[Bài giảng] So and neither

Bạch Việt

New member

So and neither responses can be very difficult. Let's just focus on what we say if we agree with someone.

If someone says something negative and we agree with them we can use neither.
If someone says something positive and we agree with them we can use so.

We must also remember that the verb in the statement needs to agree with the verb in the response:

"I am excited about the party."
"So am I."

Try these multiple choice questions. What is the correct response if you agree?

1 - I don't like mushrooms.
Neither do I
Neither don't I
So do I

2 - I love going to the cinema.
I can
So do I
So am I

3 - I can't swim.
Neither do I
Neither can I
I can

4 - I haven't got a dog
Neither have I
I have
So have I

5 - I enjoyed the concert.
So did I
So have I
Neither did I

6 - I want to go shopping.
So do I
I am
So have I

7 - I'm really tired.
So am I
So did I
So have I

8 - I don't agree.
Neither did I
So do I
Neither do I

9 - I wish it was Saturday!
Neither do I
So can I
So do I

10 - I've got 3 sisters.
So am I
So have I
Neither have I

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