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Đề bài: Some new Facebook buttons we'd like to see

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[h=3]Some new Facebook buttons we'd like to see[/h]“Like.” A single word can only summarize so much, yet on Facebook it's by clicking that word and its associated thumbs up icon that we express most of our feelings. A new engagement? Like. An update about a school shooting? Like. Photo of a new dog? Like. According to the Huffington Post, Facebook has been playing around with and even testing a "Sympathize" button to better capture people's reactions to tragedies and sad life events. That would be a nice start, but there are certainly a number of other emotions we'd like to see captured with simple one-click buttons. Here's our list of the top buttons we'd like to see Facebook add.

Of course, the most natural button to add would be the opposite of the current option. But Facebook has long said that a "Dislike" button wasn’t a good idea as it wants to keep the social network a positive place.

Upon the photo of a friend's engagement ring – or baby -- a "Seriously?!" button might just do the trick. Other opportune uses of this button: any post tagged with the word "YOLO"- You only live once and any post longer than 200 words.

This one might be overkill, but sometimes you just aren't impressed. It's not as strong as "Dislike" and surely is not for something you "Like" -- it's just a "Meh" reaction.

A photo of three adorably cute puppies appears in your timeline: You don't just “Like" them, you "Want" them. Of course, this is also the one brand social media managers across the globe have been dreaming of: real metrics about how many users "Want" a product.

Sometimes you just need a stronger “L” word.

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