a pilot , but they turned him…………..because of his poor eyesight
a. Back
b. Up
c. Over
d. Down
10. Smoking is a very bad habit, which many people find difficult to
a. Break
b. Beat
c. Breathe
d. Cough
11. It was difficult to……………a date which convenient for everyone
a. Elect
b. Organize
c. Arrange
d. Provide
12. If only i………… play the guitar as well as you!
a. Would
b. Should
c. Could
d. Might
13. John swims very well and …………..does his brother
a. Also
b. Even
c. So
d. Too
14. Because his argument was so confusing,……….people understood it
a. Few
b. Clever
c. Less
d. Many
15. I think he is unwell; he was complaining…………….a headache this morning
a. About
b. Over
c. On
d. With
16. I have absolutely no doubt ………………. The innocence of the accused
a. About
b. Over
c. On
d. With
17. When he heard the terrible noise he asked me what was……………on
a. Happening
b. Being
c. Getting
d. Going
18. I don’t think he’ll ever…………..the shock of his wife’s death
a. Get through
b. Get over
c. Get by
d. Get off
19. ……………I ask him for the money he owns me, he says he will bring it in a few days, but I don’t think he has got it at all
a. Whatever
b. However
c. Whenever
d. Wherever
20. The purpose of the examination was to……….the students knowledge of this subject
a. Try
b. Inspect
c. Prove
d. Test

8. B

SECTION B: Read the following passage carefully , then choose the best answer to each question

Let children learn to judge their own work. A child learning to talk does not learn by being corrected all the time: if corrected too much , he will stop talking. He notices a thousand times a day the difference between the language he uses and the language those around him use. Bit by bit , he make necessary changes to make his language like people’s. In the same way , children learning to do all the other things , they learn without being taught – to walk , run, climb, whistle , ride the bicycle – compare their own performances with those of more skilled people, and slowly make the needed changes. But in school we never give a child a chance to find out his mistakes for himself , let alone correct them. We do it all for him. We act as if we thought that he would never notices a mistake unless it was pointed out for him, or correct it unless he was made to. Soon he becomes dependent on the teacher. Let him do it himself. Let him work out , with the help of other children if he want it, what this word says , what the answer is to that problem, whether this is a good way of saying or doing this or not.

If it is a matter of right answer, as it may be in mathematics or science, give him the answer book. Let him correct his own papers. Why should we teachers waste time on such routine work? Our job should be to help the child when he tells us that he can’t find the way to get the right answer. Let’s end all this nonsense of grades, exams, marks. Let us throw them all out, and let the children learn what all educated persons must someday learn, how to measure their own understanding, how to know what they know or don’t know.

Let them get on with this job in the way that seems most sensible to them, with our help as school teachers if they ask for it. The idea that there is a body of knowledge to be learnt at school and used for the rest of one’s life is nonsense in a world as complicated and rapidly changing as ours. Anxious parents and teachers say, “but suppose they fail learn something essential, something they will need to get on in the world?”. Don’t worry. If it is essential, they will go out into the world and learn it.

21. What does author think is the best way for children to learn things?
a. By copy what other people do
b. By making mistakes and having them corrected
c. By listening to explanations from skilled people
d. By asking a great many questions
22. What does the author think teachers do which they should not do?
a. They give children correct answer
b. They point out the children’s mistakes to them
c. They allowed their children to marks their own work
d. They courage children to copy form one another
23. The passage suggests that learning to speak and learning to ride a bicycle are
a. Not really important skills
b. More important than other skills
c. Basically different from learning adult skills
d. Basically the same as learning other skills
24. Exams, grades, and marks should be abolished because children’s progress should only be estimated by
a. Educated persons
b. The children themselves
c. Teachers
d. Parents
25. The author fears that children will grow up into adults who are
a. Too independent of others
b. Too critical of themselves
c. Unable to think for themselves
d. Unable to use basic skills
21.A 22.B 23.D 24.B 25.C


SECTION A: Use of English

A. Fill each of the numbered blanks in the following passage. Use only ONE word in each space

My sense of direction is not very good , and I easily get lost. One day, about ten years(26)…………, I was walking in the mountain between France and Italy (27)……………the weather began to turn bad. I started to make my way back downhill, (28)…………… I did not want to be caught in a storm. But after a few hundred meters I realized that I was not sure(29)……………the way. The clouds came out lower and lower , (30)…………..started to rain, and soon I was completely lost. I called as a loud as (31)…………….., nut of course there was nobody close(32)…………..to hear me. I did not want to stay on the mountain, but it was impossible to go on. So I crawled (33)…………..a hole between two rocks and waited (34)…………… the storm to go over.
After two or three hours the rain stopped and the clouds lifted, and I was (35)………….. to start walking again. I was very cold and hungry and I had nothing to eat(36)…………….some sweets.
About half an hour (37)…………..i suddenly recognized my surroundings , and I realized that I was only two or three hundred meters above the campsite. However, my trouble was not(38)………… On my way down I slipped and hit my knee against a rock. There was a deep cut and it (39)…………very badly, and as soon as I got back to the camp I went to see a (40)………….. Fortunately, there was nothing broken.

26. Ago
27. When
28. Because/as/for
29. Of
30. It
31. Could
32. Enough
33. Into
34. For
35. Able
36. Except/but
37. Later
38. Over/ended
39. Hurt/ached
40. Doctor/physician

B. Guided sentence building.

From the following sets of words and phrases , write ten sentences which together make a complete letter
Ward 7,
Great North Hospital

Dear Bill,
41. I /expect/ you be surprised/set/letter/me
42. As/can see/address above/ I be/hospital
43. Last Wednesday/I have/accident/when I drive/ work
44. Child/run out/ front/my car
45. And I /have/stop/sudden/ that/car behind/ crash/me
46. Luckily/I wear/seatbelt/so I /not injured badly
47. But/have/ I be/ stay/here/next Friday
48. It be/ very boring/ I be pleased/ see/if you / have/ spare time
49. Visiting hours/ be/ 7.00 to 9.00/ evening
50. I hope/ able/come
Give my regards to your family.
Yours ,

Dear Bill,
41. I expect you will be surprised to get this letter from me
42. As you can see from the address above I am in hospital
43. Last Wednesday I had an accident when I drove to work
44. A child ran out in front of my car
45. And I had to stop so suddenly that the car behind crashed into me
46. Luckily, I was wearing my seatbelt so I was not injured badly
47. But I may/I’ll have to stay here until next Friday
48.It is very boring and I’ll /would be pleased if you have any spare time
49. Visiting hours are from 7.00 to 9.00 in the evening
50. I hope you will be able to come
Give my regards to your family

C. Rewrite each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence(s) printed above it
51. “why don’t you put your luggage under the seat?” he asked
He suggested________________________________________
52.She knows a lot more about it than I do
I don’t know________________________________________
53. The children couldn’t go swimming because the sea was very rough
The sea was too________________________________________
54. The water was so cold that the children could not swim in it
The water was not________________________________________
55.His bank manager turned down his request for a loan
His request ________________________________________

51. He suggested that I put/should put her luggage under the seat
52. I don’t know as/ so much about it as she does
53. The sea was too rough for the children to swim in
54. The water was not warm enough for the children to swim in
55. His request for a loan was turned down by bank manager

SECTION B : Composition

Write a composition from 120 to 150 words on this topic:
Test 8
Level : advanced
Date of testing : 10 Sep , 1995
Time allowed : 120 minutes

: choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence

1. He soon received promotion, for his superiors realized that he was a man of considerable……………
a. Possibility
b. Ability
c. Future
d. Opportunity
2. Is there a bank where I can ……………these pounds for dollar?
a. Arrange
b. Turn
c. alter
d. exchange
3. after closing the envelop, the secretary ………….the stamps on firmly
a. licked
b. sucked
c. struck
d. stuck
4. When he spoke over the phone, his voice was so……………..that I could hardly near him
a. Dim
b. Faint
c. dull
d. Unnoticeable
5. When he retired from his job , the director …………….him with a good watch
a. Offered
b. Dedicated
c. Presented
d. Satisfied
6. I would like to offer a small……………..to anyone who finds the missing dog.
a. receipt
b. repayment
c. expense
d. Reward
7. Could you lend me some money? I’m very……………of cash at the moment
a. Down
b. Scare
c. Low
d. Short
1.B 2.D 3.D 4.C 5.B 6.A 7.C

8. Mary Smith decided to give up her job for the ……………of her children.
a. care
b. sake
c. Advantage
d. Concern
9. If…………….it would stop raining for a morning, we would cut the grass
a. Ever
b. Even
c. Just
d. only
10. He played an active…………..in politics until he was well over 80
a. Scene
b. Part
c. Job
d. position
11. She heated the chocolate until it ……………,then poured it over the cake
a. Formed
b. Melted
c. Change
d. flooded
12. When she was crossing the room, the night-nurse happen to notice the old lady………….to get out of her bed.
a. Has tried
b. To try
c. Tried
d. Trying
13. The chief of police said that he saw no…………….between the six murders
a. Connection
b. Joint
c. Communication
d. Join
14. The safety committee’s report recommended that all medicines should be kept out of the……….. of children
a. Hold
b. Hand
c. Grasp
d. Reach
15. In the jar there was a …………..which looked like jam
a. Powder
b. Material
c. Solid
d. substance
16. This is the…………….of the bicycle which were stolen
a. Description
b. Detail
c. Information
d. Example
17. We stayed at home because Ann wasn’t very keen on…………going out ……..the rain
a. For/ under
b. On/in
c. About/ with
d. For/when
18. She’s ………….the best student in my school
a. Since now
b. Until then
c. Up now
d. By far
19. ‘why is the ground so wet?’ – ‘ it …………..last night’
a. Would rain
b. Would have rain
c. Must have rained
d. Should have rained
20. He is decorating the house with a view ………………it
a. To selling
b. To sell
c. For selling
d. To be sold

8.B 9.D 10.B 11.B 12.D 13.A 14.D 15.D
16.A 17.B 18.D 19.C 20.A

SECTION B: Read the following passage carefully , then choose the best answer to each question

The sun was going down beyond great bank of loud which were full of orange-pink light. I would usually be time for Joe to be going in but he didn’t want to go back if Aunt Daisy and Uncle Ted were still there, because his mother would only send him straight to bed out of the way. So he turned away home and walked down the lane past the football field , kicking a stone before him at the risk of scratching the toes of his best brown shoe. A couple of dogs , one large, black, smooth-haired , the other smaller with a long black and white coat, playing on the edge of the field, running round, jumping at each other and sometimes rolling over together, totally content in each other’s company.

Joe watched them for a moment or two and walked on. Twenty minutes later he was on the riverside and half-way round the circle he had set out to walk from the town and back again. On his way he had passed several couples and one or two family groups returning from their Sunday evening walk ; but now there was no one about except one man resting on the grass between the path and the river bank. When Joe realized that it was his father , his surprise was so great that he stopped. Then his father, who had been leaning on his arm and looking into the river, looked around, but didn’t surprise to see him.

‘Hello ,Joe,’ he said dully. He went back to staring at the river. The fact that he was wearing his beast clothes somehow added to the strangeness of his sitting there alone like this, and as Joe looked at him he was conscious for the first time of a sense of his father as not his father , but someone without connection with himself : as a man, with thoughts and feelings outside their existence as father and son. He saw , for the first time, his father as a person carrying about with him a world of his own , and he had an indefinite sense of this world of his father’s extending back to a time and a life before he himself was born. He was only a part of his world , while his father belonged in the centre of his , Joe ’s world. And things were far from well in his father’s world, he knew.

He moved a few steps nearer , and his father didn’t looked at him. ‘They are all at home, wondering where you are’, said Joe.

21. Joe didn’t go straight home because he
a. Half-way to the town
b. Wanted to find his father
c. Along the bank of the river
d. Didn’t want to see Aunt Daisy and Uncle Ted
22. Instead of going home Joe went
a. On to the football field
b. Through some field
c. Half-way to town
d. Along the river bank
23. When Joe had completed half intended walk he
a. Went back to the town
b. Passed a couple of people
c. Saw a man sitting by himself
d. Met some family group
24. When Joe’s father saw Joe , he
a. Sat down on the grass
b. Went back to the river
c. Looked round at the river
d. Didn’t seem very interested in him
25. That evening Joe realized that
a. He hardly knew his father at all
b. His father had a life of his own
c. He had never really loved his father
d. Ha had not seen his father wearing those clothes before
21. A 22.D 23.C 24.D 25.B


Use of English

. Fill each of the numbered blanks in the following passage. Use only ONE word in each space

Helen packed a small suitcase , said goodbye to her mother and hurried out of house to(26)………..the bus to the station. There was no one(27)……………waiting at the bus stop, so it looked as if the bus had just left. Helen looked at her watch anxiously : it was already two o’clock. Her train left at two thirty and since it would (28)…………..at least twenty minutes to reach the station, she didn’t have much time to (29)…………., even if the bus came along at once.

Just then the taxi came slowly down the road. Helen knew that the(30)………..to the station was at least five shillings, which was more than she could (31)……………., but she quickly made up her(32)……………that it would be well(33)………….the extra expense in order to be sure of catching her train. So she stopped the taxi and got in. she told the driver that she had to catch the train which left at half past two. The man nodded and said that he would take a short(34)………….to get her to the station in good time.

All went well until, just as they were coming out of side- street into the (35)…………..road that led to the station, the taxi ran(36)……………a car. There was a loud crash and Helen was thrown (37)…………..so violently that she hit her head on the front seat. Both drivers go out and began shouting(38)…………each other. Helen got out as (39)…………., to ask them to stop quarrelling , but (40)…………..of them took any notice of her at all.

27. else
28. take
29. spare
30. fare
31. afford
32. mind
33. worth
34. cut
35. main
36. into
37. forward
38. at
39. well
40. neither

A. Guided sentence building. Build a complete sentence with the given words
Dear Mr. Brown,
41. I be happy/get/ letter/offer job/your company
42. You/not tell/ when/ want me/ start work/ for you
43. My present employer/expect me stay him/ end month
44. We think/ about buy / house/office
45. My wife/ be anxious/ find / good school/children/attend
46.She worry/not be able/continue / study/same subjects
47. They be/ secondary school this year/ study hard
48. Let hope/problems/not take/long solve
49.Please / write me/let know/soon possible
50. I look forward/start work / you
Yours sincerely,
John Smith

41. I am happy to get your letter offering me a job in your company.
42. You don’t tell me when you want me to start working for you
43. My present employer expects me to take with him until the end of the month
44.We are thinking about buying a house near the office
45. My wife is anxious to find a good school for the children to attend
46. She is worried they will not be able to continue to study/studying the same subjects
47. They are in secondary school this year, so they have to study hard
48. Let’s hope the problem will not take long to solve
49.Please write to me and let me know as soon as possible
50.I look forward to starting to work with/for you

C. Rewrite each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence(s) printed above it
51. I had only just put the phone down when the boss rang back
52. My mother was the most warm-hearted person I’ve ever known
I’ve _________________________________________
53. they never made us do anything we didn’t want to do.
54. The patient recovered more rapidly than expected
The patient made_________________________________________
55. My boss works better than he ‘s pressed for time.
The less_________________________________________
51. Hardly had I put the phone down when the boss rang back
52. I’ve never known a more warm-hearted person than my mother
53. We were never made to do anything we didn’t want to
54. The patient made a more rapid recovery than expected
55. The less time boss has, the better he works


Write a composition from 120 to 150 words on this topic:


45. it/ important/brother/stop/smoke/once
46. I / think over/ offer/give/my answer/soon/possible
47. After/dinner/set out/ saying/where/going
48. We/invite/party/occasion/party
49. She /leave/ wait/rain/minutes/ night
50.sister/willing/help/mother/housework/when / holiday

41. I’m going to visit the girl which I have made friend with in the hostel
42. It began to rain when/ after the manager had got to the office this morning
43. When the boy was twelve his father died of a dangerous disease
44. I will tell her about the meeting if I see her tomorrow
45. It is important that your brother stop / should stop smoking
46. I will think over your offer and give you my answer as soon as possible
47. After dinner he set out without saying where he was going
48. We were invited to the party on the occasion of her birthday
49. She left me waiting in the rain for ten minutes last night
50. My sister is willing to help our mother with the housework when she has a holiday

Rewrite each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence(s) printed above it

51. “ Why don’t you put a better lock on the door, John?” Jane said
Jane suggested _____________________________________________
52.Although both his legs were broken in the crash, he managed to get out of the car before it exploded
53. It ‘s necessary for you to finish by Saturday
54. The water so cold that the children could not swim in it.
The water was not_____________________________________________
55. John has not get his hair cut for over 6 months
It is over_____________________________________________

51.Jane suggested that John put/ should put a better lock on the door
52. Despite his two broken legs in the crash , he managed to get out of the car before it exploded
53. You don’t need to finish by Saturday
54. The water was not warm enough for the children to swim in
55. It’s over 6 months since John had his hair cut

SECTION B : Composition

Write a composition from 120 to 150 words on this topic:

Level : advanced
Date of testing : 7 Jan, 1996
Time allowed : 120 minutes

: choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence

1.Even by modern standards , the 46,000-ton Titanic was a…………ship
a. colossal
b. extravagant
c. anonymous
d. repulsive
2. No matter how angry he was, he would never ………….to violence
a. resolve
b. resource
c. exert
d. resort
3.After leaving school, Nigel decided to ……………..in the army
a. enlist
b. enroll
c. register
d. sign
4. ……………..a fire, hotel guests are asked to remain calm
a. as a result
b. in the event of
c. by reason of
d. in the time of
5. When I went into the dining room next morning, the ………….of the dinner were still on the table
a. remains
b. results
c. remnants
d. relics
6. In spite of lengthy discussions between the union and the management, closure became ………….because of the cancellation several major orders
a. Irreplaceable
b. Inevitable
c. Responsible
d. Impossible
7. She …………..wanted a house overlooking the sea
a. Particularly
b. Strongly
c. Essentially
d. Extremely

1.A 2.D 3.A 4.B 5.A 6.B 7.A

8. For centuries Rome was the ……………power in the Mediterranean .
a. Utmost
b. Superlative
c. Overruling
d. Supreme
9. I couldn’t tell what time it was because workman had removed the……….of the clock
a. Hands
b. Pointers
c. Arms
d. Fingers
10. Supposing I …………..to agree to your request, how do you think the other students would feel?
a. Would
b. Am
c. Were
d. Could
11. Where ……….all this morning? It’s really midday
a. Were you
b. Are you
c. Have you been
d. Are you being
12. His failure………..great disappointed to his parents
a. Forced
b. Made
c. Caused
d. Provided
13. While politicians argue about nuclear weapons, ordinary people are simply concern ……………staying alive.
a. Of
b. With
a. For
b. In
14. I’ so tired that I can take…………..what you’re saying
a. Up
b. Out
c. In
d. On
15. ……………..will Mr. Brown be able to regain control of the company
a. With hard word
b. Only if he works hard
c. In spite of his hard work
d. Only with his hard work
16. After his girlfriend left him, George determined never………….in love again
a. To fall
b. Falling
c. For to fall
d. Having fallen
17. Few pleasures will be equal………….of a cool drink on a hot day.
a. It
b. That
c. Such
d. This
18. I wish you…………me a new on instead of having it……………as you did
a. Would give/to repair
b. Gave / to repair
c. Had given/ to be repaired
d. Had given/ repaired
19. ………….his advice, I would never have got this job
a. Except
b. Apart from
c. But for
d. As for
20. No sooner had he sat down to lunch…………there was a knock at the door
a. When
b. That
c. As
d. Than
8. D 9.A 10. C 11.C 12.C 13.B 14.C 15.D
16. A 17.B 18.D 19.C 20.D

SECTION B: Read the following passage carefully , then choose the best answer to each question

The research for alternative sources of energy has led in various directions. Many communities are burning garbage and other biological waste products to produce electricity. Converting waste products to gases or oil is also an efficient way to depose of waste.

Experimental work is being done to derive synthetic fuels from coal, oil ,shale and coal tars. But to date ,that process has proven expensive. Other experiments are underway to harness power with giant windmills. Geothermal power, heat from the earth , is also beings tested.

Some experts expect utility companies to revive hydroelectric power derived from streams and rivers. Fifty years ago hydroelectric power provided one third of the electricity used in the United States, but today it only supplies 4 percent. The oceans are another potential source of energy. Scientists are studying ways to convert the energy of currency , tides and waves to electricity. Experiments are also underway to make use of temperature differences in ocean water to produce energy.

21. Which is the best title of the passage?
a. The use of water production of energy
b. The search for alternative source of energy
c. Efficient ways of disposing of waste
d. New discoveries in geothermal power
22. Fifty years ago one third of the electricity in the United States was provided by
a. Wind
b. Waste of product
c. Water
d. Oil
23. In the second paragraph, the phrase ‘synthetic fuels’ could best be replaced by which of the following
a. Biological fuels
b. Low burning fuels
c. Fast burning fuels
d. Artificial made fuels
24. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage as an alternative source of energy
a. Burning garbage
b. Geothermal power
c. Synthetic fuels
d. Electricity
25. According to the author, the impracticability of using coal, oil shale and coal tars as source of energy is due to
a. Their being time consuming
b. Their being money consuming
c. The scarcity of sources
d. The lack of technology
21.B 22.C 23.D 24.D 25. B


Use of English

Fill each of the numbered blanks in the following passage. Use only ONE word in each space

I’m interested in sports , especially athletics, and I run for seven or eight kilometer a day. I particularly(26)……………cross-country running, where you have to run across field, jump (27)…………….streams and so(28)………… While I’m running I think about all sorts of things, and (29)…………….the end of the run I’m sometimes surprise to find that I’ve manage to(30)……………a problem that was on my mind.

Next year I’m going to try the London Marathon. It’s a long , hard (31)…………,and you have to be tough to finish, but I very much want to do it. I worry a bit(32)…………..getting old, and I’d like to prove(33) …………….myself that I’m still almost as(34)………… as I was twenty years ago. I’m interested in mountaineering as well as running. I’ll never become an expert climber, but I know (35)………….. I ’m doing in the mountain. I successfully completed a (36)…………..in snow and ice climbing when I was younger ,and I’ve done a series of easy climbs in Alps (37)…………… the last few years. My wife does not share my (38)………….in the mountains. She agreed to go(39)…………..with me once, but she found that she felt ill as(40)...................as she got above 1,000 meters.

1. Enjoy/like
2. Over
3. On
4. At
5. Solve
6. Race/ competition
7. About
8. To
9. Fit/strong/healthy
10. What/ how
11. Course
12. During/ in /for
13. Interest
14. Climbing
15. Soon

B. Guided sentence building. Build a complete sentence with the given words
41.going/ visit /friends /make with /hostel
42. begin /rain/ manager/get/ office/ morning
43. When/ boy/ twelve / father/die/dangerous disease
44. I /tell/meeting/ if/see/tomorrow
45. it/ important/brother/stop/smoke/once
46. I / think over/ offer/give/my answer/soon/possible
47. After/dinner/set out/ saying/where/going
48. We/invite/party/occasion/party
49. She /leave/ wait/rain/minutes/ night
50.sister/willing/help/mother/housework/when / holiday

41.I’m going to visit the girl which I have made friend with in the hostel
42. It began to rain when/ after the manager had got to the office this morning
43. When the boy was twelve his father died of a dangerous disease
44. I will tell her about the meeting if I see her tomorrow
45. It is important that your brother stop / should stop smoking
46. I will think over your offer and give you my answer as soon as possible
47. After dinner he set out without saying where he was going
48. We were invited to the party on the occasion of her birthday
49. She left me waiting in the rain for ten minutes last night
50. My sister is willing to help our mother with the housework when she has a holiday

Rewrite each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence(s) printed above it

51. “ Why don’t you put a better lock on the door, John?” Jane said
Jane suggested ____________________________________________________
52.Although both his legs were broken in the crash, he managed to get out of the car before it exploded
53. It ‘s necessary for you to finish by Saturday
54. The water so cold that the children could not swim in it.
The water was not____________________________________________________
55. John has not get his hair cut for over 6 months
It is over____________________________________________________

51.Jane suggested that John put/ should put a better lock on the door
52. Despite his two broken legs in the crash , he managed to get out of the car before it exploded
53. You don’t need to finish by Saturday
54. The water was not warm enough for the children to swim in
55. It’s over 6 months since John had his hair cut

SECTION B : Composition

Write a composition from 120 to 150 words on this topic:

Test 10
Level : advanced
Date of testing : 24 March , 1996
Time allowed : 120 minutes

: choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence

1. Modern English has……………..from the mingling of other languages
a. Involved
b. Evolved
c. Concerned
d. Transferred
2. ………………at the age of eighty, the Florentines gave him a state funeral
a. On dying
b. Having died
c. Dead
d. On his death
3. The police were………..when Mrs. Ramsay told them what she had done
a. Esteemed
b. Astounded
c. Astonished
d. Flickered
4. In seeking independence, they do not sacrifice their human…………………….
a. Mood
b. Situation
c. Dignity
d. Personification
5. The journalist informed …………..while carrying out his instructions
a. His arrest to the editor
b. The editor his arrest
c. The editor that his arrest had been
d. The editor of his arrest
6. We delayed our departure…………the weather condition
a. On account of
b. On behalf of
c. In front of
d. Ahead of
7. When i went to talk to the manager, he told me he could only………….me a few minutes
a. Provide
b. Let
c. Spend
d. Spare

1.B 2.D 3.B 4.C 5.D 6.A 7.D

8. Recognizing who the customer was, the manager was most apologetic and………….the assistant severely
a. Disregarded
b. Grudged
c. Reprimanded
d. Complained
9. Driving in London is suppose to be confusing but I didn’t find it at…………difficult
a. First
b. All
c. Once
d. Least
10. ………….you mention it, I do remember the accident
a. If only
b. Now that
c. No matter
d. So that
11. If I had met you last Sunday, I …………here today
a. Wouldn’t have been
b. Wouldn’t be
c. Were not
d. Am not
12. Having been asked to speak at the conference, …………..
a. Some notes were prepared for Dr. Clark
b. Some notes were prepared by Dr. Clark
c. Dr. Clark prepared some notes
d. The members were pleased to hear Dr. Clark
13. She demanded that she…………allowed to meet her son in prison
a. Was
b. Would be
c. Be
d. Both b and are correct
14. We shall defend the city………….it means fighting to the last of our men
a. Even if
b. However
c. Whether
d. No matter
15. Hardly………….asleep when the phone woke him up
a. The doctor fell
b. The doctor had fallen
c. Did the doctor fall
d. Had the doctor fallen
16. Hard as they tried, they……………….in their scheme
a. Haven’t succeeded
b. Hadn’t succeeded
c. Succeeded not
d. Not succeeded
17. Mary has got a friend……………all the papers for her
a. Types
b. To type
c. Typing
d. Typed
18. They went………. Hard days when they first came to settle there.
a. By
b. On
c. Along
d. Through
19. We called…………..her shop on our way home
a. At
b. On
c. Up
d. For
20. The boy could not find his sixpence anywhere………….get his arm out
a. Nor could be
b. Nor he could
c. Neither he could
d. Either he could not
8.C 9.B 10.B 11.B 12.C 13.C 14.A
15.D 16.C 17.B 18.D 19.A 20.A

SECTION B: Read the following passage carefully , then choose the best answer to each question

Charles Eliot, taking over at Harvard in 1869 at the age of 35, pioneered a break with the tradition curriculum. The usual course of studies at American universities emphasized classical and humanistic course, classical languages , mathematics. Ethics, and rhetoric; and each institution prescribed a rigid program of required courses. Under Eliot’s leadership, Harvard dropped most of its required courses of favor of an elective system and increased its course offerings to stress the physical and social sciences, fine arts , and modern languages. Soon other institutes in all sections of the country were following Harvard’s lead. Eliot was also influential in bringing about important reforms in professional education. He renovated the Harvard medical and law schools, raising the requirements and lengthening the residence period, and again the Harvard model affected the other schools. Improved technical training in other professions accompanied the advances in medicine and law. Both state and private universities hastened to establish schools of architecture, engineering, education, journalism, business.
Although Harvard was one of the first universities to found a graduate school, the recognized centre for graduate study, based on the German system with the highest award, was John Hopkins.

21. What did Charles Eliot do at Harvard?
a. He started studies under a rigid program
b. He introduced modern studies
c. He removed all classical studies
d. He selected students under an elective system
22. According to the passage, after 1869 students at Harvard were
a. Given a wide selection of subjects to choose from
b. Allowed to choose any subject at all to study
c. Required to study physical and social science
d. Unable to follow classical and humanistic courses
23. Under Charles Eliot’s influence at Harvard , students who wished to become doctors and lawyers had to
a. Study for longer hours
b. Conform to a required Harvard model
c. Reach a higher academic level
d. Act in a professional way
24. We understand from the passage that John Hopkins University
a. Offers the best graduate prizes
b. Provides an excellent German education
c. Offers the most prestigious graduate education
d. Has the oldest established graduate school
25. The overall effect of Charles Eliot’s reform was to
a. Standardize professional education
b. Diminish the other universities
c. Lower the prestige of classical and humanistic studies
d. Widen the academic curriculum

21.B 22.A 23.C 24.C 25.D


Use of English

Fill each of the numbered blanks in the following passage. Use only ONE word in each space

Tired (26)……………sleeping on the floor, a young man in Teheran(27)…………up for years to buy a new bed. For the first(28)……………in his life, he became the proud owner of a bed which had springs and mattress. (29)…………..the weather was very hot, he carried the bed(30)…………to the roof of his house. He slept very well for the(31)……………two nights, but on the third night, a storm blew(32)…………A gust of wind swept the bed(33)………….the roof and sent it crashing(34)………….the courtyard below. The young man did not wake up until the bed struck the ground. (35)………….the bed was smashed to pieces, the man was miraculously(36)……………...When he woke up, he was (37)…………on the mattress. Glancing at the bits of wood and metal that lay around him, the man sadly picked up the(38)…………..and carried it into the house. After he (39)……….. put it in the floor, he (40)……………went to sleep again.

26. Of
28. Time
29.because/as / since
31. first
32. up
34. into
35.although/ though
36. unhurt
37. still/lying
38. mattress
39. had
40. promptly/ quickly
B .Guided sentence building. Build a complete sentence with the given words

41. police/say/no/connection/two murders
42. director/ill/so /deputy/ speech/instead of
43. I / complain/manager/restaurant/food
44. not see/picture/our city/ as/ look / 100 years
45. it / age/14/Jack London/ leave school/sailor
46. You /know/ interested/buy/hand/car?
47. stand/plane/doctor/good-bye/everybody/airport
48. John/ show/ hotel/ stay/vacation
49. advantage/ have/car / that/ rely / public transport
50. mother/ still/hospital/out/ danger

41. The police say/said(that) there is/was no connection between the two murders
42. The director was ill so his deputy gave the speech instead of him
43. I have complained to the manager of the restaurant about the food
44. We have not seen the picture of our city as it looked 100 years ago
45. It was at the age of 14 that Jack London left school and became a sailor
46. Do you know who is interested in buying a second-hand car?
47. Standing by/near/at the plane, the doctor said/waved goodbye to everybody at the airport
48. John showed me the hostel where he had stayed during his vacation
49. The advantage of having a car is that you don’t have to rely on public transport
50. My mother is still in the hospital but she is out of danger

C. Rewrite each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence(s) printed above it
51. She urged her husband to write and accept the post
She urged that_____________________________________
52. After four years abroad, Mr. Brown returned home as an excellent engineer
After Mr. Brown_____________________________________
53. People rumored that he had died in battle
He was_____________________________________
54. “ Don’t do that! Are you mad?” she said to me
She told_____________________________________
55.He had hardly left the office when the phone rang
No sooner_____________________________________

42. She urged that her husband write and accept (should write and accept)
the post
43. After Mr. Brown had studied for four years abroad, he returned home as an excellent engineer
44. He was rumored to have die in the battle
45. She told me not to do that and asked (me) if I was mad
46. No sooner had he left the office than the phone rang

SECTION B : Composition

Write a composition from 120 to 150 words on this topic:


Rewrite each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence(s) printed above it

51. “ Why don’t you put a better lock on the door, John?” Jane said
Jane suggested _____________________________________
52.Although both his legs were broken in the crash, he managed to get out of the car before it exploded
53. It ‘s necessary for you to finish by Saturday
54. The water so cold that the children could not swim in it.
The water was not_____________________________________
55. John has not get his hair cut for over 6 months
It is over_____________________________________

51.Jane suggested that John put/ should put a better lock on the door
52. Despite his two broken legs in the crash , he managed to get out of the car before it exploded
53. You don’t need to finish by Saturday
54. The water was not warm enough for the children to swim in
55. It’s over 6 months since John had his hair cut

SECTION B : Composition

Write a composition from 120 to 150 words on this topic:

Test 11
Level : advanced
Date of testing : 12 May, 1996
Time allowed : 120 minutes

: choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence

He really has his hands full running his own home
a. Decorating
b. Wiring
c. Managing
d. Financing
2. During the war, the shipping lanes proved vulnerable to attack
a. Futile
b. Feasible
c. Susceptible
d. Dangerous
3. When it was eventually delivered gleaming to his door, he had been almost afraid to drive it
a. First
b. At first
c. Last
d. At last
4. Her husband is very competent, he will repair the roof himself
a. Capable
b. Industrious
c. Thrifty
d. Careful
5. There is no alternative, the president must approve the bill of Congress passes it
a. Chance of agreement
b. Doubt
c. Other choice
d. Mistake
6. I wish that noise would stop, it gets on my…………..
a. Head
b. Brain
c. Feelings
d. Nerves
7. The carriage was………… by four horses
a. Drawn
b. Driven
c. Pushed
d. Rolled

1.C 2.C 3.D 4.A 5.C 6.D 7.A

8. In accident Greece, two theories………….concerning the place of the earth in the universe
a. Are developing
b. Developed
c. Which developed
d. To develop
9. It was recommended that the young woman…………..after dark
a. Not drive
b. Didn’t drive
c. No driving
d. Not to driving
10. I’m so tired that I can’t take…………..what you are saying
a. Up
b. Out
c. On
d. In
11. You may take an oral or written exam according …………..you prefer
a. As
b. To
c. On
d. Like
12. It was not until she had arrived home…………..remembered her appointment with the doctor
a. When she
b. That she
c. And she
d. She
13. As a girl I enjoy………………for me
a. To have doors opened
b. Have doors opened
c. Having doors open
d. Having doors opened
14. One of the men who…………being considered for the job………….from this university
a. Are – are
b. Are – is
c. Is – is
d. Is – are
15. We had a meeting……………purpose was completely unclear
a. Which
b. Whose
c. That
d. What
16. I wish i………………that couldn’t come
a. Say
b. Said
c. Have said
d. Had said
17. If it……………for your help I really don’t know what I’d have done
a. Wasn’t
b. Weren’t
c. Hasn’t been
d. Hadn’t been

18. The objective in a reflector telescope…………..at the bottom of the tube
a. a mirror is placed
b. is placed a mirror
c. is a mirror placed
d. a mirror’s place
19. This problem is a very common one…………., don’t remove it yourself
a. whatever to do
b. whatever you do
c. no matter
d. no matter how to do
20. If a star seems to be moving in a wavy line,…………… of being a double star
a. then is our suspicion
b. that we suspect
c. we suspect it
d. is it suspicious

8.B 9.A 10.D 11.A 12.B 13.D 14.B

15.B 16.D 17.D 18.C 19.B 20.C

Read the following passage carefully , then choose the best answer to each question

By the end of the first quarter of the nineteenth century a number of our Eastern institutions – Harvard , Yale , Columbia and Pennsylvania – had some of the necessary ingredients of a university, but hardly yet the point of view. They were little clusters of schools and institutes. Indeed , just the Revolution, the schools of Pennsylvania and Harvard had assumed somewhat pretentious title of university, and , shortly after the university of Virginia was found under the guidance of Thomas Jefferson. In the South , Georgia and later North Carolina began to rise. The substance in all these was mainly lacking though the title was honored. They were rather feeble law, medical and divinity schools, somewhat loosely attached to these colleges. It has been commonly recognized , however , that the first decade after the close of the Civil War, that is ,from about 1866 to 1876, was the great early flowering of the university in America.

21. In the opinion of the author in this passage, in 1825
a. Only Harvard, Yale, Columbia and Pennsylvania could truly be called universities
b. All American educational institutions could justifiable claim to be universities
c. Those institutions that called themselves universities were not justified in doing so
d. No American institutions of higher education had any of the necessary ingredients of a university
22. Thomas Jefferson founded
a. The university of Pennsylvania
b. Harvard
c. The university of Virginia
d. The university of Georgia
23. The Civil War ended
a. About 1866
b. About 1876
c. About 1856
d. During the decade from 1866 to 1876
24. The words “little clusters” in the passage most nearly means:
a. Small groups
b. Small colleges
c. Small buildings
d. Small organization
25. The university idea really began to develop
a. In the first quarter of the nineteenth century
b. Just after the revolution
c. During the last quarter of the nineteenth century
d. Just after the Civil War

21.C 22.C 23.A 24.A 25.D


Use of English

Fill each of the numbered blanks in the following passage. Use only ONE word in each space

What kind of food are we going to eat(26)…………the year 2000? Most people when you ask them a question(27)…………..that, either say ” there won’t be any left ‘or’(28)………….there is , there won’t be much protein in it.” – Of course there are good reasons(29)………… people are pessimistic about the world’s food supplies in the (30)………. – On the other(31)……….. not all the experts share the general despondency. For (32)…............. thing, though the world’s population is (33)…………. Fast, food production is (34)…………..to pace with it, even in the developing country. Besides, the methods of cultivation are not(35)………….. advanced in some areas and the food is not fairly distributed (36)………..all people that need it. But (37)…………if we succeed (38)…………overcoming the (39)…………of distribution we may still find(40)…………having to change our diet

26. In
27. Like
28. If
29. Why
30. Future
31. Hand
32. One
33. Increasing/ growing
34. Unable
35. Very/quite
36. To
37. Even
38. In
39. Problem
40. ourselves
B. Guided sentence building. Build a complete sentence with the given words

41. The Queen/ moved /tears/hear/news.
42. She /insist/talk/manager/person.
43. It /essential/ that/ child/same/educational opportunities.
44. He/ little / money/save / it /not / long.
45. I/never/ really/consider/ get/ married.
46. I/ grateful/kindness/me/visit/your factory /earlier this month.
47. We /survive/unless/ start/work/cleaner/saver/sources/enery.
48. She/hurt / learn/boyfriend/ forget / birthday
49. At /bank/ Bill/ second/command.
50.She /look/ as/ she/see/ghost.

41. The queen was moved to tears when she heard the news.
42. she insists /insisted on talking to the manager in person.
43. It is essential that every child have the same educational opportunities.
44. He had a little money saved but it didn’t last long.
45. I’ve never really considered getting married.
46. I’m grateful for your kindness to me on my visit to your factory earlier this month.
47. We won’t survive unless we start working on cleaner and saver sources of energy.
48. She was hurt to learn that her boyfriend had forgotten her birthday.
49.At the bank, Bill is second in command.
50. She looked as if she had seen a ghost.

C. Rewrite each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence(s) printed above it

51.Philipa asked Olive if she could remember where she had put the camera.
Philipa said,”_______________________________________________________”
52. If you want my advice, I would forget about buying a new house.
If I _______________________________________________________
52. Someone had already pay for it.
It _______________________________________________________
53. The noise next door did not stop until after midnight.
It was not_______________________________________________________
54. He never has enough money.
He ‘s always _______________________________________________________

51. Philipa said , “ Olive can you remember where you put / have put the camera?”

52. If I were you, I would not buy a new house.
53. It has already been paid for.
54. It was not until after midnight that the noise next door stopped.
55. He’s always short of money.

SECTION B : Composition

Write a composition from 120 to 150 words on this topic:

Test 12
Level : advanced
Date of testing : 18 August , 1996
Time allowed : 120 minutes

: choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence

1. They can’t……………………………their son’s rudeness any longer.
a. Release
b. Ignore
c. Torment
d. Suffer
2. The Russians have ……………..in controlling urban growth.
a. Managed
b. Attempted
c. Succeeded
d. Achieved
3. The fellow laughed silently to himself at the trick he had……………..
a. Caused
b. Played
c. Performed
d. Made
4. The robbers…………..the cash and escaped in a stolen car.
a. Seized
b. Captured
c. Emerged
d. Ceased
5. She gave me some…………advice. I’ll certainly follow it.
a. False
b. mean
c. deep
d. sound
6. Most world languages have contributed some words to English at some time, and the process is now being…………..
a. Opposite
b. Reversed
c. Contrast
d. Contrary
7. I felt most……………when they made me sit at a little table at the back.
a. Confusing
b. Shameful
c. Insulted
d. Headache
8. He has a bog farm and a modern car…………..a villa in France.
a. Without speaking
b. In addition with
c. As well
d. Not to mention.

1.D 2.C 3.B 4.A 5.D 6.B 7.C 8.D

9. The population of Ho Chi Minh City is about 5 million.
a. Presence
b. Nowadays
c. steady
d. current
10. Every step…………..to improve the living conditions in these slums only attract more migrants.
a. Taken
b. Held
c. Matching
d. Moving
11. The lectures series ……………naturally into three parts.
a. Consist
b. Divide
c. Falls
d. Is composed of
12. The construction of the modern airport is……………
a. Being progress
b. Working out
c. In plan
d. Under way
13. Three of those we invited to the party didn’t ……………..
a. Set off
b. See off
c. Show up
d. Stay up
14. Henry is the boy …………..i know is dependable
a. Who
b. Whom
c. Why
d. When
15. It was at Ba Dinh Square ……………President Ho read the Declaration of Dependence.
a. Where
b. Which
c. When
d. That
16. If I ……………to your dinner party last night, I would be very tired now.
a. Would go
b. Would have gone
c. Had gone
d. Went
17. Is it necessary that I ……………here tomorrow?
a. Were
b. Am being
c. Be
d. Would be
18. Where all this morning? It’s nearly midday.
a. Have you been
b. Were you
c. Were you being
d. Are you
19. He was lucky when he fell of the ladder. He ……………himself.
a. Had hurt
b. Should have hurt
c. Must have hurt
d. Could have hurt
20. One person …………….seven in the world speak perfect English.
a. From
b. Within
c. For among
d. out

9.D 10.A 11.B 12.D 13.C 14.B

15.D 16.D 17.C 18.A 19.C 20.D

SECTION B: Read the following passage carefully , then choose the best answer to each question

As far back as 700 BC man has talked about being cared for by wolves. Romulus and Remus , the legendary twin founders of Rome , were supposed to have been cared for wolves. It is believed that a she-wolf loses her litter, she take a human child to take its place.

This seemingly preposterous idea did not become credible until the late nineteenth century when a French doctor actually found a naked ten-year-old boy wandering in the woods. He did not walk erect, could not speak intelligibly, nor could he relate to people. He only growled and stared at him. After many long years devoted and patient instruction, the doctor was able to get the boy to clothe and feed himself, recognizing and utter a number of woods, as well as write letter and form words.

21. It is believed that the founders of Rome were…………..
a. The wolves cared for by people
b. A she-wolf and her litter
c. Two brother looked after by wolves
d. Romulus and Remus, two legendary wolves.
22. The doctor found the boy ………………..
a. Cutting wood
b. Growling at him
c. Walking in the forest
d. Wandering in the woods
23. The doctor was able to work with the boy because the latter
a. Was very intelligent
b. Trusted him
c. Was very confident
d. Was devoted and patient
24. Which of the following statement is not true?
a. The French doctor succeeded in domesticating the boy
b. The French doctor was very devoted and patient
c. The children were cared for by wolves was believed in the late nineteenth century
d. The boy looked like she-wolf when the doctor found him
25. In the passage the word PREPOSTEROUS most nearly means
a. Contrary to common sense
b. Based on natural things
c. More than what is expected
d. Without imagination

21. C 22.D 23.B 24.D 25.A


Use of English

Fill each of the numbered blanks in the following passage. Use only ONE word in each space

When I was sixteen I left school and (26)………… to work in the butcher’s shop. The manger was a young man, only a few years (27)………….than me and he was very ambitious. Also he was a little dishonest. When the customer asked for(28)……………steak, he would sell them poor-quality beef. He used to do this to young housewives, (29)………………if the meat was tough, blamed(30)……………for not cooking it properly. Sometime he did not give the correct change and the customer did not notice.

One day (31)…………..before Christmas, we decided to(32)…………early because we had sold all our meat, except for one small turkey. As I was (33)…………to lock the door, a woman rushed in and said that she really had to have a ten-pound turkey. The manager(34)……………to sell her the small one we had left. “It is too small”, she said. The manager said he (35)…………get another one and went to the back of the shop. I knew we did not have any (36)…………, so I follow him to see(37)……………he was going to do. He pulled and stretch the turkey to make it(38)………………bigger and then went back and said, “Here you are, madam. Here is a(39)……………. one.”
“Yes,” she said, “but not (40)……………bigger. I’ll take both of them.”

26 .went

27 .older

28 .a/some

29 . and

30. of

31. just

32. close

33. about


35. would

36. left

37. what

38. look

39. bigger


B. Guided sentence building. Build a complete sentence with the given words
1. I / angry/myself/ make /stupid / mistake.
2. We /spend/least/weeks /do/experiment/ next.
3. Advantage / live/alone/ that you/ do/ what / like.
4. There / panic/ people/realize / building/be /fire.
5. Accident/ my fault/ so/ to pay/ damage.
6. Some/the / leaders/ seventy/reach/peak/careers.
7. Soon /as / sister/ see/ mouse/ jump/chair.
8. Browns/ leave/London /New York/ by / end/ this month.
9. Results/investigation / publish / newspaper/ as possible.
10. I / just/ finish/read/book/human civilizations.

41. I was angry with myself for making such a stupid mistake
42. We’ll spend at least 2 weeks doing the experiment next week.
43. The advantage of living alone is that you can do what you like.
44. There was panic among people who realize that the building was on fire.
45. The accident was my fault so I had to pay for the damage.
46. Some of the leaders are seventy when they reach the peak of their careers.
47. As soon as her sister had seen the mouse, she jumped into the chair.
48. The Browns will have left London to New York by the end of this month.
49. The result of the investigation will be published in newspapers as soon as possible.
50. I’ve just finished reading a book on civilazations.

C. Rewrite each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence(s) printed above it
11. I advise you to put your money in the bank.
12. The heavy rain made it impossible for us to have our picnic
We were enable___________________________________
13. Roses can’t possibly grow in such poor ground.
It is impossible___________________________________
14. We should not be impolite to our parents in any circumstance.
15. Ali didn’t begin to read until he was eight.
It wasn’t until___________________________________

51. You had better put your money in the bank
52. We were unable to have our picnic on account of/ due to the heavy rain.
53. It is impossible for roses to grow in such poor ground.
54. In no circumstance should we be impolite to our parents.
55. It wasn’t until eight that Ali began to read.


Write a composition from 120 to 150 words on this topic:

Test 13
Date of testing : 20 October, 1996
Time allowed : 120 minutes

: choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence

1. It is usually better not to…………….things, in case they are not returned.
a. Lose
b. Offer
c. Borrow
d. Lend
2. You can learn as much theory as you like, but you only master a skill by………………. It a lot.
a. Practicing
b. Training
c. Exercising
d. Doing
3. The author had “qualified as a doctor” but later gave up the………….of medicine for full time writing.
a. Treatment
b. Practice
c. Procedure
d. Prescription
4. It’s twenty years now since the Socialists came to…………in that country.
a. Control
b. Force
c. Power
d. Command
5. Learners of English as foreign language often fail to…………between unfamiliar sounds in that language.
a. Separate
b. Differ
c. Distinguish
d. Solve
6. I have lived near the railway for so long now that I have grown ………… to the noise of the trains.
a. Accustomed
b. Familiar
c. Unconscious
d. Aware
7. If only i……………play the guitar as well as you!
a. Would
b. Should
c. Could
d. Might

1.D 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.C 6.A 7.C

8. John swims very well and…………..does his brother.
a. Also
b. Even
c. So
d. Too
9. I have absolutely no doubt…………..the innocence of the accused.
a. about
b. over
c. on
d. with
10. After the race……………., the celebration began.
a. Had been won
b. Had won
c. Will be won
d. Get out of
11. Until you learn to relax more, you………..your ability to speak English
a. Haven’t improve
b. Aren’t improve
c. Don’t improve
d. Won’t improve
12. The old people died, but the young ones lived………………..
a. In
b. Off
c. On
d. About
13. The warranty is a contract that spells………….your rights
a. On
b. In
c. Out
d. Off
14. Instead of ……………about the good news I’m seemed to be indifferent.
a. Exciting
b. Being exciting
c. Excited
d. Being exciting
15. We considered……………..after work.
a. To go shopping
b. Going to shop
c. Going shopping
d. To go to shop
16. He has written a book…………..i have completely forgotten.
a. The name of which
b. Which name
c. Whose name
d. a and c are correct
17. I wish you……………..to me before you went and bought that car.
a. Spoke
b. Had spoke
c. Have spoken
d. Would have spoken
18. I ……………..what the weather is going to be like tomorrow
a. Think
b. Suppose
c. Wonder
d. Demand
19. She …………….possibly be Tom’s mother! She doesn’t look old enough.
a. Mustn’t
b. Shouldn’t
c. Can’t
d. Needn’t
20. We think that we will elect Somsak ……………
a. For our chairman
b. Being our chairman
c. Be our chairman
d. Our chairman
8.C 9.A 10.A 11.D 12.C 13.D 14.B
15.C 16.D 17.B 18.C 19.C 20.D

Read the following passage carefully , then choose the best answer to each question

Let children learn to judge their own work. A child learning to talk does not learn by being corrected all the time: if corrected too much , he will stop talking. He notices a thousand times a day the difference between the language he uses and the language those around him use. Bit by bit , he make necessary changes to make his language like people’s. In the same way , children learning to do all the other things , they learn without being taught – to walk , run, climb, whistle , ride the bicycle – compare their own performances with those of more skilled people, and slowly make the needed changes. But in school we never give a child a chance to find out his mistakes for himself , let alone correct them. We do it all for him. We act as if we thought that he would never notices a mistake unless it was pointed out for him, or correct it unless he was made to. Soon he becomes dependent on the teacher. Let him do it himself. Let him work out , with the help of other children if he want it, what this word says , what the answer is to that problem, whether this is a good way of saying or doing this or not.

If it is a matter of right answer, as it may be in mathematics or science, give him the answer book. Let him correct his own papers. Why should we teachers waste time on such routine work? Our job should be to help the child when he tells us that he can’t find the way to get the right answer. Let’s end all this nonsense of grades, exams, marks. Let us throw them all out, and let the children learn what all educated persons must someday learn, how to measure their own understanding, how to know what they know or don’t know.

Let them get on with this job in the way that seems most sensible to them, with our help as school teachers if they ask for it. The idea that there is a body of knowledge to be learnt at school and used for the rest of one’s life is nonsense in a world as complicated and rapidly changing as ours. Anxious parents and teachers say, “but suppose they fail learn something essential, something they will need to get on in the world?”. Don’t worry. If it is essential, they will go out into the world and learn it.

21.What does author think is the best way for children to learn things?
a. By copy what other people do
b. By making mistakes and having them corrected
c. By listening to explanations from skilled people
d. By asking a great many questions
22.What does the author think teachers do which they should not do?
a. They give children correct answer
b. They point out the children’s mistakes to them
c. They allowed their children to marks their own work
d. They courage children to copy form one another
23.The passage suggests that learning to speak and learning to ride a bicycle are
a. Not really important skills
b. More important than other skills
c. Basically different from learning adult skills
d. Basically the same as learning other skills
24.Exams, grades, and marks should be abolished because children’s progress should only be estimated by
a. Educated persons
b. The children themselves
c. Teachers
d. Parents
25.The author fears that children will grow up into adults who are
a. Too independent of others
b .Too critical of themselves
c. Unable to think for themselves
d. Unable to use basic skills
21.A 22.B 23.D 24.B 25.C


SECTION A: Use of English

. Fill each of the numbered blanks in the following passage. Use only ONE word in each space

My sense of direction is not very good , and I easily get lost. One day, about ten years(26)…………, I was walking in the mountain between France and Italy (27)……………the weather began to turn bad. I started to make my way back downhill, (28)…………… I did not want to be caught in a storm. But after a few hundred meters I realized that I was not sure(29)……………the way. The clouds came out lower and lower , (30)…………..started to rain, and soon I was completely lost. I called as a loud as (31)…………….., nut of course there was nobody close(32)…………..to hear me. I did not want to stay on the mountain, but it was impossible to go on. So I crawled (33)…………..a hole between two rocks and waited (34)…………… the storm to go over.

After two or three hours the rain stopped and the clouds lifted, and I was (35)………….. to start walking again. I was very cold and hungry and I had nothing to eat(36)…………….some sweets.

About half an hour (37)…………..i suddenly recognized my surroundings , and I realized that I was only two or three hundred meters above the campsite. However, my trouble was not(38)………… On my way down I slipped and hit my knee against a rock. There was a deep cut and it (39)…………very badly, and as soon as I got back to the camp I went to see a (40)………….. Fortunately, there was nothing broken.

B .Guided sentence building. Build a complete sentence with the given words

41. We /wish / complain/condition/laundry/our building.
42. There/ be/three students/choose/the best ones.
43. They/concentrate/ trucks/carry/cargoes/sell/quickly/cash.
44. Tourists/attract/beautiful scenery/sunny beaches.
45. I/write/inform/ you/I /be / absent/ work/ until/Monday.
46. Every three / four years/they /much/long/migrations/large numbers.
47. My mother/ not stand/have/me/house/all day
48. Ten miles/not far/go/delicious meal.
49. He /want/ roof/repair/fence/mend.
50. Jonas Salk/successful/find/vaccine/polio.

41. We wish to complain about the condition of the laundry in our building
42. There are three students choose among the best ones.
43. They concentrate on trucks carrying cargoes that can be sold quickly for cash.
44.Tourists are attracted by the beautiful scenery on sunny beaches.
45. I’m writing to inform you that I’ll be absent from work until Monday.
46. Every three or four years they make much longer migrations in large number.
47. My mother can’t stand having me around the house all day.
48. Ten miles is not far to go for a delicious meal.
49. He wants the roof repaired and the fence mend.
50. Jonas Salk was successful in finding a vaccine against polio .

A. Rewrite each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence(s) printed above it

51. She is listening to the radio. She turned it on at sevent-thirty
She has_______________________________________________
52. She knows about it a lot more than I do.
I don’t know_______________________________________________
53. The moon doesn’t have atmosphere , the planet Mars doesn’t, either.
Neither _______________________________________________
54. The referee was being escorted from the football field by a strong police guard.
A strong police guard_______________________________________________
55.His bank manager turned down his request for a loan.
His request_______________________________________________

51. She has been listening to the radio since seven thirty.
52. I don’t know as / so much about it as she does.
53. Neither the moon nor the planet Mars has an atmosphere.
54.A strong police guard was escorting the referee from the football field.
55. His request for a loan was turned down by his bank manager.


Write a composition from 120 to 150 words on this topic:

Test 14
Date of testing : 15 Dec, 1996
Time allowed : 120 minutes

: choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence

1. Scientists have discover a close……………….between smoking and several serious diseases.
a. Action
b. Connection
c. Union
d. Combination
2. ………………..i am studying at university and I hope to get a job very soon.
a. In a moment
b. At this instant
c. In the present
d. At present
3. i……………….be delightful to show you round the factory.
a. Ought to
b. Would
c. Might
d. Intend to
4. The president…………..his intention to retire before the next election.
a. Told
b. Informed
c. Promised
d. Announced
5. The gunman …………………the pilot of the plane to change the direction.
a. Demanded
b. Forced
c. Made
d. Controlled
6. Do you think we’ll find a solution ……………this problem.
a. For
b. With
c. At
d. To
7. I will……………the machine to see whether It works.
a. Try out
b. Take up
c. Turn down
d. Work out

1.B 2.D 3.B 4.D 5.B 6.D 7.A

8. Down into the cave………….
a. The rescue party went
b. Did the rescue party go
c. Went the rescue party
d. Did go the rescue party
9. It is urgent that he ………………..his lawyer at once
a. Call
b. Calls
c. Will call
d. Would call
10. I went to Tom’s house last night and rang the doorbell. There was no answer. He …………..out.
a. Must go
b. Should go
c. Should have gone
d. Must have gone
11. Five years…………….. a long time , he might already be forgotten.
a. Was
b. Is
c. Had been
d. Both a and b are correct
12. I ……………….. the bell three times when he answer the door.
a. Was ringing
b. Had rung
c. Rang
d. Would ring
13. We saw many soldiers and tanks ………….were moving to the front.
a. That
b. Which
c. Who
d. None is correct
14. I’m not used …………. spoken to like that.
a. To be
b. To being
c. Being
d. With
15. Please keep the fire……………it’s so cold in here.
a. Burns
b. Burn
c. To burn
d. Burning
16. No matter how angry he was, he would never…………….to violence.
a. Resolve
b. Recourse
c. Exert
d. Resort
17. She…………….wanted the house overlooking the sea.
a. Particularly
b. Strongly
c. Essentially
d. Extremely
18. His failure……………great disappointment to his parents.
a. Forced
b. Made
c. Caused
d. Provided
19. He …………….being given a receipt for the bill he had pay.
a. Asked to
b. Insisted on
c. Demanded
d. Required
20. I’m afraid a rise in salary is………just now.
a. Out of sight
b. Out of control
c. Out of date
d. Out of the question

8.C 9.A 10.D 11.D 12.B 13.A 14.B
15.D 16.D 17.A 18.C 19.B 20.D

SECTION B: Read the following passage carefully , then choose the best answer to each question

The elephants left the shade, crossed an open piece of grass between bushes, and came towards the mud-pool where my trunk was parked. One by one, they arrived on the shore, but just as they seemed to be about to bathe in the inviting muddy liquid , they became aware of the silent truck with its tell-tale smell of man. The leading elephant merely spread her ears and cautiously backed away taking the young elephants with her.

A smaller mother elephant continued to stand next to the pool, however , swinging her long trunk and swaying her head from side to side always keeping an eye on the truck. The baby elephant behind her held up his head, waving his trunk to sample the suspicious smell in the wind. The mother elephant seemed to be uncertain about whether to come on and investigate the truck or to back away with the others. Finally she made up her mind and slowly advanced the truck. Her ears were half out, and her trunk moved inquiringly towards the vehicle and then back under her stomach in a rhythmic swing.

I was fascinated by this close approach. Never before had I been able to see the hairiness around the jaw, nor smell the warm scent of elephant which now reach me in concentrated waves. The mother elephant’s step were slow but determined, and brought her to within a couple of meters of me.

She gave the impression of being intensely curious about this metal object which had appeared in her world and behaved as if it were itself an animal. I wondered how far she would accept the situation and, if after all the centuries of men killing elephants, she would ever allow me to approach her on foot. To be able to move freely among the elephants without their minding was an exciting thought, but I certainly did not expect it would ever be possible.

21. It had been the elephants’ intention to……………..
a. feed on the grass
b. swim in the pool
c. lie in the sunshine
d. avoid the mud
22. The presence of the writer and vehicle………………….
a. Was not noticed by the elephants
b. Made the leading elephant suspicious
c. Made the adult elephants curious
d. Frightened all the elephants away
23. How did the smaller elephant react the truck?
a. She showed more curiosity than the other elephants
b. She kept her baby away from it
c. After some hesitation she moved away with the other elephants
d. She rushed up to it excitedly
24. While he watched the mother elephant approaching, the author…………..
a. Was worried that the elephants were too close
b. Found the smell very unpleasant
c. Was impressed by elephant’s size
d. Saw details he had not noticed before
25. The author did not expect he would ever be able to………………
a. Shoot the elephants
b. Touch the elephants
c. Walk about freely near the elephants
d. Drive his truck close to the elephants

21.C 22.B 23.A 24.D 25.C


: Use of English

. Fill each of the numbered blanks in the following passage. Use only ONE word in each space

Millions of Americans(26)……………..college students, businessmen ,workers and especially retired people are now living (27)…………….wheels. Their mobile homes are trailers which are ingeniously made with the(28)…………conveniences as those in fixed housed. These trailers also have large living rooms, bedrooms, kitchens ,heating units and even air(29)………………... Besides, they are supplied(30)………..…..running water, electricity and telephone. Many of them are expandable. When they are ready(31)……………towing, their sides are pushed in towards the others, thus making them narrow(32)……………..to fit the highway. When they are parked, they can be opened wide again to make more floor (33)……….. They are moved by tow trucks to mobile-home parks(34)………….there are also clubhouses , swimming pools, restaurants, markets and even beauty(35)…………as in small towns.

There are about 18,000 mobile-home parks in the United States. The people living in these parks called(36)………… “park dwellers”. Park dwellers can move(37)…………….. will from one park to another, but most of them are loyal to their communities. They all enjoy the freedom and neighborhood of their new life.

Mobile-home living is economical(38)……………the purchase of trailers can be (39)……………by installments. It is regarded as a permanent American(40)…………..of life.


27. on
29.conditioners/ conditioning
A. Guided sentence building. Build a complete sentence with the given words

41. I /not think/find/solution/problem.
42. uncle/make/mind/go/Canada/vacation
43. spite/bad weather/workers/decide/carry/build/house
44.we /arrive/airport/time/cup/tea/before/plane/leave
45.difficult /get/touch /manager/because/busy/day
46.when/boy/twelve/father/die/dangerous disease.
47.after/dinner/set out/saying/where/going.
48.advantage/have/ car/that rely/public transport.

41. I don’t think i/you will/can find a solution to the problem
42.My uncle made/has made up his mind to go to Canada on/for his vacation
43. In spite of the bad weather, the workers decided to carry on building the house
44. We arrived at the airport in time to have a cup of tea before the plane left
45.It’s difficult to get in touch with the manager because he he’s busy all day.
46.When the boy was twelve his father died of a dangerous disease.
47.After dinner he set out without saying where he was going
48.The advantage of having a car is that you don’t have to rely on public transport.
49.I’ve never really considered getting married .
50. I was angry with myself for making such a stupid mistake

Rewrite each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence(s) printed above it

51. Temperature is measured by a thermometer.
A thermometer_________________________________________
52. They think that the owner of the house has gone aboard.
The owner_________________________________________
53.People rumored that he had died in the battle
He was_________________________________________
54.It isn’t necessary for you to finished by Saturday
55.The water was so cold that the children could not swim in it
The water was not_________________________________________

51. A thermometer is used for measuring temperature.
52. The owner of the house is thought to have gone abroad.
53.He was rumored to have died in the battle
54.You don’t need to finish/needn’t finish/don’t have to finish by Saturday
55.The water was not warm enough for the children to swim in

SECTION B : Composition

Write a composition from 120 to 150 words on this topic:


(begin the letter with the word “Dear……..” and don’t sign or write your name at the end of it)
Test 15
Level : advanced
Date of testing : 6 April , 1997
Time allowed : 120 minutes

: choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence

1. Her parents are very……………..and they never let her go out in the evening.
a. Serious
b. Strict
c. Hard
d. Difficult
2. He’s so……………….he hasn’t spoken anything since he came here.
a. Dumb
b. Deaf
c. Shy
d. Quiet
3. The man who was taken to hospital had been …………..for three hours.
a. Unfeeling
b. Indifferent
c. Unconscious
d. Insensitive
4. Hearing the strange noise, I decided to go downstairs to see what was………………on
a. Happening
b. Going
c. Getting
d. Talking
5. There’s a leak in our water-pipe; we’ll have to call a………………
a. Builder
b. Carpenter
c. mechanic
d. plumber
6. When replying to this advertisement, please……………a stamped addressed envelope.
a. Enclose
b. Present
c. Contain
d. include
7. What time are you going to ……………tomorrow?
a. Set up
b. Set off
c. See off
d. Show off

1.B 2.D 3.C 4.B 5.D 6.A 7.B

8. The project is now well……………….
a. In way
b. On way
c. Under way
d. Up the way
9. He got the information at first………….from the chairman.
a. Sight
b. Hand
c. Rate
d. Once
10. It was the longest film I have ever seen; it………….three hours.
a. Lasted
b. Continued
c. Completed
d. Remained
11. Our holiday was……………..by bad weather.
a. Wasted
b. Overcome
c. Spoilt
d. Damaged
12. Smoking is a very bad habit, which many people find difficult to………..
a. Beat
b. Break
c. Interrupt
d. Prevent
13. They will never…………….to get here by six because the roads are quite busy today.
a. Succeed
b. Able
c. Arrive
d. Manage
14. They fell in love at the first ……………….
a. Glance
b. Look
c. Sight
d. View
15. Helen is suffering from a(an)………….of influenza.
a. Attack
b. Outbreak
c. Infection
d. Symptom
16. I ……………..the bell three times when he answered the door.
a. Would have rung
b. Rang
c. Was ringing
d. Had rung
17. If you…………to the party last night, you would be very tired now.
a. Went
b. Would go
c. Would have gone
d. Have gone
18. Is it necessary that he……………with us?
a. Go
b. Goes
c. Went
d. Will go
19. His father is a bank manager, …………….makes him easy to have a good job.
a. Who
b. Which
c. That
d. Whom
20. Where……………….all this morning? It’s nearly midday.
a. Were you
b. Are you
c. Are you being
d. Have you been

8.C 9.B 10.A 11.C 12.B 13.D 14.C
15.A 16.D 17.A 18.A 19.B 20.D

Read the following passage carefully , then choose the best answer to each question

The disease connected to smoking are a big problem. Doctors think that the annual medical cost for lung cancer, heart disease, and other illnesses connected to smoking is between 12 and 35 million pounds.

And smoking costs society money in other ways. Between 27 and 61 million pounds are spent each year on sick days when people don’t go to work, on wages that you don’t get when you don’t go to work, and on work lost at the company when you are sick.

This money counts the wages from people who die of cancer at young age and stop paying taxes. This does not count fire started by cigarettes, which l kill fifteen hundred people yearly and injure another four thousand. Smoking costs every man, woman, and child in the UK from one hundred and ten to two hundred and fifty pounds each year in the lost work and wages. When you add another fifty to one hundred and fifty pounds yearly in insurance cost, that comes to one hundred and sixty to four hundred and ten pounds. If everyone stopped smoking, a family of four could have up to one thousand six hundred and forty pounds a year more.

Smoking will also cause other problems. People who don’t smoke will live longer, and so they will take money from government when they are old. But they will also work for more years and pay more taxes.

In the end, the value of a non-smoking nation is not in pounds. The good health of the people is the true value for us all.

21. If everyone stopped smoking, all the United Kingdom…………..
a. Would have more money
b. Would live longer
c. Would have less money
d. Would have no more problems
22. Every year companies lose…………..because of the disease.
a. Money
b. Work
c. Wages
d. Time
23. If everyone stopped smoking, a family of four could have…………more each year.
a. From 110 pounds to 260 pounds
b. From 1,340 to 1,430 pounds
c. From 160 pounds to 410 pounds
d. 1,640 pounds
24. The true value for the UK of not smoking is ……………
a. More working
b. More taxes
c. Good health
d. More money
25. This text is about……………
a. Taxes which are not paid by smokers
b. Diseases that smokers get
c. How much smoking costs the UK
d. How much the UK get if everyone stopped smoking
21.A 22.A 23.D 24.B 25.C


: Use of English

. Fill each of the numbered blanks in the following passage. Use only ONE word in each space

Dear Kevin,

I’m writing to ask you (26)…………some advice: Barbara and I are(27)………….very worried about Richard. He has been(28)………….out very late at night and is always(29)…………..tired to do well in school. Last week he was out (30)…………..one o’clock in the morning on Tuesday and Wednesday. He won’t (31)…………. To anything we say. We have tried not giving him pocket(32)………….but it doesn’t do any good. I’m afraid that now he is sure that we are just(33)…………….to make him do(34)………………..we want to prove we are strong, but the truth(35)……………we are worried about his future.

I know you and your son Simon had a bad problem (36)…………….he was sixteen or (37)……………. What did you do about it? How did you handle it? Any(38)……………you could give us would be very welcome; we have run (39)……………of ideas ourselves.

Sorry to write(40)………a short letter but I want to get this in the post today.
Give my love to Angela and the kids

34. what
36. when
37. so
38. advice
A. Guided sentence building. Build a complete sentence with the given words

41. you / know /Linda /engaged /friend /mine?
42. there/ panic/ people/ realize/ building/ be / fire.
43.driver/ stop/ car/ time/ save/ child.
45. despite/ bad weather/decide/carry/build/house.
46.Mary/ responsible /manager/type/report.
47.spaceship/ return/earth /by/ p.m./next.
48. i/not think/ brother/make/ mistake/ purpose.
49. I /tired /do / thing/day.
50.we / make/ mind/not invite /dinner party.

41. Do you know that Linda is/will be engaged to a friend of mine.
42.There was panic among people when they realized that the building was on fire.
43.The driver stopped / has stopped the car in time to save the child.
44.We had arranged to meet at the theater but John failed to arrive.
45. Despite the bad weather, we decided to carry on building the house.
46.Mary was responsible to the manager for typing the report.
47.The spaceship will have returned to the earth by 8p.m next week.
48. I don’t think that your brother made that mistake on purpose.
49. I’m too tired to do anything today.
50.We made up our mind not to invite her to the dinner party

B. Rewrite each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence(s) printed above it

my suit needs to be cleaned before the interview.
I must have_____________________________________
52. Roses can’t possibly grow in such poor ground.
It’s impossible _____________________________________
53. why don’t you meet and discuss the pay offer.
I suggest _____________________________________
54. what a pity you failed you driving test!
I wish_____________________________________
55.Alice eats very little so as not to put on weight.
Alice eats very little because_____________________________________

51. I must have my suit cleaned before the interview.
52.It is impossible for roses to grow in such poor soil.
53.I suggest that you should meet and discuss the pay offer.
54.I wish I had passed my driving test.
55. Alice eats very little because she wants to lose weight.

SECTION B : Composition

Write a composition from 120 to 150 words on this topic:

Test 16
Level : advanced
Date of testing : 13 July 1997
Time allowed : 120 minutes

: choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence

1. Most world languages have contributed some words to English at some time, and the process is now being…………….
a. Opposite
b. Reversed
c. Contrast
d. Contrary
2. Three of those we invited to the party didn’t………………..
a. Set off
b. See off
c. Show up
d. Stay up
3. He has a big farm and modern car……………a villa in France.
a. Without speaking
b. In addition with
c. As well
d. Not to mention
4. The ………………..population of Ho Chi Minh City is about 5 million.
a. Presence
b. Nowadays
c. Steady
d. Current
5. Every step………….to improve the living conditions in these slums only attracts more migrants.
a. Taken
b. Held
c. Marching
d. Moving
6. Never………………her stand on the deserted station platform.
a. I will forget to see
b. Will I forget to see
c. Will I forget seeing
d. Will I be forgotten seeing
7. Please ……………..my luggage ……………to the airport tomorrow morning.
a. Ask/will be taken
b. Get/being taken
c. Let/ to be taken
d. Have/taken
8. If I had met you last Sunday, I ………………here today.
a. Wouldn’t have seen
b. Wouldn’t be
c. Were not
d. Am not

1.B 2.C 3.D 4.D 5.A 6.C 7.D 8.B

9. We saw many soldiers and tanks……………….were moving to the front.
a. That
b. Which
c. Who
d. None is correct
10. I ……………….the bell three times when he answer the door.
a. Was ringing
b. Had rung
c. Rang
d. Would ring
11. The silence was suddenly…………..when a large car roared down the arcade
a. Broken
b. Banned
c. Abolished
d. Postponed
12. I remember ……………..him say the grass needed………………
a. Hearing/cutting
b. Hearing/to cut
c. To hear/to be cut
d. To hear/cutting
13. If we want to live in harmony with other people, we should get rid of…………….
a. Ideas
b. Thoughts
c. Prejudices
d. Opinion
14. You needn’t take a taxi, because it’s only…………from here to your hotel.
a. Ten minutes walk
b. Walk ten minutes
c. A ten-minute walk
d. A ten-minutes’ walk
15. This problem is very common one……………..don’t try to remove it yourself.
a. Whatever to do
b. Whatever you do
c. No matter
d. No matter how to do
16. I walked away as calmly as I could ……………they thought I was the thief.
a. To avoid
b. Or else
c. Owning to
d. In case
17. I’m not used ……………….spoken to like that.
a. To be
b. To being
c. Being
d. With
18. We called………………her shop on our way home.
a. At
b. On
c. Up
d. For
19. Hard as they tried, they……………..in their scheme.
a. Haven’t succeeded
b. Hadn’t succeeded
c. Succeeded not
d. Not succeeded
20. It was not until she had arrived home………….remembered her appointment with the doctor.
a. When she
b. That she
c. And she
d. She

9.A 10.B 11.A 12.A 13.C 14.C
15.B 16.D 17.B 18.A 19.C 20.B

SECTION B: Read the following passage carefully , then choose the best answer to each question

Unlike the eyes , the ear has no lid, therefore noise penetrates without protection. loud noises instinctively signal danger to any organism with a hearing mechanism, including human beings .in response ,heartbeat and respiration accelerate . in fact , there is a general increasing in functioning brought about by the flow of adrenaline in response to fear.

Because noise is unavoidable in a complex , industrial society , we are constantly responding in the same ways that we would response to danger . recently researchers have concluded that noise and our response may be much more than an annoyance . it may be a serious threat to physical and psychological health and well-being , causing damage not only to the ear and brain but also to the heart and stomach. We have long know that hearing loss is America’s number one nonfatal health problem , but now we are learning that some of us with heart disease and ulcers may be victims of noise as well.

21. What is the author’s main point?
a. The ear is not like the eye
b. Hearing loss in America’s number one nonfatal health problem
c. Loud noises signal danger
d. Noise may pose a serious threat to our physical and psychological heath.
22.According to the passage , people respond to loud noises in the same way that they respond to
a. danger
b. damage
c. disease
d. annoyance

23.It can be inferred from this passage that the eye
a. enjoys greater protection than the ear
b. responds to fear
c. increases functions
d. is damaged by noise
24.Noise is
a. a complex problem
b. an unavoidable problem in an industrial society.
c. America’s number-one problem
d. not a serious problem today
25.What was the topic of the paragraph that preceded this passage
a. heart disease
b. the eye
c. ulcers
d. fear
21. D 22.A 23.A 24.B 25.B


Use of English

Fill each of the numbered blanks in the following passage. Use only ONE word in each space

What kind of food are we going to eat(26)…………the year 2000? Most people when you ask them a question(27)…………..that, either say ” there won’t be any left ‘or’(28)………….there is , there won’t be much protein in it.” – Of course there are good reasons(29)………… people are pessimistic about the world’s food supplies in the (30)………. – On the other(31)……….. not all the experts share the general despondency. For (32)…............. thing, though the world’s population is (33)…………. Fast, food production is (34)…………..to pace with it, even in the developing country. Besides, the methods of cultivation are not(35)………….. advanced in some areas and the food is not fairly distributed (36)………..all people that need it. But (37)…………if we succeed (38)…………overcoming the (39)…………of distribution we may still find(40)…………having to change our diet

26. In
33.Increasing/ growing
B .Guided sentence building. Build a complete sentence with the given words

41. she /hurt/learn / boy friend/ forget/ birthday
42.we/survive/unless/ start/work/cleaner/safer/sources/energy
43. I/ grateful/kindness/me /visit/your factory/earlier this month.
44. it/stupid/him/give up/job/need/money
45. now that/highway/build/take/hours/het there.
46. despite/age/join/activities/neighborhood.
47.we/ believe/whatever/say /liar.
48. advantage/ have /car/that/rely/public transport.
49. I /complain/manager/restaurant/food.
50. happen/picture/used to/hang/wall?

41. She was hurt to learn that her boyfriend had forgotten her birthday.
42. We won’t survive unless we start working on cleaner ,safer sources of energy.
43. I’m grateful for your kindness to me when I visited your factory earlier this month.
44. It is stupid of him to give up his job when he needs money.
45.Now that the highway has been built, it takes only 2 hours to get there.
46.Despite his old age, he joins all social activities of the neighborhood.
47. We don’t believe in whatever he says because he is a good liar.
48. The advantage of having car is that you don’t have to rely on public transport.
49. I’ve complained to the manager of the restaurant about the food.
50. What happens to the picture that used to be hung on the wall?

C. Rewrite each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence(s) printed above it

51. Someone has already paid for it.
52. If you want my advice , I would forget about buying a new house.
If I _____________________________________
53. The noise next door did not stop until after midnight.
It was not_____________________________________
54. She urged her husband to write and accept the post.
She urged that_____________________________________
55 . I can meet you if you arrive before eleven.
So long as_____________________________________

51. It has already paid for
52. If I were you, I would not buy a new house.
53. It was not until midnight that the noise next door stopped.
54. She urged that her husband write and accept the post.
55. So long as you arrive before eleven, I can meet you.

SECTION B : Composition

Write a composition from 120 to 150 words on this topic:


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