Collocations (Kết hợp từ) và các từ dễ nhầm lẫn

Hai Trieu Kr

Sáng tạo nội dung
Collocation là sự kết hợp các từ với nhau thành những cụm từ một cách tự nhiên theo thói quen của người bản xứ. Collocation (Kết hợp từ) có những ảnh hưởng rõ rệt tới việc sử dụng ngôn ngữ một cách hiệu quả của người học. Trong các đề thi, collocation rất quan trọng, vì vậy hãy nắm vững. Để giúp bạn trong quá trình học dạng này, mời bạn tham khảo bài viết dưới đây.

A. English Collocations With The Word BIG

✓ a big accomplishment: thành tựu to lớn
Ex: Getting the two leaders to sign a peace treaty was his big accomplishment.
✓ a big decision: quyết định quan trọng
Ex: She has had to make some big decisions.
✓ a big disappointment: thất vọng lớn lao
Ex: The party turned out to be a big disappointment.
✓ a big failure: thất bại thảm hại
Ex: Should I die? I am a big failure in life.
✓ a big improvement: cải thiện đáng kể
Ex: He's been having treatment for two months now without any big improvement.
✓ a big mistake: nhầm lẫn lớn
Ex: She admitted that she had made a big mistake.
✓ a big surprise: ngạc nhiên lớn
Ex: To my big surprise, they agreed to all our demands.

B. English Collocations With The Word GREAT

great + feelings
✓ great admiration: sự ngưỡng mộ lớn lao
Ex: I have the greatest admiration for the nurses.
✓ great anger: rất tức giận
Ex: I felt great anger at his suggestion.
✓ great enjoyment: rất vui
Ex: He gets great enjoyment from listening to music.
✓ great excitement: rất hào hứng
Ex: The children were jumping up and down with great excitement.
✓ great fun: rất vui
Ex: She's great fun to be with.
✓ great happiness: rất vui, hạnh phúc
Ex: What is your idea of great happiness?
✓ great joy: rất vui vẻ
Ex: Listening to music is one of his greatest joys.
great + qualities
✓ in great detail: rất chi tiết
Ex: He talked in great detail about the furniture he's chosen for the living room.
✓ great power: sức mạnh to lớn
Ex: Religion is rapidly losing its great power to shape our behavior.
✓ great pride: niềm tự hào to lớn
Ex: She felt a great sense of pride as she watched him accept the award.
✓ great sensitivity: độ nhạy cảm cao
Ex: I should have warned you about her great sensitivity to criticism.
✓ great skill: kỹ năng, kỹ thuật tốt
Ex: Ruth had great writing skills.
✓ great strength: điểm mạnh lớn
Ex: His greatest strengths are his determination and resilience.
✓ great understanding: hiểu biết tốt
Ex: She has great understanding of politics
✓ great wisdom: hiểu biết sâu rộng
Ex: I certainly hope to gain great wisdom as I grow older.
✓ great wealth: rất giàu có
Ex: He lost his great wealth through poor investment.

C. English Collocations With The Word LARGE

✓ a large amount: một lượng lớn
Ex: The new tax caused a large amount of public anger.
✓ a large collection: một bộ sưu tập lớn
Ex: Rosie has a large collection of furry toys.
✓ a large number (of): một số lượng lớn
Ex: A large number of issues still need to be addressed.
✓ a large proportion: một phần lớn
Ex: Children make up a large proportion of the world's population.
✓ a large quantity: một lượng lớn
Ex: Police found a large quantity of drugs in his possession.
✓ a large scale: một quy mô lớn
Ex: My parents used to entertain friends on a large scale.

D. English Collocations With The Word STRONG

strong + facts/opinions
✓ strong argument: lý lẽ đanh thép, thuyết phục
Ex: I don't think that's a very strong argument.
✓ strong emphasis: nhấn mạnh
Ex: There is a strong emphasis on legal issues contained within many of the essays.
✓ strong evidence: chứng cứ rõ ràng
Ex: Juries examine the strong evidence and decide on the basis of the facts.
✓ a strong contrast: sự đối lập mạnh mẽ
Ex: There is a strong contrast between the lives of the rich and those of the poor.
✓ a strong commitment: sự cam kết chắc chắn
Ex: We can arrange for you to trial the equipment without a strong commitment to buy.
✓ strong criticism: sự chỉ trích mạnh mẽ
Ex: He was singled out for strong criticism.
✓ strong denial: kiên quyết phủ nhận
Ex: He's still in strong denial about the break-up of his relationship.
✓ a strong feeling: linh cảm mãnh liệt
Ex: I have a strong feeling that they will accept our offer.
✓ a strong opinion: quan điểm chắc chắn
Ex: Do you feel have strong opinions about this?
✓ strong resistance: sự kháng cự bền bỉ
Ex: There has been strong resistance to the proposed tax increases.
✓ a strong smell: nặng mùi
Ex: There was a strong smell of burning tyres.
✓ a strong taste: vị gắt
Ex: Lemons have a strong taste.
E. English Collocations With The Word DEEP
✓ deep depression: phiền muộn, chán nản
Ex: I’m just beginning to get over the deep depression from losing my job.
✓ deep devotion: sự tận tâm hết sức
Ex: Their deep devotion to the care of the dying was admirable.
✓ deep in thought: chìm vào dòng suy tưởng
Ex: She sat, not listening, but deep in thought.
✓ in deep trouble: rơi vào rắc rối nghiêm trọng
Ex: You will be in deep trouble with Dad if you don't tell him the truth now.
✓ in a deep sleep: ngủ sâu
Ex: He fell into a deep sleep.

F. English Collocations With The Word HEAVY

✓ heavy rain: mưa nặng hạt
Ex: We had heavy rain all day.
✓ heavy snow: tuyết rơi dày
Ex: Many villages have been cut off by the heavy snow.
✓ heavy fog: sương mù dày đặc
Ex: Heavy fog made driving conditions dangerous.
a heavy drinker/ a heavy smoker/ a heavy drug user: người nghiện rượu/ thuốc lá/ ma túy nặng
✓ Chris is a heavy smoker.
✓ heavy traffic: giao thông đông đúc
Ex: There was heavy traffic on the roads this morning.
✓ heavy taxes: thuế cao
Ex: The area has very high property taxes.


Question 1. I have ________ respect for people who work and attend college full-time. It's not
easy; you need a lot of dedication!
A. big B. great
C. large D. heavy
Question 2. There's _______ evidence that the governor was involved in some illegal activities.
A. great B. heavy
C. strong D. deep
Question 3. Practicing listening to English every day has resulted in a __________ improvement
in my understanding.
A. big B. deep
C. heavy D. strong
Question 4. They're expecting ___________ snow this week - classes might be canceled.
A. deep B. heavy
C. strong D. big
Question 5. A ___________ number of our employees have post-graduate degrees.
A. big B. heavy
C. large D. strong
Question 6. The orchestra made a number of __________ mistakes in the first performance.
A. big B. great
C. strong D. deep
Question 7. If you break that iPad you borrowed, you're in _________ trouble!
A. deep B. heavy
C. large D. big
Question 8. Our company has a __________ commitment to providing the best possible service
to our customers.
A. heavy B. large
C. strong D. deep
Question 9. She received a soccer scholarship due to her ________ skill on the field.
A. big B. deep
C. great D. heavy
Question 10. My father was a _______ smoker for many years.
A. great B. heavy
C. strong D. deep
Question 11. One of the ______ influences on teenagers today is the media.
A. heaviest B. sturdiest
C. hardest D. strongest
Question 12. Before we make our decision we need to get some ______ advice.
A. skillful B. brilliant
C. expert D. great
Question 13. As you will see from my CV, I have __ experience in this area.
A. masses of B. great
C. loads of D. a considerable amount of
Question 14. We decided not to go camping because of the _______ rain.
A. great B. heavy
C. extra D. amount
Question 15. He may not look suspect to you but is in fact a _______ dangerous criminal.
A. totally B. largely
C. strongly D. highly
Question 16. _______attempts were made to search those buried beneath the rubble of the
collapsed building.
A. Strong B. Exhausting
C. Energetic D. Strenuous

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