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Đề kiểm tra HSG Tiếng Anh 9

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I. Circle the letter before the word in each group that has underlined part pronounced differently from the rest. (5 points )
1 A chip B champagne C cheque D champion
2 A charity B install C wallet D hall
3 A crashed B kicked C kissed D Killed
4 A height B weight C eight D late
5 A beneath B breath C health D breathe

II. Circle the letter before the word or phrase that best fits each of the blanks( 15 points)
1. He got a new alarm clock .................... he'd get up on time.
a. although
b. so that
c. since
d. so

2. He hasn't written to us ................. he left.
a. as long as
b. since
c. by the time
d. as soon as

3. She'll only do the job .............. you pay her more.
a. before
b. after
c. if
d. while

4. I never take an umbrella ............... it's raining heavily.
a. when
b. whenever
c. if
d. unless

5. You should say ................ and do .................
a. many / little
b. much / few
c. few / many
d. little / much

6. We were surprised ................ the way he behaves. It was quite out of character.
a. about
b. with
c. at
d. b & c are correct

7. I felt sorry ................. the children when they went ............... holiday. It rained every day and they had to spend most of the time indoor.
a. for / on
b. about / on
c. about / in
d. for / in

8. It wasn't polite .................. him to leave without saying a word.
a. with
b. to
c. on
d. of

9. Two things are very alike. They are the .................. each other.
a. same with
b. same as
c. same like
d. same about

10. You like chocolate, .............................
a. and I do either
b. and me too
c. and I too
d. and so do I

11. If you don't like this one, try something .....................
a. other
b. more
c. else
d. another

12. "Do you think I .............. to send my her a gift on her birthday?" Peter asked.
a. should
b. had better
c. ought
d. must

13. I can't see him today. I'll have to see him .............. day.
a. another
b. other
c. the next
d. the other

14. Take a map with you ............... you lose your way.
a. in case
b. so
c. because
d. although

15. ..................... the rice so that it won't boil over.
a. Set fire to
b. Put an eye on
c. Pay attention to
d. Put an end to

III. Circle the letter under the underlined part that is incorrect (10 points).
1. More electricity you use, the higher your bill will be .
2. It is too nice weather that I would like to go to the beach. A B C D
3. Without a doubt, the best way to do well in college to keep up constantly with the
homework and read everything that is required.
4. Many discoveries have made in the fields of chemistry and physics. A B C D
5. Nam got used to cooking his own food when he studied at Australia.
6. My brother used to sleeping late on weekends when he doesn't have to work.
7. He was so nervous that he doesn't know what to do.
8. My father says he will never forget the day on which he joined the army.
9. It is surprising that most tourists which come to the town visit this small temple.
10. The young man finds it difficult to act natural in front of the camera. A B C D

IV. Supply the correct form of the word in brackets to fill the gap of the sentences. (10 points)
1. He used all his ................................................. to open the door. (strong)
2. Playing rugby is a popular ........................................... in America. (act)
3. Hung is good at ................................................................. English. (learn)
4. In Britain, Snow White toys and books were on ............everywhere. (sell)
5. My friend has a fine ..................................................... of coins. (collect)
6. And if you like …..., you can relax by playing computer games. (entertain)
7. I get no .......................................... from doing my homework. (satisfy)
8. The tour guide always tries to make his guests feel ................. (comfort)
9. It took him a long time to be used to ......................... on the left. (drive)
10. It’s no use ............................................. these books. (read)

V. Circle the letter before the word or phrase that best fits each blank ( 25 points).

Passage A:
Langston Hughes was one of the (1) American writers of the twentieth century. He was born in Joplin, Missouri, and moved to Cleveland at the (2) of fourteen. Several years later he spent one year in Mexico before (3) Columbia University in New York. For a few years after that he went to many places in the world as a seaman, visiting ports around the world and writing (4) poetry. He returned to the United States and went to Lincoln University, where he (5) the Witter Bynner Prize for undergraduate (6). After graduating in 1928, he traveled to Spain and to Russia (7) the help of a Guggenheim fellowship. His novels included Not Without Laughter and The Big Sea. He wrote an autobiography in 1956 and also (8) several collections of poetry. The collections include The Weary Blue, The Dream Keeper, Shakespeare in Harlem, One Way Ticket, and Selected Poems. A man of many (9) Hughes was also a lyricist, librettist, and journalist. As an old man in the 1960s, he spent much of his time (10) poems from Africa and from African-Americans to popularize black writers.
1. A. greatest B. broadest C. widest D. largest
2. A. year B. old C. age D. era
3. A. attend B. attending C. attendant D. attends
4. A. another B. others C. any D. some
5. A. won B. earned C. succeeded D. beaten
6. A. poet B. poetry C. poetize D. poem
7. A. for B. in C. with D. from
8. A. devoted B. created C. memorized D. published
9. A. talents B. presents C. stories D. lies
10. A. collect B. to collect C. collecting D. collected
Passage B:
People think that double-decker buses can only be found in Britain, but in fact, __1__ many years now, they have been used in cities around the world. The first double-deckers were nothing __2__ the modern ones. They were pulled by horses, and __3__ had no roof. Originally built to carry visitors to the Great Exhibition of 1851, they were then used __4__ to take Londoners to the areas __5__. They preferred the lower deck, __6__ heating and comfortable seats. __7__, visitors to London preferred the top deck, where they had the __8__ to see the sights better. Of course, if there was a sudden shower, they ran the risk __9__! Double-deckers now have roofs, and are still the best way to see London. But if you have an appointment, don't assume that the bus will get you there on time. It could well get __10__ in one of London's terrible traffic jams.
1. A. from B. since C. for D. after
2. A. the same as B. similar to C. identical to D. like
3. A. even B. also C. just D. still
4. A. in a regular way B. by regular arrangement
C. on a regular basis D. in a regular pattern
5. A. they worked B. where they worked
C. in which they worked in D. in where they worked
6. A. having B. it had C. that had D which had
7. A. Moreover B. In addition C. On the other hand D. Therefore
8. A. chance B. choice C. possibility D. occasion
9. A. to be soaked B. of being soaked C. through soaking D. that they were soaked
10. A. stuck up B. pulled up C. lined up D. caught up

Passage c:
Do you, learners of English, ever wonder whether repeating and trying to remember various everyday English expressions, such as 'Excuse me, could you tell me where the nearest taxi rank is?' has any value other than in exams? Well, I must admit that such things didn't cross my mind until last February when I got a letter from the British Council, saying that I had won a language course in England. The polite question mentioned was the one I had to ask on arrival in Parkstone, a picturesque part of Poole with lots of semi-detached houses on either side of each street. What struck me most was the kindness of an old lady, who happened to leave Safeway's just after my getting off the coach. Not only did she show me where to phone for a taxi, but she also gave me a hand with the luggage. I was really surprised, too, when the taxi driver got out of the car and helped me put the bags into the boot. I immediately thought of Polish taxi drivers who usually do not make the slightest effort to help you, apart from pressing the right button and waiting for the boot to open. In spite of all the stereotypes about reluctance towards foreigners, the English turn out to be an extremely polite and open nation.

1. According to the passage, where does the author come from?
A England
B Poland
C Parkstone
D Pool

2. How did the old lady help the author?
A. showed her where to phone for a taxi
B. gave her a hand with the luggage
C. put her luggage in the boot
D. both A and B are correct

3. What does the author think of the English?
A. they are very polite and open
B. they are always reluctant towards foreigners
C. they are kind-hearted
D. they care a lot about others' business

4. What did the author see when arriving in Parkstone?
A. the picturesque part of Poole
B. the semi-detached houses
C. the British council building
D. the coach

5. What is NOT true according to the passage?
A. the author won a language course in England
B. the author met a kind lady when she first arrived in Parkstone
C. the author thinks' that everyday English expressions have no practical values .
D. the author was surprised by the enthusiastic help of the British driver

VI. Fill each gap in the passage with a suitable word. ( 10 points)

Lakes in North​
Many rivers and lakes around the world are polluted. The discharge of 1…………………….. materials by factories and households 2…………………….. pollution to rivers and lakes. The Rhine River in Europe and the Great Lakes in North America are good examples of a river and lakes that are polluted. Their 3…………………….. cannot be drunk. The 4…………………….. thing is happening to the sea. In one instance, certain factories in Japan dumped industrial waste 5…………………….. the sea. Many people suffered 6…………………….. lead or mercury poisoning after eating fish 7…………………….. in such polluted waters. Pollution in certain areas of the sea is now reaching dangerous levels. Many ships discharge their waste 8…………………….. and unwanted engine oil into the sea. These wastes 9…………………….. lead and mercury which are poisonous. Sometimes, accidents to oil tankers can cause oil to be discharged into the sea and 10…………………….. the beach.

VII. Complete the following unfinished sentences in such a way that it has the same meaning as the ones before (15 points).
1. I am so busy. I can't go to join your trip today.
If I ............................................................................................................
2. Have you got a smaller hat than this?
Is this ......................................................................................................
3. I'm sorry I didn't finish my homework last night.
I wish .....................................................................................................
4. Nothing could be done to help him.
They .......................................................................................................
5. We went out in spite of the heavy rain.
Although ...............................................................................................
6. I work in a factory which has more than 500 workers.
There .....................................................................................................
7. Mr Quang mended the watch for me.
I had ......................................................................................................
8. You remembered to post the letter, didn't you?
You didn't .............................................................................................
9. Huong hasn't seen her younger sister since she left for Australia.
Huong last ............................................................................................
10. After taking the pills, I began to feel much better
Since taking .........................................................................................
11. They have told me not to say any more.
I have...................................................................................................
12. I might be late. If so, start without me.
If I ........................................................................................................
13. Someone broke into John's flat last week.
John’s flat .........................................................................................
14. A friend lent George the motorbike he rode in the race.
The motorbike George rode in the race .............................................
15. I have an appointment for a haircut this afternoon.
I'm having.........................................................................................

VIII. You are Tom and you have just come back from a holiday. Now you write a letter (about 150 words) to John to tell him about your holiday. (Where did you spend your holiday? Whom did you go with? What did you do during your holiday? How did you feel?) (10 points)
You start your letter like this:
Dear John, .................................................................................................................................................................




Đáp án biểu điểm:

I. Circle the letter before the word in each group that has underlined part pronounced differently from the rest. (5 points )
1B 2A 3D 4A 5D

II. Circle the letter before the word or phrase that best fits each of the blanks( 15 points)
1b 2b 3c 4d 5d 6c 7a 8d
9b 10d 11c 12c 13a 14a 15b

III. Circle the letter under the underlined part that is incorrect (10 points).
1. A 2. A 3 C 4 B 5D 6B 7C 8C 9C 10C

IV. Supply the correct form of the word in brackets to fill the gap of the sentences. (10 points)
1. strength 2. activity 3. learning 4. sale 5. collection
6. entertainment 7. satisfaction 8. comfortable 9. driving 10. reading

V. Circle the letter before the word or phrase that best fits each blank ( 25 points).

Passage A: 10 points
1A 2C 3B 4D 5A 6A 7C 8D 9A 10C

Passage B: 10 points
1. C. for 6. D. which had
2. D. like 7. C. On the other hand
3. D. still 8. A. chance
4. C. on a regular basis 9. B. of being soaked
5. B. where they worked 10. D. caught up

Passage c: 5 points
1. B 2. D 3. A 4. B 5. C

VI. Fill each gap in the passage with a suitable word. ( 10 points)
1. waste 2. causes 3. water 4. same 5. into
6 from 7. living / caught 8. materials 9. contain / have 10. onto

VII. Complete the following unfinished sentences in such a way that it has the same meaning as the ones before (15 points).
1. If I were not so busy, I could go to join your trip today.
2. Is this the smallest hat you‘ve got?
3. I wish I had finished my homework last night.
4. They could do nothing to help him.
5. Although it rained/ was raining heavily, we went out.
6. There are more than 500 workers in a factory (which/ that) I work
7. I had my watch mended by Mr Quang
8. You didn't forget to post the letter, did you?
9. Huong last saw her younger sister when she left for Australia.
10. Since taking the pills, I have been feeling/have felt much better.
11. I have been told not to say any more.
12. If I am late, start without me.
13. John’s flat was broken into last week.
14. The motorbike George rode in the race was lent to him by a friend.
15. I'm having a haircut this afternoon.

VIII. You are Tom and you have just come back from a holiday. Now you write a letter (about 150 words) to John to tell him about your holiday. (Where did you spend your holiday? Whom did you go with? What did you do during your holiday? How did you feel?) (10 points)
Bài viết tốt phải đảm bảo những tiêu chí sau:
- nội dung
- ngôn ngữ
- kết cấu
- độ dài (khoảng 150từ).
- thể loại bài viết (thư cho ban
đề thi hsg tỉnh của em bài write là cho viết về the worst dream, nếu anh có thì post lên dùm em lun nhé?

Vậy em cứ viết đi, có gì anh sẽ sửa thì hay hơn là anh đưa ra một bài mẫu. Để học tiếng Anh tốt thì quan trọng là em nên coi mắc lỗi sai là chuyện bình thương nhá.
I- Phonetics pick out the word whose underlined and bold part is pronounced differently from that of the other words:
1. A. luxury B. example C. exist D. exempt.
2. A. enterprise B. enrich C. enlarge D. enlist.
3. A. natural B. nature C. native D. nation
4. A. rise B. measure C. please D. pause
5. A. pleased B. punched C. packed D. pushed

II- Pick out the word that has the tress differently from that of the other words:
6. A. multicast B. multicolored C. multigrade D. multiple
7. A. because B. devote C. humor D. reveal
8. A. document B. develop C. opponent D. astonish
9. A. gossip B. master C. prevail D. session
10. A. fancy B. portrait C. endless D. require.


I- Choose the best answer among A, B, C or D that best completes each sentence.
11. The organization ___________ food to the earthquake victims.
A. supplied
B. distributed
C. deliseered
D. All are correct

12. We could make better use of our _____________
A. environment
B. sources
C. resources
D. atmosphere.

13. The __________ aim of this course is to improve your spoken English.
A. primary
B. main
C. major
D. All are correct

14. A recent _____ showed 75% of those questioned were in favour of the plan.
A. roll
B. show
C. survey
D. number

15. Her parents no longer have any real _________ over her.
A. influence
B. effect
C. request
D. permission.

16. His only chance of__________ was a heart transplant.
A. existence
B. life
C. survival
D. living

17. The river has been polluted with __________ waste from local factories.
A. nontoxic
B. toxic
C. harmless
D. harmed.

18. The singer was ___________ on the piano by her sister.
A. served
B. accompanied
C. assisted
D. sounded.

19. She is an __________ reader of science fiction.
A. avid
B. keen
C. enthusiastic
D. all are correct

20. Scientists _____________ a child psychology of their behaviors.
A. conducted
B. carried out
C. followed
D. A and B

II. Word form:
21. She is _________ with her new job (OCCUPY)
22. The case is under _________ now (INVESTIGATE)
23. The government wats to ____________ this traing centre (MILITARY).
24. I can’t think of any possible __________ for his absence (EXPLAIN)
25. Graduates are find it more and more difficult to find _________ (EMPLOY)
26. The team has had a ________ start to the lesson (DISAPPOINT).
27. The government is responsible for the __________ of health care (PROVIDE).
28. The plants are ___________ of frost (TOLERATE).
29. Pay is reviewed on a ____________ basic (YEAR)
30. Lance Armstrong is considered the ____________ cyclist in the world (GOOD).


Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that best completes each sentences:
31. Beryl, would you mind ___________ this leter on your way to the office?
A. mail
B. mailing
C. to mail
D. for mailing

32. I have a good job, and I hope __________ myself all through school.
A. supporting
B. support
C. to support
D. able to support

33. I objected __________ to do all the work myself.
A. to being asked
B. to asking
C. being asked
D. to be asked

34. Most children can’t wait ___________ their pressents on their birthday.
A. opening
B to open
C. to opening
D. for open

35. You need _________ harder if you want to get a promotion.
A. trying
B. try
C. to try
D. be trying

36. Don’t forget __________ all of the doors before you go to bed.
A. lock
B. locking
C. to lock
D. should lock

37. As well as __________ in an office he used to have a part-time job as a waiter.
A. to work
B. working
C. he worked
D. he was working

38. Why do you keep __________ me the same question over and over again?
A. ask
B. to ask
C. with asking
D. asking

39. They insisted _________ to the party.
A. to go
B. on going
C. going
D. went

40. “Is Marsha still here?” “No. she was the first _____________”.
A. leaving
B. that she left
C. to leave
D. in leaving

41. What beautiful eyes _______________!
A. does she have
B. she has
C. has she
D. she doesn’t have

42. __________ the storm, the ship couldn’t reach its destination on time.
A. In case of
B. In spite of
C. Because of
D. But for.

43. I finished my homework a few days ahead __________ the deadline.
A. of
B. to
C. by
D. at.

44. Mary was the last applicant _______________
A. to be interviewed
B. to be interviewing
C. to interview
D. to have interviewed.

45. Hair color is one of _______ characteristics to be used in identifying people.
A. the most obviously
B. most obvious
C. obviously the most
D. the most obvious.

46. Thank you very much. It’s very ___________ you to help me.
A. good with
B. good of
C. good for
D. good about

47. The strike was _____ owing to a last-minute agreement with the management.
A. called off
B. broken up
C. set back
D. put down

48. Please invite __________ you like to the reception.
A. one
B. anyone
C. ones
D. all.

49. It cost them ___________ money to recover the painting.
A. a large number of
B. many
C. a great deal of
D. only a few.

50. The motorist must have run ___________ the fox without noticing.
A. out
B. on
C. over
D. up.

Choose the underlined part among A, B, C or D that needs correcting:
51. Peter spent many years studying Eastern philosophy in his search for the meaning of
the life.
52. His father doesn’t approve of him to go to the banquet without dressing formally.
53. We usually have English lesson twice a week.
54. Furniture makers we glue to hold joints together and sometimes to reinforce it.
55. My brother prefers to go to concerts at weekends.
56. Gunpowder, in some ways the most effective of all the explosive materials, were
a mixture of potassium nitrate, charcoal, and sulfur.

57. In the relatively short history of industrial developing in the united States, New York City
has played a vital role.
58. Fertilizers are used primarily to enrich soil and increasing field.
59. Eleanor Roosevelt was one of the most acting and influence first ladies.
60. The equipment in the office was badly in need of to be repaired.
A B C D.
I- Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best first the blank space in the following passage:
Flling the blanks.

Dear Mary,
How are things with you? Since I saw you last week, I’ve been very ill. By the time I arrived home after seeing you on Monday, I (61)________ an awful headache. I thought that perhaps my eyes were tired (62)_________ I’d been working so hard, so I took some aspirins and went to bed. However, when I woke up the next morning, the headache was (63)__________ than ever, and my throat was sore. I tried to get up but my arms and legs (64)________ stiff. I saw the doctor and she (65)__________ me I had a temperature. She said I probably had flu. She advised me to take some medicine and (66) ________ in bed. The medicine tasted horrible and it didn’t make (67)___________ feel any better. I felt sick and I didn’t want to eat anything at all although I was very (68)____________ I have almost (69)___________ now, and I’m going to start work again tomorrow. I still have a slight cold and a cough but my chest doesn’t hurt when (70)_________ Can we meet on Saturday? I’m looking forward to seeing you.
II- Choose the item among A, B, C or D that best answers the question about the passage:
Part I: When we were in England last year, I went fishing with my friend, Peter. Early in the mooring we were sitting quietly by the side of a lake when we had on unpleasant surprise we saw a duck coming along with three ducklings paddling cheerfully behind her. As we watched them, there was a sudden swirl in the water. We caught a glimpse of the vicious jaws of a pike - a fish which is rather like a freshwater shark - and one of the ducklings was dragged below the surface.
This incident made Peter furious. He vowed to catch the pike. On three succosive morning we returned to the vicinity and used different kinds of bait. On the third day Peter was lucky. Using an artificial frog as bait, he managed to hook the monster. There was a desperate fight but Peter was determined to capture the pike and he succeeded. When he had got it ashore and killed it, he weighed the fish and found that it scaled nearly thirty pounds - a record for that district.
71. Why do you think Peter was sifting quietly by the lake?
A. He was waiting for the pike to appear.
B. He was watching the ducks.
C. He wasn’t very talkative.
D. He was fishing.

72. To that dose “surprise” in line 3 probably refer?
A. To the duck
C. to the action of the pike
B. to the ducklings
D. To the time of the day.

73. Which work in the third sentence of the passage suggests that the ducklings were unaware of the danger below them?
A. three
B. along
C. paddling
D. cheerfully

74. What were Peter’s feelings about the incident two days later?
A. He vowed that he would catch the remaining ducklings.
B. He caught and killed the pike.
C. He remained determined to catch the pike.
D. He caught a frog and used it as bait for the pike.

75. How much was the pike worth?
A. about thirty pounds.
B. about two hundred dollars.
C. no information on this point.
D. it scaled nearly thirty pou

Part II: In order to learn to be one’s true self it is necessary to obtain a wide and extensive knowledge of what has been said and done in the world; critically to enquire into it; nearly to sift it, and earnestly to carry it out. It matters not what you learn, but when you once learn a thing you must never give it up until you have mastered it. It matters not what you enquire into, but when you enquire into a thing, you must never give it up intil you have completely understood it. It matters not what you try to think out, but when you once try to think out thing, you must never give it up until you have got what you want. It matters not what you try to sift out but when you once try to sift out a thing, you must never give it up until you have sifted it out chearly and distinctly. It matters not what you try to carry out, but when you once try to carry out a thin, you must never give it up until you have done it completely and well. If anther man succeeds by one effort, you will use a hundred efforts. If another man succeeds by ten sfforts, you will use a thousand efforts.
76. According to the author, the ultimate purpose of study is to learn to…
A. be one’s true self
B. be a specialist
C. succeed in a profession
D. become wealthy

77. First of all, one must.
A. obtain knowledge
B. enquire
C. analyze
D. act.

78. A consequence of man’s study should be…
A. fame
B. action
C. inaction
D. prayer.

79. The end of learning should be…
A. thought
B. enquiry
C. mastery
D. analysis.

80. To successfully carry out the author’s program, a person would have to be, most of all,
A. extremely intelligent
B. very wealthy
C. very persistent
D. A and B.

Choose the correct sentence among A, B, C or D which has the same meaning as the giver one.
81. Dave had to take a cut in pay to keep from losing his job.
A. Dave lost his job and had to cut pay.
B. Dave had am accident on the job.
C. Dave’s salary was lowered.
D. Dave was given a salary increase.

82. He can hardly understand this matter because he’s too young.
A. This matter is too hard for him to understand.
B. He’s young, but he can understand this matter.
C. The matter was difficult but he can understand it.
D. Hardly can he understand this matter because he’s too young.

83. The way he behaves annoys me sometimes.
A. I was annoyed with his way of behaving.
B. I’m sometimes annoyed by the way he behaves.
C. His behavior is annoying to me.
D. I find behavior very annoying.

84. John said that whatever happened, it was Mary’s fault.
A. John blamed Mary at what had happened.
B. John blamed Mary on what had happened.
C. John blamed Mary of what had happened.
D. John blamed Mary for what had happened.

85. It came as no surprise to me that harry had failed his driving test.
A. I was not surprised to hear that Harry had failed his driving test.
B. I was so surprised that Harry had failed his driving test.
C. Harry had failed his driving test, which surprised me.
D. If Harry had failed his driving test, I would have been surprised.

86. He looked so funny that I couldn’t help laughing.
A. I couldn’t laugh because he looked so funny.
B. I couldn’t help him laugh because he looked so funny.
C. He looked too funny for me to laugh.
D. I laughed because he looked so funny.

87. She had only just put the phone down when her boss rang back.
A. Hardly she had put the phone down when her boss rang back.
B. Hardly she put the phone down when her boss rang back.
C. Hardly did she put the phone down when her boss rang back.
D. Hardly had she put the phone down when her boss rang back.

88. He acts as though nothing matters to him.
A. He acts when there’s no matter for him.
B. He acts although nothing matters to him.
C. He seems not to cares about anything.
D. Nothing matters to him when he acts.

89. “He lost his job three months”.
A. It’s three months ago since he lost his job.
B. It’s three months since he lost his job.
C. They are three month since he lost his job.
D. It has been three months since he has lost his job.

90. We must read five chapters of the book.
A. There are five chapters of the book.
B. All the five chapters in the book must be noted.
C. Five chapters of the book must be read.
D. We have to note five chapters of the book.

Rewrite the sentences as directed without changing the original meaning:
91. Don’t try to escape. It’s no use.
-> It’s no use ______________________________________________
92. It is said that he is 108 years old.
-> He is said _______________________________________________
93. When I arrived in Canberra, I wrote a letter home.
-> On ____________________________________________________
94. She often writes to him and he often writes to her.
-> They __________________________________________________
95. Susan likes staying in hotels but she prefers camping.
-> Susan doesn’t ___________________________________________
96. You may fall if you’ve not careful.
-> Be careful ______________________________________________
97. Whose documents are there?
-> Who ___________________________________________________
98. Sebastian’s career as a television presenter began 5 years ago.
-> Sebastian has ____________________________________________
99. I don’t really want to visit the museum.
-> I’ d rather ______________________________________________
100. Amanda finally manages to get a job.
-> Amanda finally succeeded _________________________________
101. It isn’t possible that Jane was absem from work to day.
-> Jane ___________________________________________________
102. We were late because it rained heavily.
-> But for _________________________________________________
103. We’ll stop now unless you have any further questions.
-> Provided _______________________________________________
104. I don’t really like her, even though I admire her achivements.
-> Much __________________________________________________
105. I dislike it when people criticize me unfairly.
-> I object _________________________________________________
106. I only recognized him when he came into the light.
-> Not until ________________________________________________
107. Mary knew what the answer was after reading the book.
-> By the time _____________________________________________
108. The people who were at the meeting will say nothing to the press.
-> Nobody who ____________________________________________
109. Tear gas was released as soon as the thieves touched the safe.
-> No sooner ______________________________________________
110. Every day, it’s the same old routine in my job.
-> Day in _________________________________________________
1. A 2. A 3. A
4. B 5. A 6. B
7. C 8. A 9. C
10. D 11. B 12. C
13. A 14. C 15. A
16. C 17. B 18. B
19. A 20. D
21. occupied 22. investigation
23. militarize 24. explanation
25. employment 26. disappointing
27. provision 28. tolerant
29. yearly 30. best
31. B 32. C 33. A
34. B 35. C 36. C
37. B 38. D 39. B
40. C 41. B 42.C
43. A 44. A 45. D
46.B 47. A 48. B
49. C 50. C 51. D
52. B 53. B 54. D
55. B 56. D 57. B
58. D 59. C 60. D
61. had 62. as 63. worse
64. felt 65. told 66. stay
67. me 68. hungry 69. recovered
70. breathe 71. D 72. C
73. D 74. C 75. C
76. A 7 7. A 78. B
79. C 80. C 81. C
82. D 83. B 84. D
85. A 86. D 87. D
88. D 89. B 90. C
91. It’s no use trying to escape.
92. He is said to be 108 years ago.
93. On arriving in Canberra, I wrote a letter home.
94. They often write to each other.
95. Susan doesn’t like staying in hotels as much as she does (she enjoys likes) camping.
96. Be careful or otherwise you will (might) (could) have a fall.
97. Who do these documents belong to.
98. Sebastian has been (worked) (been working as) a television presenter for 5 years.
99. I’d rather not visit the museum.
100. Amanda finally succeeded in getting a job.
101. Jane must have been at wort today.
102. But for the heavy rain, we would have been in time.
103. provided you have no more question, we we’ll stop now.
104. Much as I admire her achievements, I don’t really like her.
105. I object to people criticizing me unfairly my being unfairly criticized.
106. Not until he came into the light did I recognize him.
107. By the time she finished reading the book, Mary knew what the as
108. Nobody who was at the meeting will say anything to the press.
109. No sooner had the thieves touched the safe than tear gas was released.
110. Day in, day out it’s the same old routine in my job.
Kỳ thi chọn học sinh giỏi lớp 9 thcs cấp tỉnh


Question 1 : Listen to the passage then pick out ONE best option ( A,B,C or D ) to complete each sentence. The passage will be read twice :

1. A round is a part of the fight which lasts :
A. 5 minutes
B. 3 minutes.
C. 30 minutes
D. 1 minute.

2. In the beginning of the match, two fighters
A. kick the other
B. run around the stage
C. play drum and flute
D. kneel and pray to God

3. In Thai boxing, the fighters
A. can kick with their feet, hit the other with hands, elbows and knees.
B. can hit the other with hands only.
C. cannot hit the other with hands.
D. cannot hit the other with feet, or other parts of the body except hands.

4. Thai boxing started
A. 50 years ago
B. in the 20th century
C. over 500 years ago
D. in the 5th century

Question 2 : Listen to the passage then complete the sentences below with the information
from the passage. The passage will be read twice :

1. Dolphins can talk or show their feelings with………………..
2. Dolphins swim together in a ……………….
3. People cannot hear the sounds of dolphins because those sounds are very………….
4. Many people believe that dolphins bring………………….

Question 3 : Read the passage below then pick out ONE best option ( A,B,C or D ) to
complete each sentence :

The story of the Young Pioneer Movement in the United States was written by one of the former American Young Pioneers, Harry Eisman who lived in the USSR from 1931. In1974 he visited New York, where he went to see his old school and other places of his childhood.
Young Pioneer detachments were first formed in Chicago in 1923. In the beginning they were young pioneer clubs, where children learnt revolutionary songs, studied the history of the workers’ movement, went in for sports and games. But life in the United States was very hard in those days for the workers’ families and the young pioneers took an active part in the workers’ struggle for their rights.
One of the most important events of those days was the strike of the textile workers in New Jersey, which went on for eleven months. The owners of the textile mills did everything to break the strike. They engaged strike-breakers to work in the mills, sent the police to arrest the workers’ pickets around the mills, but the workers did not stop the strike. They were supported by progressive people all over the country. A powerful national campaign of solidarity was begun. Everywhere people collected money, clothes and food. The pioneers also took an active part in this struggle. They organized children’s clubs with kitchens to feed the children of the striking workers.
Young pioneers also visited many flats and collected money and warm clothes.
One day, they decided to visit Passaic and meet the children of the striking workers. Louis Obgiler had a small Ford wagon. He loved children and decided to help them. On Saturday morning his wagon, all decorated with calls to support the strike, stood ready to receive the pioneers. It was too small to take all those who wished to go, so some had to remain in New York.
They arrived in Passaic on Sunday and went at once to the strike committee where the children were already waiting for their New York guests. The New York pioneers had collected enough money to open a kitchen where the children whose fathers or mothers were on strike could get a hot meal. After the meal the children remained to play, sing songs and listen to stories about the workers struggling against the capitalists.
In those years in sixty-three cities and towns of the United States there were young pioneer detachments. Pioneers were given membership cards and before receiving them they took the Young Pioneer Oath: “ I promise to be true to the Workers’ Red Banner and to the cause it serves. We have one aim in our life- to liberate the working class.”
Every young pioneer meeting began with these words. The young pioneers had red kerchiefs but they could not wear them in school because pioneer activity was forbidden in schools, they wore them only on the First of May, at the workers’ meeting or in the pioneer camp.
1. Harry Eisman
A. was one of the former American Young Pioneers.
B. was born in the USSR in 1931.
C. wrote the story of the Young Pioneer Movement in the United States.
D. Both A and C are correct.

2. In the beginning, young pioneer detachments were formed as a place for children
A. to play some games after school.
B. to work hard after school.
C. to learn songs, history of the workers’ movement or play sports and games.
D. to take part in the workers’ struggle for their rights.

3. In those days, there was
A. a strike of textile workers in New Jersey for 11 months.
B. a strike of textile workers in New York for 11 months.
C. a struggle for the workers’ families for 11 months.
D. a struggle for the rights of the young pioneers.

4. The owners of the textile mills
A. made their supports to the workers’ families.
B. did everything to break the strike.
C. asked the police to protect the workers’ pickets around the mills.
D. approved with the workers’ demands.

5. The workers
A. did not stop but continued to go on the strike.
B. stopped their strike and went back to their mills for work.
C. went around the country to ask for supports from progressive people.
D. collected money, clothes and food for their children.

6. Young pioneers
A. went on the strike together with the workers.
B. sent their solidarity to the striking workers.
C. organized all kinds of supports to the children of the striking workers.
D. organized kitchens to feed the striking workers.

7. A group of young pioneers from New York
A. went to Passaic, New Jersey to visit the children of the striking workers.
B. opened a kitchen to supply a hot meal to those children.
C. supplied a big sum of money to the striking workers.
D. Both A and B are correct.

8. Young pioneers in those years
A. wore their red kerchiefs when they went to schools.
B. wore their red kerchiefs at many places but schools.
C. got their membership cards from their schools.
D. had to say aloud the Young Pioneer Oath in the beginning of their classes.

Question 4 : Read then match each paragraph ( 1 – 8 ) to its main idea or related idea ( A – L )
Eight paragraphs ( 1 – 8 ) :

1. Vegetables are good for us. They have a lot of vitamins which we need to grow up strong and healthy. There are many types of vegetables. I love tomatoes, spinach, cucumbers, cabbages and lettuce. Mother always buys vegetables when she goes to the market. I eat at least one type of vegetables daily. I refuse to eat my meals when I do not see any vegetable dish on the table. However, that seldom happens as Mother knows that I love vegetables.
2. The children are excited. Their parents are taking them to the circus today. There will be many exciting acts at the circus. However, the children are looking forward to the magic show very much. They have heard that the performing magician is very good. They cannot wait to watch all his magic tricks. They hope that the magician will ask for volunteers during the show. They want to get a chance to go on stage and watch the magician perform up close.
3. The examination is coming soon. I have been studying hard every day for the past three weeks. My teacher says that she is pleased with my hard work. She believes that I can pass the examination with flying colours. I am happy to hear that my teacher has confidence in me. I shall try to pass my examination well to show her that I have really prepared myself well. I also want to pass my examination so that I can get promoted to a good class next year.
4. Two teams of seven people each will play against each other and try to score as many goals as possible. A goal is scored when a player throws the ball over and through the net that is guarded by a player from the other team. With all the excitement, the rules are sometimes broken but there are always two umpires at each match to see that the game is play in a fair manner.
5. Telephones are useful and convenient for many reasons. People who like to talk with their families, friends and business associates cannot possibly carry on their activities without fast communication. However, it is in emergencies that the telephone really proves its usefulness. When there is a fire, or when someone is suddenly taken ill, the first thing one thinks of is, “ Where is the nearest telephone?” so that help can be summoned.
6. The doctor then proceeds to examine the patient. He may take the patient’s temperature, check his blood pressure, listen to his heart and lungs, and examine whatever affected parts of his body. Often he is able to make a diagnosis right away and prescribe the necessary treatment.
7. No one goes through life without handling money. Millions of people work hard year in and year out to earn money. Some people are born into money, some marry into money, others inherit money. Millions buy lottery tickets hoping to win money. Some people even break the law in order to get money. Everybody wants to have money because it makes life easy.
8. For many years in the United Kingdom, it was hard to find a school in some urban areas where children were not beaten by teachers. However, in 1984 a law was passed; it stopped corporal punishment in state schools. In many private schools, however, discipline is much stricter and children are still beaten.
Related main ideas for matching ( A – L ) :
A. Students may not use mobile phones during their examinations.
B. Any patient will be taken care by a doctor when he comes to his office.
C. Why do people want to have it in their life?
D. Magic shows are always the most exciting to children.
E. What is the most favourite sport in the United Kingdom?
F. It is really a useful and convenient device for everybody.
G. My meals do not taste good without vegetables.
H. Doctors often help students before their examinations.
I. Sport is exciting when it is played in good manner.
J. Most children like eating ice cream when watching sports.
K. How do they treat children in the United Kingdom?
L. I am ready for the next examination.

Question 5 : Fill in each numbered blank in the passage with ONE suitable word to complete
its meaning :
For the first ten years, girls and boys grow at almost exactly the same rate. Then …( 1 )… suddenly start to grow more quickly than boys. As a result, girls at the age of thirteen are taller, …( 2 )…and stronger than boys.
At about the age of fourteen, the average girl starts to grow…( 3 )…rapidly and the average boy catches up and then surpasses her. Unlike girls, boys do not stop growing when they are fifteen or sixteen. They keep growing, …( 4 )…more slowly, until they are about twenty. Then they begin to shrink, very slowly but surely.Their weight, however,usually goes on..( 5 )… until they are in their forties. To keep fit, they must cut the fats from their diet as well as exercise.
In addition, adolescents undergo changes in facial appearance. The lower half of his or her face changes its…( 6 )….The jaw becomes longer and juts out more. As a result, the chin becomes much more pointed ,and the mouth becomes…( 7 )….At the same time the nose also becomes slightly longer. In other…( 8 )…, the “baby-face” look disappears.These changes are all part of growing up.

Question 6: These paragraphs or sentences ( A – H ) are not in a good order. Rearrange them into a good order ( 1 – 8 ) to make it a logical meaningful passage:
A. Anyone can try to make a drink which tastes similar to Coca-Cola. Chemists say that it consists almost entirely of carbonated water and sugar.
B. In only a few years Coca-Cola became the national drink of the United States. The shape of the famous bottle was invented in 1961. During the Second World War, American soldiers drank three million bottles of Coca-Cola a day.
C. Coca-Cola was originally invented by John Pemberton, a pharmacist in Atlanta, Georgia. In 1886, he created a new kind of medicine to cure tiredness and headaches.
D. This helped spread the name and flavour of ‘ Coke’ all over the world .
E. Then a businessman bought Pemberton’s recipe for his creation. He did something to the recipe and made a really refreshing drink that appealed to many people. Demand for the drink grew.
F. But no one outside the Coca-Cola company has yet discovered what the ‘magic’ combination of ingredients is, and a very few people- only seven, have ever known the secrete formula of Coca-Cola. Only two of them are still alive today, so they never travel on the same aeroplane.
G. Today, nearly a hundred million bottles or cans are drunk every day, in one hundred and fifty-five different countries.
H. It tasted so revolting that just about no one wanted to buy it. In the first year, Pemberton only made $50 from his creation.

Question 7 : Pick out ONE best option ( A,B,C or D ) to complete each of the following sentences:

1. Do very young children really………foreign travel ?
A. appreciate
B. benefit
C. delight
D. evaluate

2. One way of cutting down waste is to…….such things as glass and paper.
A. repeat
B. renew
C. recycle
D. redirect

3. The local wine is rough, but you soon……a taste for it.
A. receive
B. acquire
C. accept
D. adopt

4. Computer technology will bring……..a revolution in business administration.
A. over
B. across
C. up
D. about

5. ……..the cold climate, the tourists set out very early.
A. Although
B. Despite
C. Even though
D. In spite

6. ……..that boy my younger brother, I would give him a lesson .
A. Were
B. Even if
C. In case
D. Since

7. During her last trip to England, Lan…….her homework and housework.
A. had not to do
B. would not have to do
C. did not have to do
D. had not done

8. Mrs Dawson told her son……..wine and beer. He was too young.
A. not to drink
B. not drink
C. that to drink
D. that not to drink

Question 8 : Fill in each blank in these sentences with the suitable form of the words in brackets :
1. The increase of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has……greatly on the earth climate recently.( effect )
2. Recycling of wastes is one of the ………solutions for pollution.( practice )
3. ………countries such as the United States and Japan should help poor countries in many aspects.( development )
4. Most……….at the international workshop in Tokyo focused on the increase of the earth temperature. (environment )
5. Road accident is one of our serious………problems nowadays. ( society )
6. Sir Isaac Newton was an English……….scientist. ( stand )
7. The……..for modern school takes a lot of money. ( equip )
8. It seems……..to inhabit on the dark side of the moon. ( possible )

Question 9 : Rewrite these sentences, beginning with the words given in such a way that they remain the same meaning as the old ones :
1. Mary hasn’t made any long trip for five years.
The last……..
2. We have to water these young trees during the dry season.
These young trees…….
3. They have warmed their cattle stables since the first days of the chilly period.
Their cattle stables……
4. Mrs Laurence says to David, “ Don’t forget to put on your coat, son !”
Mrs Laurence tells………..
5. Minh cannot make a trip to Sapa. He cannot watch the snow falling there.
Minh wishes…..
6. It was too cold for children to go to school.
It was not……
7. Factories are polluting the river water. Fish cannot live there.
8. A lot of children and old people have to go to hospitals because of the cold climate.

PART IV :WRITING ( 4.0 pts )
Question 10 : There were a great number of road accidents in the last Tet Holidays. Write a short passage on what you saw or heard then give your comments.( in about 100 – 120 words )
Question 11: Everyone has a favourite activity in his or her free time.What is your favourite one? Say something about it and the reason why you choose it. ( in about 100 – 120 words )

SỞ GIÁO DỤC& ĐÀO TẠO Độc lập - Tự do - Hạnh phúc
------------ --------------------
Khóa ngày 27 tháng 02 năm 2008

PHẦN I : NGHE HIỂU : 2.0 điểm

Câu hỏi 1 : Nghe, chọn thông tin đúng : 1.0 điểm, mỗi câu chọn đúng : 0.25 đ

1. B 2. D 3. A 4. C

Câu hỏi 2 : Nghe, chọn thông tin hoàn chỉnh câu : 1.0 điểm, mỗi thông tin đúng : 0.25 đ

1. sounds 2. school 3. high 4. good luck

PHẦN II : ĐỌC HIỂU : 8.0 điểm

Câu hỏi 3: Chọn câu đúng: 2.0 điểm, mỗi câu chọn đúng : 0.25 đ

1. D 2. C 3. A 4. B
5. A 6. C 7. D 8. B

Câu hỏi 4: Ghép đôi đoạn văn với ý liên quan: 2.0 điểm, mỗi cặp ghép đúng : 0.25 đ

1. G 2. D 3. L 4. I
5. F 6. B 7. C 8. K

Câu hỏi 5: Tìm từ thích hợp điền khuyết hoàn chỉnh bài văn: 2.0 điểm, mõi từ điền đúng:
0.25 đ

1. girls 2. heavier 3. less 4. although
5. increasing / 6. shape 7. wider/ bigger 8. words
growing /larger

Câu hỏi 6: Sắp xếp thứ tự các đoạn văn: 2.0 điểm, mỗi đoạn xếp đúng: 0.25 đ

1. C 2. H 3. E 4. B
5. D 6. G 7. A 8. F


Câu hỏi 7 : Chọn lựa từ hoàn chỉnh câu : 2.0 điểm, mỗi từ chọn đúng : 0.25 đ

1. A- appreciate 2. C – recycle 3. B - acquire 4. D - about
5. B - Despite 6. A - Were 7. C – did not have to do 8. A – not to drink

Câu hỏi 8 : Tìm dạng thích hợp của từ, điền hoàn chỉnh câu:2.0 điểm, mỗi câu làm
đúng: 0.25 đ

1. affected 2. practical
3. Developed 4. environmentalists
5. social 6. outstanding
7. equipment 8. impossible

Câu hỏi 9 :Viết chuyển đổi câu, bắt đầu với từ cho sẳn: 2.0 điểm, mỗi câu viết đúng : 0.25 đ

1. The last time Mary made a long trip was 5 years ago.
2. These young trees have to be watered during the dry season.
3. The cattle stables have been warmed since the first days of the chilly period.
4. Mrs Laurence tells her son, ( David ) not to forget to put on his coat.
5. Minh wishes ( that ) he could make a trip to Sapa to watch the snow falling.
6. It was not warm enough for children to go to school.
7. If factories do not stop polluting the river water, fish won’t be able to live there./ If factories stop polluting the river water, fish will be able to live there./
If factories weren’t polluting/ did not pollute the river water, fish could live there.
8. Because the climate is very cold, a lot of children and old people have to go to hospitals.

PHẦN IV: VIẾT : 4.0 điểm

Câu hỏi 10: Viết một đoạn văn mô tả tình trạng tai nạn xe cộ trong những ngày Tết qua những thông tin bạn nghe được hoặc chính bạn trông thấy, sau đó nói lên một vài ý kiến riêng của bạn.
• Ý tưởng : 1.0 điểm : Mô tả được đại lược tình trạng tai nạn giao thông gia tăng đột biến trong những ngáy Tết:số lượng tai nạn gia tăng, nhiều người phải vào bệnh viện, nhiều xe hư hỏng, đặc biệt có nhiều người chết. Nêu lên nhận xét tình trạng nhiều người chưa đủ tuổi lái xe, say rượu hoặc không chấp hành luật ra đường gây tai nạn. Nêu một vài ý kiến riêng về vấn đề trên.
• Kỹ thuật : 1.0 điểm : Viết được đoạn văn dài khoãng 100 – 120 từ, có bố cục rõ ràng. Câu văn viết mạch lạc, đúng ngữ pháp, dùng từ chính xác, phong phú.
Tùy mức độ học sinh viết được, giám khảo dựa vào thang điểm để quyết định.

Câu hỏi 11: Viết một đoạn văn nói về một sinh hoạt trong lúc nhàn rỗi mà bạn ưa thích.

* Ý tưởng: 1.0 điểm : nêu ra và mô tả đại lược về hoạt động mà bạn thích làm khi nhàn
rỗi. Nó có những gì đặc biệt lôi cuốn bạn ? Vì sao bạn yêu thích nó ?
* Kỹ thuật : 1.0 điểm : Viết được đoạn văn dài khoãng 100 – 120 từ,có bố cục rõ ràng,
câu văn mạch lạc, viết đúng ngữ pháp, dùng từ phong phú , chính xác. Ghi chú:
* Tổng điểm toàn bài : 20
* Chấm sát đáp án, biểu điểm
* Tổng điểm không làm tròn số, giử nguyên 2 chữ số thập phân
( ví dụ: 14.25 , 12.50 , 10.75 )
Đề thi chọn Học sinh giỏi môn Tiếng Anh lớp 9

Listen to the conversation between Ken, a student in Britain, and a travel agent, then circle the bestanswers:
1. How many prices does the travel agent give Ken ?
a. Two
b. Three
c. Four
2. How much does the cheapest flight cost ?
a. £ 560
b. £ 506
c. £ 516

3. How much does the most expensive flight cost ?
a. £ 860
b. £ 806
c. £ 816

4. Which one is Ken interested in ?
a. the cheapest one
b. the most expensive one

5. Which days of the week does it go ?
a.Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday.
b. Monday, Tuesday and Saturday.
c.Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.

6. How many hours does it take ?
a. twenty - two
b. twenty - one
c. thirty - two

7. How long does it stop over for ?
a. Fourteen hours
b. Four hours
c. Forty hours

8. How much deposit will Ken have to pay ?
a. £ 50
b. £ 15
c. £ 60

9. When will he have to pay the full price ?
a. Six weeks before he travels
b. Six days before he travels.
c. Six hours before he travels.

10. Ken books the flight ........
a. before he leaves the travel agency.
b. some days later.
c. two weeks later.

A. Multiple Choice: (10 points)
Circle the letter next to the word or phrase which best completes each sentence:

1. They named their daughter .................... their favourite movie star.
a. of
b. for
c. after
d. on

2. I won't speak to her ........................ she apologizes.
a. in case
b. in spite of
c.so that
d. unless

3. My mother used to ........................ research in this library when she was a student.
a. make
b. do
c. doing
d. making

4. Let’ s go to the beach this weekend, ...........................................?
a. shall we
b. do we
c. don’ t we
d. let we

5. The historical places in my city are open and free ........... everyone on special holidays.
a. for
b. to
c. with
d. from

6. I don't mind ....................... home but I ' d rather ............................ a taxi.
a. to walk / to get
b. walking / getting
c. walking / get
d. walk / getting

7. There are................................................ young people who care about hip hop.
a. more and more
b. less and less
c. many and many
d. most and most

8. The parting meeting was really moving and wonderful. I wish you............................................
a. to come
b. had come
c. would have come
d. came

9. I don't usually like staying at hotels but last summer we spent a few days at ..................very nice
hotel by ................. sea.
a. a / -
b. a / the
c. the / a
d. - / the

10. I can ' t find the tickets. I seem ................ them.
a. to have lost
b. to lose
c. losing
d. to lost

11. Take your coat with you .................. it gets cold later.
a. if
b. as long as
c. when
d. in case

12. John wasn ' t at work yerterday. He ........................
a. must have been ill.
b. must be ill.
c. must have ill
d. must to be ill.

13. My father has gone away. He' ll be back .......... a week.
a. for
b. at
c. until
d. in

14. The math problem was............difficult for him.............work out.
a. so / to
b. too / that
c. so / that
d. too / to

15. ....................... don ' t visit this part of the town.
a. Most tourists
b. Most of tourists
c. The most tourists
d. Many tourist

16. What she said............... me................... unhappy.
a. made / to feel
b. made / feel
c. made / felt
d. to make / feeling

17. I haven ' t seen her for .................... that I have forgotten what she looks like.
a. so long time
b. a so long time
c. a such long time
d. such a long time

18. He is the most humorous man .............. I have ever met.
a. who
b. whose
c. that
d. which

19. Do you know all the guests ........................ to the party ?
a. inviting
b. invited
c. who invited
d. were invited

20. How beautiful she is ! She is wearing a ........................................... .
a. silk pretty purple dress.
b. dress silk pretty purple.
c. purple pretty silk dress.
d. pretty purple silk dress.

B. Complete the following sentences with the appropriate forms of the words in
parentheses. (10 points)

1. The ....................... you write, the ...................... your mark will be. ( CAREFUL / BAD )
2. It's ..................... to drink the water because it hasn't been ........................... yet. ( POSSIBLE / PURE )
3. The trip was ............................... ........................................ ( EXTREME / ENJOY )
4. I believe in ........................... diseases because ........................... is always better than cure.( PREVENT )
5. The coal industry was ........................... private but was ................................ in the 1940s.( ORIGIN / NATION

C. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense or form. ( 10 points):
1.Linda has lost her passport again. It ' s the second time this ....................................... ( happen )
2. It was a great party last night. You ........................................................... Why didn't you ? ( come )
3. " Ann is in hospital. " " Yes, I know. I .......................................................... her tomorrow. " ( visit )
4. The boy ...............................down by a bus while he .................................. the street. ( knock / cross )
5. The police officer stopped us and asked us where we ........................................................ ( go )
6. I don ' t feel like ................. out this evening. I .....................................in the garden all day.( go / work)
7. Are you having your house ....................................... at the moment ? ( paint )
8. If I .............................................. the doctor ' s advice, I would be better now. ( follow )

III. READING ( 30points )
Read the following passages carefully then do as directed:

A. Find a mistake in each line, cross it out and correct it: ( 10points )
1. We ' re having a very heavy winter. The temperature often falls to zero. ...... hard ..........
Today it is cold and there ' s a lot of wind. You expect bad weather
in winter. You expect to cold when you go out. Even so, I really enjoy 1. .........................
winter weather and I don ' t mind if it dark early. 2. .........................
2. What I enjoy most on TV is the news. You can see actual events as
they occur. You can see famous people being examined and giving their 3. ........................
opinions on world events. I enjoy to read daily newspapers as well. 4. ........................
There are not only plenty of news but interesting histories about 5. .........................
ordinary people as well. Life would be boring without all the
entertainments and information you get in newspapers and on TV.
3. I had a bad accident the other day. I was carrying a tray across the garden
when a bee sting me on the nose. I dropped the tray on the grass but 6. .........................
by luck nothing was broken. I had such a shock, I bumped into a table 7. .........................
and ended up with a headache as well as a sting !
4. Every morning when I wake up, I have a bathe before getting dressed. 8. .........................
Sometime I have a shower instead, but if I ' ve got up late, I just have 9. .........................
time for a wash. I like to wash my hair every day as well. Washing up 10. .......................
frequently and keeping clean is one of the pleasures of life.

B. Read the four passages again and circle the right topic that each passage is about :

1. This passage is about .................................
a. the seasons b. the weather c. the temperature
2. This passage is about .................................
a. the news b. television c. newspapers
3. This passage is about .................................
a. an accident b. luck and misfortune c. misfortune
4. This passage is about .................................
a. keeping clear b. keeping fit c. keeping clean

C. Read the following passage and fill in each gap with only ONE appropriate word: (10pts)
Television is an important invention of the twentieth century. It has been ....(1).... popular that now we
can ' t imagine what life would be .....(2) ....... if there were no television.
Television is a major ....(3).... of communication. It brings pictures and sounds from around the world into millions of homes. Through ....(4)...., viewers can see and learn about people, places and things in faraway lands.Television ....(5).... our knowledge by introducing to us new ideas ....(6).... may lead us to new hobbies and recreations.
In addition ....(7).... the news, television provides us with a variety of programs that can satisfy ....(8).... taste. Most people now seem to like spending their evenings ....(9).... television. It is more convenient for them to sit at home watching TV ....(10).... to go out for amusements anywhere else.

IV. WRITING ( 20 points )
A.Rewrite the sentences , using the words given: (10points)
1. That girl ' s mother used to work with mine.
That ' s the girl ....................................................................................................................................
2. They think the thief got in through the bathroom window.
The thief .............................................................................................................................................
3. " I haven ' t got any siblings to play with ."
She wishes ..........................................................................................................................................
4. My brother used to smoke.
My brother has ..................................................................................................................................
5. Without your help, I shouldn ' t have been able to find my way.
If you ................................................................................................................................................
6. Her step-mother made her do chores all day.
She ....................................................................................................................................................
7. Did anybody see him come down the lane ?
Was ....................................................................................................................................................
8. I haven ' t enjoyed myself so much for years.
It ' s ....................................................................................................................................................
9. Turn off all the switches before leaving the workshop.
All the switches .................................................................................................................................
10. Although the traffic was heavy, I arrived on time.
In spite .............................................................................................................................................

B. Use the words given to complete the following dialogue: ( 10points )
1. Michael: school team / just / win / Gold Cup
2. John: What ! / you / beat / Selinka School / yesterday / ?
3. Michael: Yes / we / two goals /
4. John: That / very good. / I / never / see / your team / yet.
5. Michael: Why / not / go / next Saturday / ? / We / against / Centralion Junior School /
6. John: That / good idea . / I / like / Where / we / meet / ?
1. Michael: ......................................................................................................................................
2. John: .....................................................................................................................................
3. Michael: ......................................................................................................................................
4. John: .....................................................................................................................................
5. Michael: ......................................................................................................................................
6. John: .....................................................................................................................................
School year 2006- 20027

1. b 2. b 3. b 4. a 5. c 6. a 7. b 8. a 9. a 10. b

A. ( 10 points )
1. c 2. d 3. b 4. a 5. b 6. c 7. a 8. b 9. b 10. a
11. d 12. a 13. d 14. d 15. a 16. b 17. d 18. c 19. b 20. d
B. ( 10 points )
1. more carelessly - worse 2. impossible - purified 3. extremely - enjoyable
4. preventing - prevention 5. originally - nationalized
C. ( 10 points)
1. has happened 2. should have come 3. am going to visit / am visiting
4. was knoced - was crossing 5. were going 6. going - have been working
7. painted 8. had followed

III. READING ( 30points )
A. ( 10points )
1. 1. cold → get / feel cold 2. dark → gets / turns / grows dark
2. 3. examined → interviewed 4. to read → reading 5. histories → stories
3. 6. sting → stung 7. by luck → luckily
4. 8. bathe → bath 9. sometime → sometimes 10. up → O
B. (10points)
1. b 2. a 3. b 4. c
C. (10pts)
1. so 2. like 3. means 4. television 5. widens / broadens
6. which / that 7. to 8. every 9. watching 10. than

IV. WRITING ( 20 points )
A. (10points)
1. ... whose mother used to work with mine.
2. ...is thought to have got in through the bathroom window.
3. ... she had some siblings to play with.
4. ... stopped smoking now.
5. .... hadn ' t helped me, I I shouldn ' t have been able to find my way.
6. ....was made to do chores all day by her step - mother.
7. ... he seen to come down the lane ?
8. .... years since I enjoyed myself so much.
9. .... must be turned off before you leave.
10. ...of the heavy traffic , I arrived on time.

B. ( 10points )
1. Michael: Our school team has just won the Gold Cup.
2. John: What ! Did you beat Selinka School yesterday ?
3. Michael: Yes. We won two goals.
4. John: That ' s very good. I have never seen your team play yet.
5. Michael: Why don't you go with me next Saturday ? We play against / with Centralion Junior School.
6. John: That ' s a good idea . I ' d like to. Where shall / will we meet ?
Question 1: Listen to people talking about different cities. What can you do in each place? Tick the list below. You will hear the talk twice. (8 points)
1 go shopping 3 visit the old castle
v go for a walk go shopping
drive around visit the hotels
try the local food go to the night clubs
visit a museum or art gallery go swimming

2 go swimming 4 visit the museum
take a boat trip go to the theatre
go skiing go to a night club
go round the island by bus try Chinese food
try the local food try the local food

Question 2: Listen to people getting ready for their holidays. Tick the things there are going to take with them. You will hear the talk twice. (8 points)
1 large suitcase 2 large suitcase
v small suitcase small suitcase
presents presents
camera camera
personal stereo personal stereo
books books
swimsuit swimsuit
umbrella umbrella
coat coat
medicine medicine
You’ve got 2 minutes to read all the sentences in Question 1 and Question 2 before listening.
Question 1. Listen to people talking about different cities. What can you do in each place? Tick the lists below. You will hear the talk twice.

1. It’s not really the best place to shop. Prices are too high there nowadays. But the food’s great and quite cheap. It’s a wonderful place just to walk around in and look at the old buildings. But there aren’t any interesting museums or art galeries, I am afraid.
2. It’s a very nice place to visit if you like being outdoors. The scenery is beautiful. Take a bus trip around the island, and sail around it if you have time. You can also go skiing. Unfortunately, the water is too cold there for swimming. You probably won’t like the local food. It’s very spicy.
3. There are very good beaches there. Everything‘s quite cheap, so take plenty of money with you. There’s not much else to do. There’s only one hotel and no interesting old buildings.
4. There are several excellent museums and art galleries. If you like Chinese food you should visit China town. It’s fairly quiet at night though. It dosen’t have any good nightclubs or theatres.
Now the second time:
1. It’s not really the best place to shop. Prices are too high there nowadays. But the food’s great and quite cheap. It’s a wonderful place just to walk around in and look at the old buildings. But there aren’t any interesting museums or art galeries, I am afraid.
2. It’s a very nice place to visit if you like being outdoors. The scenery is beautiful. Take a bus trip around the island, and sail around it if you have time. You can also go skiing. Unfortunately, the water is too cold there for swimming. You probably won’t like the local food. It’s very spicy.
3. There are very good beaches there. Everything‘s quite cheap, so take plenty of money with you. There’s not much else to do. There’s only one hotel and no interesting old buildings.
4. There are several excellent museums and art galleries. If you like Chinese food you should visit China town. It’s fairly quiet at night though. It dosen’t have any good nightclubs or theatres.

You’ve got 2 minutes to check your answers before we come to Question 2.
Question 2. Listen to people getting ready for their holidays. Tick the things they are going to take with them. You will hear the talk twice.

a. I am not going to take many things with me this time, so I won’t need the big suitcase. Let’s see. I think we can buy presents for our friends when we get there. They’ll have music on the plane, so I won’t need my personal stereo, but I’d better take something to read. It’ll be fairly cool at this time of the year, so I don’t surpose we’ll be doing any swimming. I’d better pack the umbrella in case it rains. I’ll need a thick coat, too, if it’s going to be cold. That’s about everything.
b. I’ll put all our things into the big suitcase. Now, where are all the presents we bought? I’ll put them in the top. I think I’ll get a new camera as soon as I arrive. I won’t take my old one. You might want to listen to music on the plane, so I’ll take my personal stereo. I won’t take these books, they are too heavy. The weather should be good at this time of the year, so we’ll able to do some swimming. We don’t need coats or umbrellas. I’ll put in some air-sickness tablets in case we need them.

Now the second time:

c. I am not going to take many things with me this time, so I won’t need the big suitcase. Let’s see. I think we can buy presents for our friends when we get there. They’ll have music on the plane, so I won’t need my personal stereo, but I’d better take something to read. It’ll be fairly cool at this time of the year, so I don’t surpose we’ll be doing any swimming. I’d better pack the umbrella in case it rains. I’ll need a thick coat, too, if it’s going to be cold. That’s about everything.
d. I’ll put all our things into the big suitcase. Now, where are all the presents we bought? I’ll put them in the top. I think I’ll get a new camera as soon as I arrive. I won’t take my old one. You might want to listen to music on the plane, so I’ll take my personal stereo. I won’t take these books, they are too heavy. The weather should be good at this time of the year, so we’ll able to do some swimming. We don’t need coats or umbrellas. I’ll put in some air-sickness tablets in case we need them.

That’s the end of the listening.
Question 3: Circle the letter before the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from those of the others. (5 points).
1 A float B broad C goat D coat
2. A office B promise C service D expertise
3. A physical B mythology C rhythmic D psychological
4. A danger B angel C anger D magic
5 A black B blade C blab D black

Question 4: Choose the best option: (a), (b), (c) or (d). Write your answers in the box below. (24 points).

1. Alex didn't come to see the film last night because he _____ it before.
(a) saw
(b) had seen
(c) has seen
(d) was seen

2. A cold wind _____ for the last three days.
(a) has been blowing
(b) blows
(c) is blowing
(d) blew

3. I wish I _____ younger.
(a) had been
(b) would be
(c) were
(d) have been

4. She said she _____ to me, but she didn't.
(a) would have written
(b) will have written
(c) would write
(d) will write

5. She told him that if he _____ his promise, she _____ speak to him again.
(a) break-would never
(b) break - will never
(c) broke - will never
(d) broke-would never

6. I'll see you in August when I _____ back.
(a) will come
(b) came
(c) will have come
(d) come

7. We were very pleased ......... the service.
(a) with
(b) on
(c) at
(d) from

8. He mumbled throughout his speech so I could ......... understand a single word.
(a) really
(b) fully
(c) hardly
(d) hard

9. I have ......... told her not to do that and yet she always does.
(a) admittedly
(b) repeatedly
(c) wholeheartedly
(d) frankly

10. It was a very long day but we ......... arrived in time for tea.
(a) eventfully
(b) unusually
(c) dully
(d) eventually

11. What would you like to eat for lunch? .......... I don't mind.
(a) Nothing
(b) Something
(c) Everything
(d) Anything

12. I asked if ......... wanted an ice cream.
(a) anyone
(b) someone
(c) everyone
(d) no one

13. The steamer Mongolia was built ...... iron.
(a) from
(b) by
(c) with
(d) of

14. Two men were walking up and down the dock at Suez ...... the crowd of natives
(a) within
(b) among
(c) in
(d) between

15. "You say, consul," Fix asked for the twentieth time, "that this steamer is never ..... schedule?"
(a) behind
(b) before
(c) after
(d) off

16. ____ from Bill, all the students said they would go.
(a) Except
(b) Only
(c) Apart
(d) Separate

17. If only he ________ told us the truth in the first place, things wouldn't have gone so wrong.
(a) had
(b) has
(c) would have
(d) should have

18. You may think that this is a ... job for someone who is applying for a marketing post.
(a) peculiar
(b) stranger
(c) usual
(d) typical

19. Suddenly ______hungry, he stopped to buy a bar of chocolate,
a) felt
(b) having felt
(c) feeling
(d) feels

20. Everyone thought she would accept the offer. _________, she turned it down
(a) However
(b) So
(c) Too
(d) Moreover

21. I am sure I could very easily ......... all the requirements
(a) complete
(b) fulfil
(c) commit
(d) finish

22. He says he will pay ; I don’t think he will ,___________
(a) though
(b) even though
(c) in case
(d) but

23. Safety should come first. _____ lives shouldn’t be put at risk
(a) People
(b) Peoples
(c) People’s
(d) Peoples’

24. Would you be _______ my letters while I am away ?
(a) too good as to forward
(b) as good as forward
(c) so good as to forward
(d) so good as forwarding

Question 5: Identify the one underlined word or phrase that would not be appropriate in standard written English. Supply the right one. ( 7 points)
0. An (A) exchange rate is the price (B) of one currencies (C) in terms of another (D).
1. Today the number (A) of people which (B) enjoy winter sports is (C) almost double that (D) of twenty years ago.
2. He couldn't find the(A) dictionary because it was packing(B) in the case(C) ready for sending (D).
3. The (A)athlete really surprised(B) to hear that he had won (C) the race after all (D).
4. He sounded his horn sudden (A) when he saw the really (B) old man step carelessly (C) off (D)the sidewalk.
5. Your friends became very (A) angrily (B) over a seemingly (C) little (D) problem.
6. The coal (A) is the world's (B) most abundant fossil (C) fuel (D).
7. A traveller can reach (A) some of the village (B) along the Amazon only (C) by riverboat (D).
Write your answers here.
0. ___________C____________  _______currency_________
1. ________________________  ________________________
2. ________________________  ________________________
3. ________________________  ________________________
4. ________________________  ________________________
5._________________________________________________ 6._________________________  ________________________
7. ________________________  ________________________

Question 6: The word in capital letters at the end of each of the following sentences can be used to form a word that fits suitably in the blank space. Fill in the blank in this way. (10 points)
Some recent research into (1) ______________ between men and women has produced results which will surprise few women. Men are always interrupting women when they talk. One (2) _____________ feels that men regard female talk as a kind of conversational (3) ______________ . They expect women to play a (4) ______________ role. So a man interrupts in a display of dominance or control. Men also have a much more (5) ______________ listening style. Whereas a woman uses gestures or say: "mm", a man will say such thing as "right" or "okay" thus settle the stage for an (6) ______________. Conversation of this kind, then, hardly has (7) ______________ communication. Male talk is often (8) _____________ while women are more tentative, asking more questions and tending to build up their replies on what the other person had said. The research would indicate that women are better (9) ______________ than men. Yet, listening secretly to conversation between groups of women, one has the (10)______________of several simultaneous monologues into which no man would be able to get a chance to speak. 1. CONVERSE

Question 7: Read the following paragraph about the education in Britain. Write true (T) or false (F) for each of the sentences below, according to the information given. If the information is not in the paragraph write no information (NI) . (10 points)
In Britain most schools are financed by the state and, for the children attending these schools, they are free. However; about 5 per cent of the school population attend private schools, and these are financed from pupils' fees. The general pattern of schooling in Britain is as follows.
All the children must start school at the age of five. Many have previously attended play schools or nursery schools, but these are not compulsory. Primary education, whether state or private, seeks to develop all aspects of the child: physical and emotional, as well as intellectual and cultural.
Roughly at the age of 11 (but often somewhat. later, especially in the case of private education), children move to different schools. These are called secondary schools, and nowadays most of them are comprehensive, that is to say, children of all abilities go to the same school. Within some comprehensive schools children are put into different classes according to their intellectual ability; in others, children of different abilities are all kept together in the same class.
In the first four or five years at a secondary school, the pupils have a set timetable of subjects, such as History, English and a foreign language, as well as science subjects and sports. At the end of this period most pupils take one or two public examinations, though these do not normally include all the subjects that the students have studied. In fact, a pupil may take the exam in as many, or as few, subjects as is thought suitable.
After these exams, i.e. at the age of 16 or so, most pupils at state schools leave. Only about 30 per cent continue at school, compared with about 90 per cent in the small private sector. For those that stay on, in either type of school, the next two or three years are spent concentrating on a small number of subjects, and at the end of these years of concentrated preparation, the pupils usually take a public school-leaving examination in their three specialist subjects. Their results in these exams will largely determine whether they now start to work, or whether they can continue with higher education at a university or college.

Answers (T, F or NI)
________ 1. School education in Britain is free of charge.
________ 2. School education is compulsory in Britain.
________ 3. School education in Britain is mainly free of charge.
________ 4. Most children in Britain attend private schools.
________ 5. Most children in Britain attend state schools.
________ 6. Comprehensive secondary schools are for pupils of different abilities.
________ 7. Pupils of the same abilities must attend comprehensive secondary schools.
________ 8. After four or five years at secondary schools, all pupils take one or two public examinations.
________ 9. In Britain state schools are better than those of the private sector.
________ 10. At the age of 16 or so, about 70 per cent pupils at state schools leave.

Question 8: Read the following passage then answer the questions below (8 points).
A healthful lifestyle leads to a longer, happier, healthier life. Staying healthy means eating well-balanced diet, getting regular exercise, avoiding things that are bad for the body and mind.
Nutrition plays a key role in maintaining good health and preventing many diseases. In spite of all the information available about diets, scientists still believe that good nutrition can be simple. There are several basic rules to follow. Keep fat intake low. Eat foods high in carbohydrates. which are the starches in grains, legumes, (beans, and peas),vegetables, and some fruits. Avoid too much sugar. Limit salt. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables. which are high in vitamins.
A healthy lifestyle is an active lifestyle. Lack of proper physical exercise can cause tiredness, irritability, and poor general health. Physical fitness requires both aerobic exercise, such as running, bicycle riding , and swimming, and muscle- strengthening exercise, such as weight-- lifting. Finally, good health is acquired saying no to bad habits such as smoking, drinking, and over-eating and by avoiding situations that are constantly stressful. People can take their lives and happiness into their own hands. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is the first step.
1. What are the three kinds of food that you should avoiding having too much of ?
2. Three problems that lack of physical exercise can cause are ........................................
3. What kinds of exercise does physical fitness require?
4. Three kinds of aerobic exercise mentioned in the passage are ......................................
5. What exercise is good for muscle- strengthening?.......................................................
6. Grains , legumes , vegetables, and some fruits all contain ..........................................
7. Fruits and vegetables contain a lot of ............................................................................
8. What is the main idea of the whole passage? ................................................................

Question 9: Rewrite these sentences in such a way that they mean the same as the first, using the word in brackets at the end of each sentence. DO NOT CHANGE THE FORM OF THE GIVEN WORD. (10 points)
Example: Opera doesn't interest David (INTERESTED) -> David isn’t interested in Opera
1. "Did you speak to the headmaster, Mom" I asked (SHE)
2. There is no point in seeing that film (WORTH)
3. It's good thing you brought your cheque book or we wouldn't have been able to buy the car. (YOU)
4. The flight to London was cheaper than I had thought it would be. (AS)
5. I expect you were tired after the match (BEEN)
6. You ought to go to the dentist's immediately (BETTER)
7. It snowed so they cancelled the flight (OWING)
8. Maria and Philip are getting married, despite not having very much money. (ALTHOUGH)
9. The last time I ate Chinese food was 4 years ago. (YEARS)
10. I am happy to go anywhere you like (MIND)

Question 10: Sentence building. Complete the dialogue below. (10 points)
A: Hello/ John.! Nice/ see/ you /. you /have/ comfortable/ journey?
B: Yes/ thanks./ I /came up/ yesterday/ the 10 a.m / King's Cross.
A: you / found / good / hotel? Where/ you /stay?
B: At /Queen's/ Princess Street. /I / booked / few/ ago/ I / no trouble/ at all.
A: Good./ that/ one/ best/ city./ How long/ you / stay?
B: three/ days. .
A: you / know/ Edinburgh / at all?
B: No./ I / haven't / here/ many/ years./ I / think/ I / spend / afternoons/ looking/ Edinburgh.
A: I / not / busy/ afternoon./ If/ like/ take/ afternoon/ of f/ show / round.
B: Thanks/ very much./ That / very / pleasant.
Question 1: Listen to people talking about different cities. What can you do in each place? Tick the list below. You will hear the talk twice. (8 points)
1 go shopping 3 visit the old castle
v go for a walk v go shopping
drive around visit the hotels
v try the local food go to the night clubs
visit a museum or art gallery v go swimming

2 go swimming 4 v visit the museum
v take a boat trip go to the theatre
v go skiing go to a night club
v go round the island by bus v try Chinese food
try the local food try the local food

Question 2: Listen to people getting ready for their holidays. Tick the things there are going to take with them. You will hear the talk twice. (8 points)
1 large suitcase 2 v large suitcase
v small suitcase small suitcase
presents v presents
camera camera
personal stereo v personal stereo
v books books
swimsuit v swimsuit
v umbrella umbrella
v coat coat
medicine v medicine

Question 3: Circle the letter before the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from those of the others. (5 points).
1 B 2 D 3 D 4 C 5 B
Question 4: Choose the best option (a), (b), (c) or (d). Write your answers in the box. (24 points).
1b 2a 3 c 4 c 5 d 6 d 7 a 8 c 9 b 10 d
11 d 12 a 13 d 14 b 15 a 16 c 17 a 18 a 19 c 20 a
21 b 22 a 23 c 24 c
Question 5. Identify the one underlined word or phrase that would not be appropriate in standard written English. Supply the right one. ( 7 points)

1. ______B______  who
2. ______B______  packed
3.______B_______ was really suprised
4. ______A______  suddenly
5. ______B______  angry
6. ______A______  coal
7. ______B______  the villages
Question 6. The word in capital letters at the end of each of the following sentences can be used to form a word that fits suitably in the blank space. Fill in the blank in this way. (10 points)

1. conversation
2. researcher 3. housework
4. supporting 5. unpleasant
6. interruption 7. meaningful
8. argumentative 9. listeners
10. impression

Question 7. Read the following paragraph about the education in Britain. Write true (T) or false (F) for each of the sentences below, according to the information given. If the information is not in the paragraph write no information (NI) . (10 points)

1. F
2. T 3. T
4. F 5. T
6. T 7. F
8. F 9. NI
10. T

Question 8. Read the following passage then answer the questions below (8 points).
1. fat, sugar and salt.
2. tiredness, irritability, poor general health.
3. aerobic exercise and muscle- strengthening exercise
4. running, bicycle riding, swimming
5. weight-- lifting
6. carbohydrates
7. vitamins
8. The main idea of the passage is how to lead a healthy life.
Question 9. Rewrite these sentences in such a way that they mean the same as the first, using the word in brackets at the end of each sentence. DO NOT CHANGE THE FORM OF THE GIVEN WORD. (10 points)
1. I asked my mother if/whether she had spoken to the headmaster.
2. That film isn't worth seeing
3. We wouldn't have been able to buy the car if you hadn’t bought your cheque book
4. The flight to London was not as expensive as I had
thought it would be.
5. You must have been tired after the match.
6. You had better go the dentist's immediately.
7. The flight was cencelled owing to the snow.
8. Maria and Philip are getting married, although they haven’t got/do not have very much money.
9. It‘s 4 years since I last ate Chinese food .
10. I don’t mind anywhere we go.
Question 10. Sentence building. Complete the dialogue below. (10 points)
A: Hello, John. Nice to see you. Did you have a comfortable journey?
B: Yes, thanks. I came up here yesterday on the 10 a.m. (train) from King's Cross.
A: Have you found a good hotel? Where are you staying?
B: At the Queen's in Princess Street. I booked a few days ago so I had no trouble at all.
A: Good. That's one of the best in the city. How long are you staying?
B: For three days. .
A: Do you know Edinburgh at all?
B: No. I haven't been here for many years. I think I'll spend the afternoons looking round Edinburgh.
A: I shan't be very busy this afternoon. If you like, I'll take the afternoon off and show you round.
B: Thanks very much. That'll be very pleasant.
Đề khảo sát chất lượng HSG Tiếng Anh 9
Thời gian làm bài: 120 phút

I. Find the word that has its underlined part pronounced differently from the other three in each question (5 pts).
1. A. theater B. smooth C. though D. through
2. A. rules B. colors C. producers D. products
3. A. large B. go C. game D. goose
4. A. heal B. seat C. beat D. meant
5. A. stopped B. produced C. added D. worked

II. Find the word with the stress pattern different from that of the other three words in each question (5 pts).
1. A. promise B. original C. expensive D. contructive
2. A. appropriate B. situation C. emotional D. pronounce
3. A. flower B. difficulty C. manager D. employed
4. A. demanding B. develop C. languages D. tradition
5. A. collapse B. uncovering C. vocalnic D. tendency

III. Choose the best answer to complete the following sentences (10 pts).
1. Only ......................... research has been carried out in this field.
A. a few
B. a little
C. few
D. not much

2. I wanted some coffee but there was ..................... in the pot.
A. any
B. no
C. none
D. nothing

3. This job ................. working very long hours.
A. involves
B. consists
C. includes
D. contains

4. Jack can't remember .................. the telephone number down.
A. write
B. to write
C. written
D. writing

5. There is a fault at our television station. Please do not ............ your television set.
A. adjust
B. change
C. repair
D. switch

6. The crowd at football match are often ............................
A. excited
B. exciting
C. excitement
D. excite

7. According to .............. surveys, the majority of Britons want capital punishment restored.
A. the most
B. most
C. most of
D. the most of

8. When I first visited Moscow, I couldn't get accustomed ........ the cold weather.
A. to
B. with
C. for
D. in

9. Michael and his friend were badly injured in the last match, so ............ can play today.
A. both of them
B. either of them
C. neither of them
D. not any of them

10. Mary put a ..................... on the letter.
A. five-cents stamp
B. five-cent stamp
C. stamp of five cents
D. five-cents stamps

IV. Give the correct form of the verbs (5 pts)
1. You (still do) your homework? I finished mine ages ago.
2. I (not realise) that the electricity bill (have to pay) last month and now the power (cut off)
3. The robbers (catch) as they (leave) the bank
4. Don't worry. When you (arrive) in New York, you (pick up) by one of our drivers and (take) to the conference centre.
5. When I woke up this morning, the world looked like a wonderland. It (snow) all night.

V.Give the correct form of the word (10 pts).
It's common situation: much to your (annoy) 1..............................., you can't work out how to do something (simplify) 2...................................... on your computer and after hours of frustration, you still can't do it. Your computer manual only causes more (confuse) 3............................... and you get the (impress) 4. ................................... that it was written for experts only. If all this sounds familiar, the Computer User's Friend will be of enormous (interested)5......................................... to you. With its simple solutions to common problems and (attract) 6............................ presentation, it will give you a lot more (confidence)7.............................. when using your computer and show you how you can never get a lot of (please) 8 ............................... out of it. The Computer User's Friend is always being used by many thousands of (satisfy) 9............................ customers and, as they will tell you, it takes the (worried) 10........................... out of using your computer.

VI. Fill in each blank with one appropriate preposition (5 pts).
1. She's always ................ the go. I don't know where she gets her energy from.
2. I pleaded ................... John to change his mind, but he wouldn't listen.
3. I was just ................ to leave when you telephoned.
4. The police are looking .............. the past record of the suspect.
5. Have you heard ................... Mary recently?
6. The teacher told him to shut .................. and not to say anything about it.
7. I proposed to her but she turned me ...........................
8. His new book will come .................. next year.
9. You should have confidence ................ what you do.
10. Some people are indifferent ................... their surroundings.

VII. Read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fitd each space (15 pts).
When the doctor told my mother that I (1)........................ have to have a minor operation, she was surprised because I didn't (2)....................... a fuss at all. I was actually quite excited about going into hospital. I imagined how interested all my classmates would be when they heard why I was (3) .......................... from school.
I had a whole day just to get used to (4).......................... in hospital before the operation and I spent my time talking to the other (5)......................... and watching TV. I was a bit scared when they came to take me from the children's (6).............................. to the operating (7)............................ The doctor gave me a(n) (8)............................ and told me to count to ten. I didn't get as far as three before I fell asleep.
When I woke up back in my bed, my stomach felt very (9)............................ . A nurse told me it would take a couple of weeks for the wound to (10) ............................ but that I would be able to get up and walk around in a couple of days. She took my (11)............................ to make sure that I didn't have a fever and I went off to sleep again. When I woke up a few hours later, there was a boy I hadn't seen before in the next bed. He was about the same age (12) ............................... me . He'd fallen off his bicycle while trying to (13) ................................ up with his older brother who was riding very fast. He had (14)........................... his left leg. It was going to take him a lot longer to (15)......................... than me.
1. A. will B. do C. would D. am
2. A. make B. do C. get D. have
3. A. dismissed B. allowed C. permitted D. absent
4. A. was B. be C. being D. am
5. A. customers B. patients C. students D. clients
6. A. compertment B. section C. ward D. division
7. A. theatre B. room C. place D. hall
8. A. puncture B. injection C. syringe D. stab
9. A. hurt B. damaged C. injured D. sore
10. A. cure B. recover C. heal D. fix
11. A. temperature B. climate C. heat D. thermometer
12. A. like B. that C. than D. as
13. A. get B. make C. put D. keep
14. A. ruptured B. broken C. smashed D. crunched
15. A. recover B. heal C. cure D. better

VIII. Fill in each blank with a suitable word (10 pts).
Vitamin C​
In the past people suffered from a disease (1) ............. scurvy. Their gums bled, their skin became rough, their wounds did not (2) ................. and their muscles wasted away. The cause of these symptoms was a (3) .............. of vitamin C; people ate preserved meats and foods and could not get fresh vegetables and fruits.
The best (4) ................ of vitamin C are oranges, lemons, grapefruit, cantaloupes, strawberies, and fresh vegetables. These fruits must be fresh because vitamin C is destroyed by heat, storage, or exposure (5) ............... air.
(6) .... today more people take vitamin C pills than any other supplement, some people still have scurvy, including some of the elderly, alcoholics, and the chronically ill.
Research shows (7) ............... vitamin C reduces the severity of colds and can help prevent cancer. There is also evedence that vitamin C prevents heart disease, speeds wound healing, helps prevent gum disease, and helps protect us from pollutants such as cigarette smoke. Some recent research also (8) ........................ that vitamin C has a positive effect (9) ..................... some mental disorder and increases (10) ........................ span.

IX. Rewrite the sentences without changing the meaning (10 pts).
1. I started writing this letter two hours ago.
I've ....................................................................................................
2. Is the price very high?
Does .................................................................................................?
3. Mary hasn't finished work yet.
Mary is ............................................................................................
4. "Did you remember to lock the door?" my father asked me.
My father asked me .......................................................................
5. We didn't go to the theatre. We stayed at home.
We stayed ......................................................................................
6. "If I were you, I wouldn't trust Mary" she told Sam.
She advised ..................................................................................
7. I've never read a more romantic story.
It is ..................................................................................................
8. It is believed that the man escaped in a stolen car.
The man ..........................................................................................
9. She usually stays up so late.
She is not used ...............................................................................
10. "Would you mind not smoking in here?"
I'd rather ........................................................................................

X Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence printed before it, using the word in parentheses. Do not alter the word given (5 pts)
1. Everyone but Jane failed to produce the correct answer. succeeded
2. He made an unsuccessful attempt to buy the company. without
3. I don't personally care if they come or not. matter
4. It's a great pity my father was so absent-minded last night. wish
5. Many of us hadn't been in a helicopter before. time

XI. In about 150 words, write about advantages and disadvantages of television (5 pts)

Đáp án
I. 5 pts
1. C 2. D 3. A 4. D 5. C
II. 5 pts
1. A 2. B 3. D 4. C 5. D
III. 10 pts
1. B 6. A
2. C 7. B
3. A 8. A
4. C 9. C
5. D 10. B
IV. 5 pts
1. Are you still doing
2. didn't realise - had to be paid - has been cut off
3. were caught - were leaving
4. arrive - will be picked up - taken
5. had been snowing
V. 10 pts
1. annoyance 6. attractive
2. simple 7. confident
3. confusion 8. pleasure
4. impression 9. satisfied
5. interest 10. worry
VI. 5 pts
1. on 6. up
2. with 7. down
3. about 8. out
4. into 9. in
5. from 10. to
VII. 15 pts
1. C 6. C 11. A
2. A 7. A 12. D
3. D 8. B 13. D
4. C 9. D 14. B
5. B 10. C 15. A
VIII. 10 pts.
1. called 6. although
2. heal 7. that
3. lack 8. shows
4. source 9. on
5. to 10. life

IX. 10 pts.
1. I've been writing this letter for two hours.
2. Does it cost a lot?
3. Mary is still at work.
4. My father asked me if I had remembered to lock the door.
5. We stayed at home instead of going to the theatre.
6. She advised Sam not trust Mary.
7. It is the most romantic story I've ever read.
8. The man is believed to have escaped in a stolen car.
9. She is not used to going to bed early.
10. I'd rather you didn't smoke in here.
X. 5 pts.
1. Only Jane succeeded in producing the correct answer.
2. He attempted to buy the company without success.
3. It doesn't matter to me whether they come or not.
4. I wish my father hadn't been so absent-minded last night.
5. It was the first time many of us had been in a helicopter.
XI. 5 pts

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