Kaspersky Keys All version (1/4/2013) | Not Blocked

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Collections of Kaspersky Keys All version Daily Update.


This Kaspersky Key Pack contain

1. Kaspersky Anti-Virus(KAV) 2013 and 2012 Activation Key File (86 Key Files)
2. Kaspersky Internet Security(KIS) 2013 and 2012 Activation Key File (66 Key Files)
3. Kaspersky Workstation/Server Edition Activation Key File (18 Key Files)
4. How To Activate Kaspersky 2013 And Kaspersky 2012

Hướng dẫn add Key File:

1. Open Kaspersky License Manager (from lower right corner).

2. Click Activate the application with a new license button. (Delete any trial key first, by clicking the red X next to the key).

3. Disable your internet connection either disable Network adapter from control panel or turn off your modem router).

4. Select Activate commercial version and enter the activation license code as 11111-11111-11111-1111X
or select Activate trial license.

5. Click Next, an error dialog box will open as shown below

6. Click Ok and you will now get the option to activate kaspersky using a key file.

7. Browse to the key location and activate kaspersky.

- Download link:

- Nguồn: shoptinhoc.com

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