Đặc điểm|Career|Job
Định nghĩa chung|A career is the pursuit of a lifelong ambition or the general course of progression towards lifelong goals.|Job is an activity through which an individual can earn money. It is a regular activity in exchange of payment.
Yêu cầu|Usually requires special learning that includes individualized components that develop abilities beyond that which training is capable of.|Education or Special training may or may not be required
Độ vững bền|A career may not mean stability of work as it encourages one to take risks. The risks are often internal and therefore planned.|A job is “safe”, as stability of work and income is there. However shifting priorities, especially in resource jobs, can abruptly change the demand and require relocation which is an unstable factor. Risks may be completely external.
Thời gian|Long term|Short term.
Thu nhập|Varies depending on value to society or to some other entity. Non-monetary benefits may be higher.|Varies by demand.
Phân phối xã hội|May have high value as social change/progress may be possible.|May actually have a negative impact when counterproductive social practices are continued in the name of protecting jobs.