• Chào mừng Bạn tham gia Diễn Đàn Kiến Thức tổng hợp No.1 VNKienThuc.com - Định hướng VN Kiến Thức

Câu gián tiếp

1. “I can’t work at all! My typewriter isn’tworking properly,”she said
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2. “I think you should try to be more punctual,”she said to Ha
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3. “You can’t park here”
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4.“Have youworked before?” she said to him
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5. “Can you work on Saturday before?” she said to him
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6. “May I open the window?” she asked
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7. “Would it be alright if I had the day off?”she said to her boss
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8. “May I borrow your tennis racket?” she asked him
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9. “Are you coming to the party tonight, Ha?” she asked
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10. “Can you borrowyour pen please, Ha?” she asked
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11. “Do you knowwhere my tennis racquet is, Mum?” she asked her Mum
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12. “Was Ha at workyesterday?” she asked her secretary
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13. “Did you readthe article about Prince Diana?” she asked him
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14.“Where do you live?” she said to him
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15. “Why do youwant the job?” she said to him
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16. “How did youhear about it?” she said to him
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17. “How much doyou expect to earn?” she said to him
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18. “When can youstart?” she said to him
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19. “What time isit, Ha?” she asked
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20. “How long haveyou worked for this company?” she asked
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21. “Why has hebeen working so hard?” she asked
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22. “Why did you doit when I told you not to?” she said to me
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23. “Why didn’t youcome at ten o’clock?” she said
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24.“If you type this letter out for me, I’ll buy you adrink, OK? Thanks!” he said (persuade)
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25. “Sure, I don’tmind at all if you use my typewriter. Go ahead.” he said (allow)
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26. “All right,it’s true, I was nervous.” he said (confess)
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27. “I don’t think Liverpool will win.” he said (doubt)
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28. “Don’t forget:you’ve got to hand in your work this evening” he said (remind)
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29. “It’s a shameyou couldn’t make it to the party last night” he said (regret)
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30. “Don’t worry,as long as you keep your head, you’ll manage all right” he said (assure)
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31. “You really mustcome, and visit us next weekend” he said (insist)
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32. “If I had moretime, I’d help you with your work” he said (claim)
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33. “Might it be agood idea if we all organized our time more effectively” he said (suggest)
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34.He said, “I don’t know what happened.”
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35.She said, “I went to the dentist yesterday.”
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36.She said, “The doctor wrote me a prescription.”
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37.He said, “I have a toothache.”
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38.She said, “I go to the museum every day.”
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39.They said, “We’re going to the supermarket.”
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40.She said, “The doctor gave me some pills.”
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41.He said, “I received the report.”
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42.They said, “We visited the aquarium.”
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43.He said, “I’m feeling sick.”
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44.She said, “I bought some bread.”
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45.He said, “I’m turning off the television.”
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46.They said, “We’re driving to Chicago.”
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47.He said he didn’t know what had happened
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48.She said that she had gone to the dentist yesterday.
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49.She said the doctor had written her a prescription
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50.He said that he had a toothache.
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51.She said she went to the museum every day.
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52.They said they were going to the supermarket
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53.She said that the doctor had given her some pills.
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54.He said he had received the report.
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55.They said they had visited the aquarium.
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56.He said that he was feeling sick.
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57.She said she had bought some bread.
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58.He said that he was turning off the television
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59.They said they were driving to Chicago.
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60.He said, “I don’t know what happened.”
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61.She said, “I went to the dentist yesterday.”
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62.She said, “The doctor wrote me a prescription.”
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63.He said, “I have a toothache.”
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64.She said, “I go to the museum every day.”
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65.They said, “We’re going to the supermarket.”
→ ______________________________________________________
66.She said, “The doctor gave me some pills.”
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67.He said, “I received the report.”
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68.They said, “We visited the aquarium.”
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69.He said, “I’m feeling sick.”
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70.She said, “I bought some bread.”
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71.He said, “I’m turning off the television.”
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72.They said, “We’re driving to Chicago.”
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73.He said he didn’t know what had happened
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74.She said that she had gone to the doctor yesterday.
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75.He said he had a toothache.
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76.She said she would write him a prescription.
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77.They said they were going to the drugstore.
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78.He said that the doctor had given him some pills.
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79.She said that she went to the supermarket everyday.
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80.He said he had received the envelope.
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81.They said that they had visited Cannery Row.
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82.She said that she felt very sick.
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83.He said he had bought some popcorn.
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84.They said they were flying to California.
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85.He said he was cutting off the main valve
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86.“I’m tired,”Trevor said.
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87. “Sorry. I wasn’t listening,” Hang said
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88. “Is this your pencil?” he asked his pupil.
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89. “I’m going to Paris soon,” she said.
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90. “It’s time to start revising (ôn lại) for the exam,” the teacher said
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91. “The film will be interesting,” I thought.
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92. “I can’t help you because I have too much todo,” she said.
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93. “Anne has bought the tickets.” She said to me.
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94. “It took me three hours to get here becausethe roads are flooded” he told me
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95.“I think it’sa crazy (điên dại/ ngu xuẩn) idea.It’s won’t work” she said.
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96.Thereceptionist says “Breakfast is served between 7.00 and 9.00”
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97.“Where areyou going?” he asks me.
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98.“Do you wantto go out for a meal?” she asked him
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99. “Why are you late?” they asked their guests.
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100.“Can I use your phone to make a local call?” she asksme.
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101. “Whichcountries have you been to?” the customs officer asks me.
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102. “Do you knowwhere Jean is living?” he asked me.
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103. “What color areyou going to paint the living room?” she asks them.
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104. “Where did yougo last night?” his father asked him.
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105. “Why doesn’tshe talk to me any more?” I thought to myself.
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106. “What are yougoing to do with your scholarship?”Hang asked Huong.
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107.“Remember to book a table” said Ann.
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108. “Could youplease ring back in half an hour?” said the secretary.
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109.“Get into the right lane (lối đi),” said the driving instructor.
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110.“I should say nothing about it if I were you,” said mybrother.
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111. “Please, pleasedon’t do anything dangerous,” his wife said.
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112. “Why don’t youopen a bank account?” Tom said.
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113. “I can’t sellthe cassette player at that price” he said.
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114.“Could I see your drivinglicense (bằng lái xe)?” said the policeman.
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115. “Why don’t yougo to a dentist, Mary, before your toothache gets any worse,” I said.
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116.“Open your suitcase for inspection (sự kiểm tra).” the customs officer said to allpassengers.
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117.“I’ve replaced all the carpets (tấm thảm).” She said to me.
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118.“Can I move the furniture(đồ đạc) around?” I asked her.
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119.“How many bedrooms are there?” Sally asked.
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120. “When do youwant to move in?” Mrs. Mawby asked.
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121. “Is there afridge in the kitchen?” she asked him
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122. “I need $ 100 deposit (tiền đặt cọc)” she said.
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