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Bài tập Tiếng Anh cho mọi chủ đề

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Bài tập Tiếng Anh cho mọi chủ đề


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con chu đe nao khac nua khong, de minhve thuc hanh

A: Put in the present continuous form of the verb in brackets.
1. Please be quiet. I _______________ (try) to read my book.
2. I _______________ (not/use) the computer at the moment so you can use it.
3. Mary is ill so Sue _______________ (teach) her 1essons today.
4. Excuse me, I _______________ (look) for a hotel. Is there one near here?
5. _______________ (you/wait) for someone?
6. Jack, you are very careless. You _______________ (always/forget) to do your
7. The cost of living _______________ (rise) very fast. Every year things are more
8. What _______________ (you/do)? I _______________ (clean) my shoes.
9. Why _______________ (not/wear) shorts? It's so hot today.
10. The neighbours are so noisy! They _______________ (always/argue) 1oudly.

B: Put the verb into the correct form, present continuous or present simple.
1. I _______________ (not/belong) to this particu1ar government committee.
2. Hurry! The bus _______________ (come). I _______________ (not/want) to miss it.
3. Gregory is a vegetarian. He _______________ (not/eat) meat.
4. I _______________ (1ook) for the manager. I can't find him anywhere.
5. We are successful because we _______________ (take) the time to ta1k to our customers.
6. John _______________ (deal) with all the enquiries about sales.
7. At the moment we _______________ (make) a training video for Siemens.
8. _______________ (you/know) what Mr Briceson _______________ (do)? He is not in
his office.
9. I _______________ (apply) for a job in the sales department, but I don't know if I will be
It _______________ (depend) on whether or not they have any vacancies.
10. Unemployment _______________ (fa1l) and is now down to 5.6%.
11. Jane is doing some research in the library. She needs it for a book she
_______________ (write).
12. While Anna is away on holidays, Matt _______________ (work) in her office.
13. He _______________ (teach) French and German at University and _______________
(learn) Greek.
14. There _______________ (be)two flights to Honduras this afternoon. The British Airways
flight _______________ (1eave) at 13:00 and _______________ (arrive) at 22:00.
15. Inflation _______________ (rise) at a rate of 2% per annum.

C: Put the verb in brackets into the present simple or the present continuous.
1. She a1ways _______________ (remember) my birthday.
2. Mr Brown _______________ (work) in a supermarket.
3. I _______________ (work) in this factory until I find a better job.
4. Look! It _______________ (snow).
5. Can you hear those girls? What _______________ (they/ta1k) about?
6. _______________ (you/know) Helen?
7. We _______________ (never/go) to work by tube. It is too busy.
8. When I'm in Paris I _______________ (usually/stay) in the Hotel du Pont, but this

time I _______________ (stay) in the more expensive Hotel Notre Dame.
9. Ruth _______________ (be) a vegetarian. She _______________ (not/eat) meat or fish.
10. My father _______________ (be) an engineer, but he _______________ (not/work) right
11. _______________ (you/believe) in ghosts?
12. My parents _______________ (live) in Sydney. Where _______________ (your
13. We _______________ (own) two cars, an estate car and a sports car.
14. Can you drive? No, but I _______________ (learn) at the moment.
15. Look! That woman _______________ (try) to steal that man's wallet.
16. The River Nile _______________ (f1ow) into the Mediterranean.
17. _______________ (you/like) Bon Jovi?
18. I _______________ (get) thirsty. Let's get something to drink.
19. Those f1owers _______________ (smell) lovely. What are they?
20. Jane _______________ (repair) her bike. She _______________ (know) exactly what to

Unit 2 : Past Simple and Past Continuous

A: Put one of these verbs in each sentence. Use the past simple:
1. The party was fantastic. Every guest _______________ something to eat and a bottle of
2. I had an extravagant weekend. I _______________ some clothes and a plant.
3. Three weeks ago Tracy _______________ her ex-husband in Mallorca. What a
4. When I lived in Italy, we always _______________ lamb at Easter.
5. Shakespeare _______________ a lot of plays.

B: A friend has just returned from his holiday. Ask him questions about it using the

past simple.



Where did you go?
Did the sun shine?


how /get there?
who/go with?
the weather /good?
what/you think of the food?
what/do during the day?
go out in the evenings?
buy any souvenirs?
make any new friends?
how long/the journey home/take?

C: Put the verb in the past simple.
1. Tom _______________ (not/come) to the office yesterday because he _______________
(be) ill.
2. She _______________ (not/read) the book because she _______________ (not/be)
very interested in that author.
3. The students _______________ (not/finish) their group project because they
_______________ (run out) of time.
4. We _______________ (not/eat) anything for breakfast because we
_______________ (be) in a hurry.
5. Mary _______________ (not/catch) the train to Mexico City because she
_______________ (arrive) at the station too late.

D: Put the verb in the correct form: past simple or past continuous.
1. I _______________ (dream) when the alarm clock _______________ (go off).
2. They _______________ (wait) for me when I _______________ (arrive).
3. The phone _______________ (ring) while I _______________ (have) a shower.
4. We _______________ (not/go out) last Sunday because it _______________ (rain).
5. I _______________ (see) Kim at the party. She _______________ (wear) a new dress.
6. I _______________ (break) a bowl this morning. When I _______________ (wash) the
dishes it just _______________ (slip) out of my hand onto the floor!
7. When he _______________ (carry) the table, he _______________ (feel) a sharp pain in
his back.
8. Sarah _______________ (go) down the stairs when the lights _______________ (go
9. We _______________ (watch) TV when someone _______________ (come) to the door
and _______________ (knock) very loudly.
10. What _______________ (you/do) at this time yesterday? Oh, I _______________
(prepare) the dinner.
11. I _______________ (fall) asleep while I _______________ (watch) television.
12. At 12:45 yesterday, Mr Alright _______________ (see) a client in his office.

Unit 3 : Past Perfect

A: Here is the latest news about your friends and family. Complete the sentences using

the present perfect simple.

I/buy/a new car
1. Mary/move house
2. Fred and Frank/start/a company
3. My parents/go to Greece
4. Sue/get married
5. Granny/celebrate her 80th birthday

B: Read the situations and write sentences in the present perfect simple. Choose one of

the following:
1. James can't go to school because his arm is in plaster. He has broken his arm.
2. Fred was nervous about travelling to France. He isn't any more because he knows he can

I have bought a new car

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