a ph i trong khi ang làm vi c khác ho c tr c khi i ng . Hai th
a. K t qu nh ý mu n ang ch các em
y Nguy n
ng Hoàng Duy và Lê Ng
1. ability

2. accept (v): ch p nh!n
---> acceptable (a): có th ch p nh!n c
3. accident

4. action

5. dvantage

" disadvantage

6. adventure

7. advertising

8. advise (v): khuyên
---> advice

9. affect (v): nh h ng
10. agriculture

11. airport

12. alcohol

13. allow (v): cho phép
14. amazing (a): ng c nhiên
15. ambitious (a): tham v ng
16. annoy (v): làm phi#n, qu y r
17. appearance

18. applicant

9. application form

20. approach (n/v): (s ) n g
21. appropriate (a): phù h p
22. arrange (v): s p x p
23. arrive (v): n
24. association

5. athlete

26. attend (v): tham d
27. attitude

28. attract (v): thu hút
29. attract someone’s attention: thu hút s chú ý
30. attraction

31. attractive (a): h p d%n
32. attractively (adv): m
33. award

34aware of (a): ý th&c v#
---> awareness

35. beach

36. eauty

---> beautiful (a): xinh 'p
---> beautifully (adv)
beautify (v): làm 'p
37. believe (v): tin
9. biography

40. biologist

44. buffet

45. busy (a): b!n r
" free (a): r nh r)i
6. by myself/himself…: m
47. cactus

48. camel

49. camp (v): c m tr i
. campus

51. cancel (v): h y b*
52. cancer

53. candidate

t cách h p d%n
n th ng (th ng 1 cu
c phiêu l u
t mình (= alone)
ng viên
54. capital

55. careful (a): c+n th!n ---> carefully (adv)
" careless (a): b t c+n ---> carelessly (adv)
56. caring (a): quan tâm ng i khác
57. cause (n/v): nguyên nhân/gây ra
58. certificate

59. chemical

60. childbearing

61. civilization

62. clean (v/a): lau, chùi/s ch s$
63. climate

64. close-knit (a): quan h kh ng khít
65. colleague

66. collect (v): s u t!p
---> collection

67. college

68. comfort

69. comfortable (a): tho i mái
" uncomfortable (a): không tho i mái
70. comic book

71. comment

72. commit a foul (v): ph m l)i
73. commitment

74. common (a): ph- bi n
75. communicate (v): giao ti p
76. company

77. comparison

78. competitor

79. complicated (a): ph&c t p
80. compliment (n/v): (l i) khen ng i
81. compulsory (a): b t bu
82. concentrate on (v): t!p trung vào
83. confide in someone(v): giãi bày tâm s v i ai
84. confident (a): t tin
---> confidence

85. conserve (v): gi
86. consist of (v): bao g m
87. contaminated (a): b ô nhi.m
88. contribute to (v): óng góp vào
89. convenient (a): ti n l i
" inconvenient (a): b t ti n
90. conversation

91. co-operation

92. course

93. create a good impression on someone

t o n t ng t t v i ai
94. creative (a): sáng t o
95. crop

96. crossbar

97. culture

98. curriculum

99. customer

s u t!p
gìn, b o t n
c nói chuy n
100. cut down (v): n, ch t cây
101. cycling

102. cyclist

103. damage (n/v): s /gây thi t h i
104. dance (v): múa, khiêu v
105. dangerous (a): nguy hi m
106. deal with (v): i phó, gi i quy t
107. decline

108. decorate (v): trang trí
109. delay (v/n): hoãn l i/s trì hoãn
110. delighted (a): vui m
111. deny (v): ph nh!n
112. describe (v): mô t
113. desert

114. despite (prep): m c dù
(l u ý: không có DESPITE OF)
115. destroy (v): phá h y
---> destruction

116. digest (v): tiêu hóa
117. disappear (v): bi n m t
" appear (v): xu t hi n
118. disappointed (a): th t v ng
119. discourage (v): làm n n lòng
" encourage (v) khuy n khích,
120. discover (v): khám phá
--> discovery

121. discriminate (v): phân bi t i x(
---> discrimination

122. disturb (v): qu y r y
123. dive (v): l n
124. diverse (a): a d ng
---> diversity

125. divide into (v): chia thành
126. divorce (v): li hôn
127. do the gardening: làm v n
128. drought

129. drugstore

130. earthquake

131. easy (a): d. dàng " difficult (a): khó kh n
132. economical (a): ti t ki m
133. economy

134. education system

135. effect

136. eject (v): u-i (kh*i sân)
137. electricity

138. embarrassed (a): lúng túng
139. emergency

140. employ (v): thuê (ai) làm
141. employee

142. employer

143. endanger (v): gây nguy hi m
---> endangered (a): b nguy hi m, nguy c
144. enormous (a): to l n, kh-ng l
ng t