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Theo ý kiến của tôi thì cả hai đều quan trọng:
Gia đình là nơi mà minh có thể trở về sau một ngày học tập hay làm việc mệt mỏi. là nơi mà ta có thể đứng dậy sau mỗi lần vấp ngã. Còn bạn bè có thể giúp đỡ ta trong công việc chuyên môn cũng như học tập, là nơi mà ta có thể học hỏi , thêm niềm tin, động lực để ta hoàn thiện minh,…vv.

Giúp mình hoàn thiện nội dung trên bằng tiêng anh, bài viết khoảng 80-100 từ. bạn có thể bổ sung thêm ý cho mình với
Không thể bày tỏ như vậy được. Ý kiến của bạn thì ai cũng biết. Vấn đề là bạn phải đưa ra một chính kiến. Bạn có thể tham khảo bài sau:

If you ask me which one is more important: Family or friends, the former will be my answer. In our life, both family and friends are important. Family feed us and our family members are always beside us in whatever difficulties and troubles that we may get into. Family is the origin of everyone. Friends are also important. We learn a lot from friends. We share happiness and sadness with our friends. However, there may be two kinds of friends: good friends and bad friends. As for the family, there 's only one term: The family.

Còn đây là một bài mình sưu tầm trên mạng, bạn tham khảo thêm:

Why My Family Is Important

'Blood is always thicker than water'. I learnt that phrase when I was much younger, but I never appreciated it until now. My brother was the only one who stood by me when I was being bullied in school at one time. He saw me cornered by a boy whom he knew to be a school bully and he did not wait a second more before stepping in to prevent me from being beaten by that boy.

Once I quarrelled with my best friend, who was popular and everyone else was against me for quarrelling with him. My parents consoled me and encouraged me to be happier. They gave me the sound advice of believing in myself. I cannot thank them enough for the support that they have given me so far. My parents are also responsible for my love of learning in life. They make me feel intelligent and well-loved. I know that I am someone important to them.

My family will always be there for me while friends are transient. After so many experiences with friends, I realise that I can always choose my friends. It also takes a long time to find a sincere and true friend. With family, it is different because my family cares for me no matter what happens. My brother and I may have our differences but we always manage to make matters work somehow.
thanks but chi nhieu. nho su giup do cua ban ma toi da on lai duoc mot so tu co ban khi noi cung nhu viet tieng anh. toi con lam phien ban nhieu lam day. thanks a lot

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