• Chào mừng Bạn tham gia Diễn Đàn Kiến Thức tổng hợp No.1 VNKienThuc.com - Định hướng VN Kiến Thức

Choose the word or phrase that could best explain the underlined word or phrase in each sentence?


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Choose the word or phrase that could best explain the underlined word or phrase in each sentence.
1. If modern technology did not exist, we would never have such precious information.
a. valuable b. precise c. confidential d. detailed
2. Some marine animals are dangerous to humans.
a. living in the mountain b. living in the ocean
c. living in the forest d. living in the house
3. The floor was covered in tiny pieces of paper.
a. unimportant b. many c. very large d. extremely small
4. Sperm whales and sharks are carnivores.
a. animals that live in the sea b. animals that only eat plants
c. fish that aren't born from eggs d. animals that eat meat
5. We enjoyed the warm water of the Gulf of Thailand.
a. a small sea
b. a large area of ocean almost surrounded by land
c. a part of the sea enclosed by a wide curve of the(shore
d. a large area of water surrounded by land
6. Human infants have a gestation period of nine months.
a. the time during which a human baby develops inside its mother
b. the time when a stomach digests food
c. the time of eating food
d. the time of growing up
7. We had an accidental meeting with an old friend at the party last night.
a. unpleasant b. unexpected c. unlucky d. unacceptable
8. How many offspring does a sperm whale usually have?
a. eggs b. mammals c. babies d. diets

Rewrite these sentences by using conditional structure.

1) I didn’t see the signal, so I didn’t stop.
2) I don’t know your number, so I won’t ring. If________________________________________________________________________________
3) We only come by bus because there are no taxis.
4) We got a lift, so we reached the station in time.
5) We didn’t visit the museum because we didn’t have any time.
6) We didn’t go by plane because we didn’t have enough money.
7) She didn’t speak to him because she was so shy.
8) We didn’t listen carefully; that is why we make this mistake.
9) They are driving very quickly; that’s why the accident is so terrible.
10) I only came up the stairs because the lift was not working.
11. he will come and he will meet me.
12.To day is not Sunday, so I can’t stay at home.
13. I came to meet him, but he had gone out side.
14. we want to go camping, but the weather is so bad.
Choose the word or phrase that could best explain the underlined word or phrase in each sentence.
1. A-valuable (có giá trị) # precious (quý)
2. B-living in the ocean (sống dưới biển) # marine (biển)
3. D-extremely small (rất nhỏ) # tiny (nhỏ)
4. D-animals that eat meat (động vật ăn thịt) # carnivores (động vật ăn thịt)
5. D-a large area of water surrounded by land (khu vực nước rộng lớn đc bao quanh bởi đất) # gulf (vịnh)
6. A-the time during which a human baby develops inside its mother (thời gian một đứa trẻ nằm trong bụng mẹ) # gestation period (thời kì mang thai)
7. B-unexpected (tình cờ) # accidenta (bất ngờ) <P/s: theo mình câu này là hợp lí nhất>
8. B-
mammals (động vật có vú) # offspring (con cái) <P/s: theo mình câu này là hợp lí nhất>

òn phần: Rewrite these sentences by using conditional structure..iThì chắc là để tối mình dzề rùi giải típ, giờ mình phải đi học rùi.

Bai 2. Bạn chỉ cần áp dụng công thức là xong.ý 1 áp dụng công thức If + S1+had+Vpt2,S2+would+Vpt2. Ý2 thì bạn áp dụng công thức của câu điều kiện loại 2 là xong. Các câu còn lại thì áp dụng câu điều kiện loại 1 là ok ha.
Hehe..Để I giup u phan rewrite. 1.If I had seen the signal,I would have stopped. 2.If I knew your number , I would ring. 3.If there were taxis, we would come by taxis. 12.If today were Sunday ,I could stay at home................................................................................................................................................................................................... Mấy cau kia tuong tu thoi ban a. Mà minh chi bit ti dỉnh E thoi. Nếu sai thi ban thong cam nhe! Bye...
Rewrite these sentences by using conditional structure.
1) I didn’t see the signal, so I didn’t stop.
If I had seen the signal, I would have stopped
2) I don’t know your number, so I won’t ring. If I knew your number, I would ring.
3) We only come by bus because there are no taxis.
If there were some taxis, we wouldn't come by bus
4) We got a lift, so we reached the station in time.
If we hadn't got a lify, we wouldn't have reached the station on time.
5) We didn’t visit the museum because we didn’t have any time.
If we had had time, we would have visited the museum.
6) We didn’t go by plane because we didn’t have enough money.
If we had had enough money, we would have gone by plane.
7) She didn’t speak to him because she was so shy.
If she hadn't been shy, she would have spoken to him.
8) We didn’t listen carefully; that is why we make this mistake.
If we had listened carefully, we wouldn't have made this mistake.
9) They are driving very quickly; that’s why the accident is so terrible.
If they didn't drive very quickly, the accident wouldn't be so terrible.
10) I only came up the stairs because the lift was not working.
If only the lift had worked, I would have come up the stairs.
11. he will come and he will meet me.
If he doesn't come, he won't meet me
12.To day is not Sunday, so I can’t stay at home.
If today were Sunday, I would stay at home
13. I came to meet him, but he had gone out side.
If he hadn't come out side, I would have met him.
14. we want to go camping, but the weather is so bad.
If the weather were not bad, we would go camping.

Sửa lần cuối bởi điều hành viên:
1) I didn’t see the signal, so I didn’t stop.
If I had seen the signal, I would have stopped
2) I don’t know your number, so I won’t ring.
If I knew your number, I would ring
3) We only come by bus because there are no taxis.
If there are no taxis, we will come by bus
4) We got a lift, so we reached the station in time.
If we hadn't got a lift, we wouldn't have reached the station in time
5) We didn’t visit the museum because we didn’t have any time.
If we had any time, we would have visited the museum
6) We didn’t go by plane because we didn’t have enough money.
If had had enough money, we would have gone by plane
7) She didn’t speak to him because she was so shy.
If she hadn't been so shy, she would have spoken to him
8) We didn’t listen carefully; that is why we make this mistake.
If we had listened carefully, we wouldn't have made this mistake
9) They are driving very quickly; that’s why the accident is so terrible.
If they weren't driving very quickly, the ac weren't so terrible
10) I only came up the stairs because the lift was not working.
If the lift had been working, I wouldn't have come up
11. he will come and he will meet me.
If he comes, he will meet me
12.To day is not Sunday, so I can’t stay at home.
If today were sunday, I could stay at home
13. I came to meet him, but he had gone out side.
If he hadn't gone out side, I could have met him
14. we want to go camping, but the weather is so bad.
If the weather weren't so bad, we would go to camping
sao lại có tên mình nhỷ mình với vào diễn đàn mà ==''

Ko phải đâu nick của bạn là gì thì sẽ hiện lên như thế đó :lemo: Tớ đoán chắc cái này cũng có thủ thuật riêng :D

haiz muon hoc thi tu di ma tra sach tu dien roi co bao nhieu cong cu ho tro thi tan dung di
nho nguoi lam k tot lam
du minh cung k biet may ve E lam

Diễn đàn là để cùng thảo luận và học tập mà bạn^^!

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