Một đoạn hội thoại bằng tiếng anh giữa hai người bạn về chủ đề phim ảnh?

Tom: Hello Jerry. Why didn't you answer my phone last night?

Jerry: Hi Tom. I am sorry. But I did took my girl friend to the cinema and I left my cell phone at home.

Tom: Oh, really? What film did you see? Was it interesting?

Jerry: We saw Transformer 3. It is the most interesting film I 've ever seen.

Tom: Who is the main character of it?

Jerry: Shia LaBeouf, a talented actor.

Tom: What kind of film is it?

Jerry: It 's sort of science fiction.

Tom: Oh, I like that kind of film. To night I will take my girl friend to the cinema to see it.

Jerry: Yeah, I strongly recommend you to see it.

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