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Gần 70 câu word form khó....^^


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1. My father always (courage) _____________me to do good things.
2. The girl’s eyes (wide) _____________ when she heard the new.
3. His (hungry) _____________ tortured him.
4. Her husband’s (drunken) _____________ destroyed her love for him.
5. I (understand) _____________ the questions. I didn’t answer correctly.
6. Her younger brother will surely get a (scholar) _____________.
7. He’s been very (poverty) _____________ since his wife dead.
8. Shakespeare was the most (fame) _____________ English playwright.
9. He was too (shame) _____________ to tell me about his mistake.
10. It’s (possible) _____________ to finish this task. I can’t do it.
11. To my great (disappointed) _____________, he broke his promise again.
12. The telephone is one of the most important (achieve) _____________.
13. Since his (child) _____________ he knew (hungry) _____________.
14. Many areas of the world are still not (electricity) _____________.
15. I must understand this question (thorough) _____________ before answering it.
16. Crime is a big (advantage) _____________ of city life.
17. His (biography) _____________ described his early life.
18. Computer is one of the most important (inventor) _____________.
19. The (die) _____________ of her enemy has made her a crazy person.
20. This problem is so difficult that I cannot (solution) _____________ it.
21. Paris is (fame) _____________ for the Eiffel tower.
22. Jack is (pride) _____________ of his new computer.
23. They often (communication) _____________ by e-mail.
24. She has a busy (society) _____________ life.
25. A lot of famous (science) _____________ were at the meeting.
26. (illustrate) _____________ is useful to explain things.
27. Another person’s success can be a (advantage) _____________ to you.
28. He finally (success) _____________ in finding a good job last week.
29. I should learn new words to (rich) _____________ my vocabulary.
30. The (produce) _____________ of this factory are of good quality.
31. Some diseases are caused by (bacterium) _____________.
32. The (develop) _____________ of transportation has made life easier.
33. To my (disappoint) _____________, you don’t actually love me.
34. He felt (disappoint) _____________ when he didn’t get the award.
35. Can you (explanation) _____________ what this word means?
36. With so many choices, it’s hard to (decision) _____________ what to buy.
37. I’ll win a (scholar) _____________ to study at Harvard.
38. Don’t (courage) _____________ bad habits in children.
39. We sing the (nation) _____________ anthem every Monday morning.
40. The crowd (cheerful) _____________ when I arrived.
41. Some roads will be (wide) _____________.
42. I have a (talented) _____________ for sleeping and eating.
43. Her encouragement has (able) _____________ him to overcome his difficulty.
44. She cannot stand her (drunkenness) _____________ husband any more.
45. I accepted the (invite) _____________ to her party.
46. I’m very (hunger) _____________. I can eat three chickens right now.
47. It is (legal) _____________ to kidnap children.
48. Animals are (bad) _____________ treated in zoo.
49. The stadium was (pack) _____________ with fans.
50. He will do anything for his country. He’s a (patriotism) _____________.
51. They are (patriotism) _____________ citizens.
52. The new factory has (creation) _____________ hundreds of job in the area.
53. Jane’s parents were very proud of her (succeed) _____________.
54. Your (decide) _____________ surprised me.
55. As a child, he didn’t have good (educate) _____________.
56. Don’t be so (patient) _____________. We’ve only waited for a few minutes.
57. He became one of the most (power) _____________ people in the world.
58. (Science) _____________ discoveries have made our life better.
59. He always (confusion) _____________ people by asking strange questions.
60. How can you (proof) _____________ that you really love me?
61. These articles were written by a good (report) _____________.
62. We had no (difficult) _____________ in finding the house.
63. Computers are (widen) _____________ used in offices and schools.
64. He was very (pride) _____________ of the work he had done.
65. Slaves are the people who have no (free) _____________.
66. This is not a natural. It is (make) _____________.
67. The tennis (compete) _____________ was held in England.
68. We’ll have seen the (champion) _____________ between France and Brazil.
Gần 70 câu word form khó....^^

Đòi hỏi nhiều kiến thức......cố lên

1. My father always (courage) _____________me to do good things. encourages
2. The girl’s eyes (wide) _____________ when she heard the new. widen
3. His (hungry) _____________ tortured him. hunger
4. Her husband’s (drunken) _____________ destroyed her love for him. drink
5. I (understand) _____________ the questions. I didn’t answer correctly. misunderstand
6. Her younger brother will surely get a (scholar) _____________. scholarship
7. He’s been very (poverty) _____________ since his wife dead. poor
8. Shakespeare was the most (fame) _____________ English playwright. famous
9. He was too (shame) _____________ to tell me about his mistake. shy
10. It’s (possible) _____________ to finish this task. I can’t do it. impossible
11. To my great (disappointed) _____________, he broke his promise again. disappointment
12. The telephone is one of the most important (achieve) _____________. achievement
13. Since his (child) _____________ he knew (hungry) _____________. childhood, hunger
14. Many areas of the world are still not (electricity) _____________. electrical
15. I must understand this question (thorough) _____________ before answering it. thoroughly
16. Crime is a big (advantage) _____________ of city life. disadvantage
17. His (biography) _____________ described his early life. biography
18. Computer is one of the most important (inventor) _____________. invention
19. The (die) _____________ of her enemy has made her a crazy person. death
20. This problem is so difficult that I cannot (solution) _____________ it.sole
21. Paris is (fame) _____________ for the Eiffel tower. famous
22. Jack is (pride) _____________ of his new computer. proud
23. They often (communication) _____________ by e-mail. communicate
24. She has a busy (society) _____________ life. social
25. A lot of famous (science) _____________ were at the meeting. scientists
26. (illustrate) _____________ is useful to explain things. Illustration
27. Another person’s success can be a (advantage) _____________ to you. disadvantage
28. He finally (success) _____________ in finding a good job last week. succeeded
29. I should learn new words to (rich) _____________ my vocabulary. enrich
30. The (produce) _____________ of this factory are of good quality. product
31. Some diseases are caused by (bacterium) _____________. bacteria
32. The (develop) _____________ of transportation has made life easier. development
33. To my (disappoint) _____________, you don’t actually love me. disappointment
34. He felt (disappoint) _____________ when he didn’t get the award. disappointed
35. Can you (explanation) _____________ what this word means? explain
36. With so many choices, it’s hard to (decision) _____________ what to buy. decide
37. I’ll win a (scholar) _____________ to study at Harvard. scholarship
38. Don’t (courage) _____________ bad habits in children. encourage
39. We sing the (nation) _____________ anthem every Monday morning. national
40. The crowd (cheerful) _____________ when I arrived. cheered
41. Some roads will be (wide) _____________. widen
42. I have a (talented) _____________ for sleeping and eating. talent
43. Her encouragement has (able) _____________ him to overcome his difficulty. enable
44. She cannot stand her (drunkenness) _____________ husband any more. drunken
45. I accepted the (invite) _____________ to her party. invitation
46. I’m very (hunger) _____________. I can eat three chickens right now. hungry
47. It is (legal) _____________ to kidnap children. illegal
48. Animals are (bad) _____________ treated in zoo. badly
49. The stadium was (pack) _____________ with fans. packed
50. He will do anything for his country. He’s a (patriotism) ____________ patriot_.
51. They are (patriotism) _____________ citizens. patriotic
52. The new factory has (creation) _____________ hundreds of job in the area. created
53. Jane’s parents were very proud of her (succeed) _____________. success
54. Your (decide) _____________ surprised me. decision
55. As a child, he didn’t have good (educate) _____________. education
56. Don’t be so (patient) _____________. We’ve only waited for a few minutes. impatient
57. He became one of the most (power) _____________ people in the world. powerful
58. (Science) _____________ discoveries have made our life better. scientific
59. He always (confusion) _____________ people by asking strange questions. confuses
60. How can you (proof) _____________ that you really love me? prove
61. These articles were written by a good (report) _____________. reporter
62. We had no (difficult) _____________ in finding the house. difficulty
63. Computers are (widen) _____________ used in offices and schools. widely
64. He was very (pride) _____________ of the work he had done. proud
65. Slaves are the people who have no (free) _____________. freedom
66. This is not a natural. It is (make) _____________. handmade
67. The tennis (compete) _____________ was held in England. competition
68. We’ll have seen the (champion) _____________ between France and Brazil. championship
Đáp án của conan 
1. My father always (courage) _____________me to do good things. encourages
2. The girl’s eyes (wide) _____________ when she heard the new. widened
3. His (hungry) _____________ tortured him. hunger
4. Her husband’s (drunken) _____________ destroyed her love for him. drunkenness
5. I (understand) _____________ the questions. I didn’t answer correctly. misunderstood
6. Her younger brother will surely get a (scholar) _____________. scholarship
7. He’s been very (poverty) _____________ since his wife dead. poor
8. Shakespeare was the most (fame) _____________ English playwright. famous
9. He was too (shame) _____________ to tell me about his mistake. ashame
10. It’s (possible) _____________ to finish this task. I can’t do it. impossible
11. To my great (disappointed) _____________, he broke his promise again. disappointment
12. The telephone is one of the most important (achieve) _____________. achievement
13. Since his (child) _____________ he knew (hungry) _____________. childhood/hunger
14. Many areas of the world are still not (electricity) _____________. electrified
15. I must understand this question (thorough) _____________ before answering it. thoroughly
16. Crime is a big (advantage) _____________ of city life. disadvantage
17. His (biography) _____________ described his early life. biography
18. Computer is one of the most important (inventor) _____________invention.
19. The (die) _____________ of her enemy has made her a crazy person.death
20. This problem is so difficult that I cannot (solution) _____________ it. solve
21. Paris is (fame) _____________ for the Eiffel tower. famous
22. Jack is (pride) _____________ of his new computer.proud
23. They often (communication) _____________ by e-mail.communicate
24. She has a busy (society) _____________ life. social
25. A lot of famous (science) _____________ were at the meeting. scientist
26. (illustrate) _____________ is useful to explain things. Illustration
27. Another person’s success can be a (advantage) _____________ to you. disadvantage
28. He finally (success) _____________ in finding a good job last week. succeeded
29. I should learn new words to (rich) _____________ my vocabulary. enrich
30. The (produce) _____________ of this factory are of good quality. products
31. Some diseases are caused by (bacterium) _____________. bacteria
32. The (develop) _____________ of transportation has made life easier.development
33. To my (disappoint) _____________, you don’t actually love me.disappointment
34. He felt (disappoint) _____________ when he didn’t get the award. disappointed
35. Can you (explanation) _____________ what this word means? explain
36. With so many choices, it’s hard to (decision) _____________ what to buy. decide
37. I’ll win a (scholar) _____________ to study at Harvard. scholarship
38. Don’t (courage) _____________ bad habits in children. encourage
39. We sing the (nation) _____________ anthem every Monday morning. national
40. The crowd (cheerful) _____________ when I arrived.cheered
41. Some roads will be (wide) _____________. widened
42. I have a (talented) _____________ for sleeping and eating. talent
43. Her encouragement has (able) _____________ him to overcome his difficulty. enable
44. She cannot stand her (drunkenness) _____________ husband any more. drunken
45. I accepted the (invite) _____________ to her party. invitation
46. I’m very (hunger) _____________. I can eat three chickens right now. hungry
47. It is (legal) _____________ to kidnap children.illegal
48. Animals are (bad) _____________ treated in zoo.badly
49. The stadium was (pack) _____________ with fans. packed
50. He will do anything for his country. He’s a (patriotism) _____________. patriot
51. They are (patriotism) _____________ citizens. patriotic
52. The new factory has (creation) _____________ hundreds of job in the area. created
53. Jane’s parents were very proud of her (succeed) _____________.success
54. Your (decide) _____________ surprised me. decision
55. As a child, he didn’t have good (educate) _____________. education
56. Don’t be so (patient) _____________. We’ve only waited for a few minutes. impatient
57. He became one of the most (power) _____________ people in the world. powerful
58. (Science) _____________ discoveries have made our life better. scientific
59. He always (confusion) _____________ people by asking strange questions. confuses
60. How can you (proof) _____________ that you really love me? prove
61. These articles were written by a good (report) _____________. reporter
62. We had no (difficult) _____________ in finding the house. difficulty
63. Computers are (widen) _____________ used in offices and schools. widely
64. He was very (pride) _____________ of the work he had done. proud
65. Slaves are the people who have no (free) _____________.freedom
66. This is not a natural. It is (make) _____________. man-made (phải có dấu - ở giữa)
67. The tennis (compete) _____________ was held in England. competition
68. We’ll have seen the (champion) _____________ between France and Brazil. championship

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