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[Anh 10] U12: Writing


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giúp mình nha mai nộp rìu. hichic:79::90:

Những cái đề như thế này thì bạn phải tự viết thôi, sau đó đánh lên để mọi người xem rồi sửa cho bạn, nói về tiểu sử của 1 người nào đó thì có nhiều tài liệu tiếng Anh viết về mấy người đó lắm, cần chi phải hỏi, đúng không? Vào google tìm thì thiếu gì! Tốt nhất là bạn tự viết rồi mang lên đây để mọi người góp ý :D Thế thì tốt hơn :D
Những cái đề như thế này thì bạn phải tự viết thôi, sau đó đánh lên để mọi người xem rồi sửa cho bạn, nói về tiểu sử của 1 người nào đó thì có nhiều tài liệu tiếng Anh viết về mấy người đó lắm, cần chi phải hỏi, đúng không? Vào google tìm thì thiếu gì! Tốt nhất là bạn tự viết rồi mang lên đây để mọi người góp ý :D Thế thì tốt hơn :D

mình viết thế này, góp ý cho mình nha.
pi ôt i lich trai copxki was a famous russian musician. he was a world- famous composer in 19th century.
traicopxki was born on 2-4-1840 in xanh-pe-tec-bua, russia.
when he was very young, he was very interested in music and quickly showed his talent for musis. when he was 10 years old, he started writing songs.
taicopxki acquired tranditional music of classical Euuropan Russian to write artistic works which were imbue with cheracter of Russia. he gave us many valuaable artistic works like "ep ghe nhi", "o nhe ghin", etc..
to commemorate his talent, the biggest musicology in Moscow called "traicopxki" was etablished in
traicopxki died on 25-1-1893, when he was 53 years old in xanhpetecbua.
Karl Heinrich Marx (born May 5, 1818 in Trier, the Kingdom of Prussia - died March 14, 1883 in London, UK) is a thinker, political economist, leader of the Revolutionary Association Laborers International. The revolutionary activities and philosophy of his place in the 1840s - in the midst of capitalism is in its early development and industrial proletariat and the birth of revolutionary activities against the capitalist mode . Marx referred to many different topics, but he is most famous for the historical analysis based on terms of class struggle, are summarized in the preamble to the Declaration of the Communist Party (Das Manifest der Kommunistischen Partei): "The history of all societies to date is the history of class struggle." He is also the founder of Scientific Socialism and Friedrich Engels. His ideology is the theory of ideological legacy was established in the nineteenth century, including the German philosopher, political economist British or the French school of socialism.

Marx lived in an era, maybe capitalism has achieved great success and will exist for eternity. However, Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels friends are made "Manifesto of the Communist Party" in 1848, in other words the two men have condemned the injustices of the capitalist regime. With this Declaration, rise of socialism, while socialist utopia is in ruins.
German philosopher Hegel's understanding that the development of human history is correct. However, on the other hand he said that the new material and plays a major role in this process, rather than spiritual. People say Marx's thought was that dialectical materialism, historical, or scientific. He also said that people can decide the material through the production.

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tiếp nè
Karl Marx was born into a family of poor Jewish lawyers in Trier (also known as Treves) Rhenanie province of the Kingdom of Prussia. His father, Heinrich, who originated many generations as the rabbi, was converted to Christianity, though he had many arguments tend to god. Marx's father, whose real name is Herschel Mordechai, but the laws of the Kingdom of Prussia did not allow Jews to the law, he converted to the Lutheran. Marx's childhood is exposed to many scholars, artists frequented his family. In 1830, Karl Marx over 12 years, he became a high school student of Trier. As a quality student, he had a knack in the subject should be independently creative. He is also a good learning math.
When young Karl Marx

After graduating from high school in the fall of 1835 Trier, Marx entered Bonn University at age 17 to study law. Here, he joined the Trier team drink restaurant and was in charge of it, so he's learning is affected. Marx interested in studying philosophy and literature, but his father does not allow it because he did not believe that Marx would live in the future if affluence is a scholar. The following year, his father forced him to switch to Marx Friedrich-Wilhelms University in Berlin. Meanwhile, Marx wrote many poems and essays concerning life, using language philosophy received from the god father of his liberal opinion, such work "God." During this period, his acceptance of the atheist philosophy of Hegel leftist (or child Hegel). Marx earned a Ph.D. function in 1841 with a thesis titled: "The difference between the natural philosophy of Epicurus with natural philosophy of Democritus."
The young Marx and Hegel

In Berlin, Marx mainly interested in philosophy. He joined a group of students and young professors known as "the young Hegel." For many of them, the dialectical method of Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, although only with theoretical content, has provided a powerful weapon for critics of religion and politics at the time. Some members have seen the similarity between Aristotelian philosophy and Hegelian philosophy. A young Hegelian, Max Stirner, has applied the criticism that Hegel and the advocates for atheism really is the "pious" (in his book Sein und der Einzige Eigenthum). His views are not agreed by most of his colleagues, but nonetheless, Stirner's book is the main reason to abandon the views of Marx Ludwig Andreas Feuerbach to develop the basic concepts of materialism Republic history. One of Marx is Professor Baron Westphalen, Jenny von Westphalen's father, the wife of Marx later.
Marx in Paris and Brussels

Because conditions in the Prussian censors, Marx withdrew from the editorial staff of newspaper Rheinische Zeitung, and intends to publish, together with Arnold Ruge, a German revolutionary other, Deutsch-Franzosische Jahrbucher, ('Annals of the German- France) with headquarters in Paris, and came here in late October 1843. Paris at that time was the residence and activities of many revolutionary Germany, Britain, Poland and Italy. In Paris, August 28, 1844, at the Café de la Regence in Place du Palais he met Friedrich Engels, who will become friends and colleagues the most important in his life. Marx Engels met only once before (and short) of the Rheinische Zeitung in office in 1842, he went to Paris to introduce his new book Marx published his Conditions of the working class in Britain in 1844. This book has convinced Marx that the working class and would have been the tools of the last revolution in history.

Deutsch-Franzosische Jahrbucher after failure, Marx, living in rue Vaneau, wrote for newspapers extremism in all German newspapers in Paris, and even in Europe, Vorwarts, founded and run by a secret society called the Union of Justice. When not writing, Marx studied the history of the French Revolution and read Proudhon. [9] He also spent a lot of time researching an aspect of life that he had never found out before: a large proletarian class in the market.

"[So far only appeared mainly in the university area ...] The surprise endorsement of Marx's proletarian ideal can be attributed directly (possibly endorsement of that community character of Germany early as Weitling [10]) for the first meeting with the intellectuals [and books] in French society. "

Marx reassess their relationships with young people Hegel, and in the form of a letter of reply on Bauer's atheism article on Jewish issues. This essay consists mainly of a review of current ideas about civil rights and human rights and human liberation, it also includes many arguments criticizing Judaism and Christianity from the perspective of solution larger society. Engels, a fervent communist, aroused the attention of Marx to the situation of the working class and draw attention to the economics of Marx. Marx became a communist and set out his views in a series of articles called The manuscript and economic philosophy in 1844, not published until the 1930s. In the manuscript, Marx outlined a concept of humanitarian communism, influenced by Ludwig Feuerbach's philosophy and is based on the contrast between the nature of alien workers under capitalism and a social communism in which people are free to develop their nature collective production.

January 1845, after Vorwarts expressed his fervent supporters in an attempt to assassinate the Prussian king Frederick William IV, the French government ordered Marx, among others, to leave Paris. He and Engels moved to Brussels, Belgium.

Marx focused study of history, and along with Engels put forward the idea that all historical materialism, especially in a manuscript (published posthumously named ideology Germany), speaking Comment its basic outline that "the nature of individuals depends on the material conditions to decide their productivity." Marx had many times in the history of production models and judge the collapse of the production model when it - industrial capitalism - and replace it with communism. This is the first major work of CACI scholars considered the period after his abandoned humanism influenced by Feuerbach in the works early.

Later, Marx wrote The Poverty of Philosophy (1847), an answer to the Philosophy of Poverty by Pierre-Joseph Proudhon and the criticism with a firm idea of ​​French society. These works laid the foundation for the most famous works of Marx and Engels, Communist Manifesto, was first published February 21, 1848 as the manifesto of the Communist League, a small group of people communist Europe have been affected by Marx and Engels. Later that year, Europe appears a series of protests, rebellion and violent unrest, the revolution in 1848. Belgian authorities deported Marx from the country. [12]

February 1848 a progressive movement up the authority of King Louis-Philippe in France and invited Marx returned to Paris, where he witnessed the revolution Revolt days in June. When this government collapsed in 1849, Marx returned to Cologne and the Neue Rheinische Zeitung declared ("New Rhenish Newspaper"). During its existence he has twice been brought to trial, February 7, 1849 by a small error of the press, and on eight charges of inciting armed rebellion. Both times he was acquitted. The newspaper quickly suppressed and Marx returned to Paris, but was expelled. This time he went to exile in London.

Marx moved to London in May 1849 and remained there the rest of his life. In the first few years he and his family lived very poor. He worked briefly as a contributor for the New York Tribune in 1851. [13] In London Marx focused on two activities: the revolutionary organization, and trying to understand the political and economic means capitalism. Engels had read about the research of the working class, Marx left the philosophy and dedication to the Communist International I, and he was elected to the General Council of the organization at its first session in 1864. He works especially hard to prepare for the annual congress of the Communist International and led the fight against factions of the anarchist Mikhail Bakunin (1814-1876). Although Marx won this battle, moving the headquarters of the General Council from London to New York in 1872, which Marx supported, led the decline of international communism. The most important political event in the lifetime of the Communist International was the Paris Commune in 1871 when the citizens of Paris rebelled against the government and captured the city in two months. About the persecution of the bloody uprising of this, Marx wrote one of the most popular small book of his Civil War in France, with the stance of social protection.

With the defeat and disintegration of the continuous revolution and workers' movements, Marx sought to understand capitalism, and won a lot of time in the British Library research and review the work of the political economy and economic data. By 1857 he had over 800 pages of essays and short notes on capital, land, wage labor, state, foreign trade and world markets, until in 1941 this work was not published , under the title Grundrisse. In 1859, Marx published critical contribution to political economy, economic seriously work on his first. Early in 1860 he worked to compose the great trilogy, The theory of surplus value, discusses the theory of political economy, particularly Adam Smith and David Ricardo. This work was published posthumously with the editor of Karl Kautsky and often considered the collective's fourth book Capitalism, and created one of the first complete treatises on the history of economic thought. In 1867, long after the plan, the first episode of Capitalism was published, a work process analysis of capitalist production. In this work, Marx detailed theoretical value of their labor and the idea of ​​surplus value and exploitation which he is sure will lead to a decrease in the rate of profit and the collapse of industrial capitalism. The Episode II and II is still in draft form and Marx continued to work with them in all my life and Engels published only after his death.

In the last decade of his life, Marx's health declined and he was no longer able to sustain effort is characteristic of his earlier works. He actually tried to comment on contemporary political base, particularly in German and Russian politics. Book of the Gotha Program Critique he opposed the tendency of his followers Wilhelm Liebknecht (1826-1900) and August Bebel (1840-1913) to accommodate the state capitalism of Ferdinand Lassalle of income the unified Socialist party.

In a letter to Vera Zasulich March 8, 1881, Marx even contemplated the possibility of Russia's bypassing the stage of capitalist development and building communism on the basis of common ownership of land the village mir. [14] While accepting that the rural Russian village is the fulcrum of social reform in Russia ", Marx warned that mir to act as a vehicle to go straight to the stage ignore the socialist stage of capitalism, it "must first remove the toxic effects are attacking it (rural villages) from every side." [15] With the removal of image conditions dangerous effect that allows Marx, that "the normal conditions of spontaneous development" of rural villages to survive. [16] However, in a letter Zaulich Vera, Marx pointed out that "at the core of the capitalist mode ... is completely separate from the production of means of production." [17] Marx might be forgiven for not having seen this early stage 1881, the conditions inside the rural villages will quickly lead to "a difference of peasants" in rural Russian villages and the gradual isolation of many farmers in the village from the means of production .

With the advantage of twenty years closer agricultural villages in Russia, V. I. Lenin was able to conclude that the village is agriculture can not develop nuclear socialism in Russia, exactly by the increasing number of Russian peasants in the villages are agricultural, and separated from the means of production production within the agricultural village. [18] Within the rural Russian villages, land is the "means of production." According Ideally, all farmers in the rural villages will own or have access to the same land in the village. The analysis of Lenin on the village concluded that not all farmers within the rural villages have access to the same land. Indeed, at the time of Lenin wrote his book (1899), there is a huge difference between the amount of land cultivated by some farmers rich kulak contrast with the poor farmers in rural villages industry. [19] Furthermore, this conclusion is uncertain. Rather, "the separation of farmers within the agricultural village community is a process that is taking place. A growing number of small farmers within the rural village became unable to maintain themselves with a small amount of land they are within reach rural villages.

An inevitable, many poor farmers in the rural villages around the reality of Russia "landless." As time goes by many other small farmers in the rural village became landless when the "separate peasants" allow rich farmers get richer and poor farmers poorer.

A number of landless peasants to seek employment from the farmers, "kulak" richer within rural villages. The farmers of this land will be considered part of rural proletarian class. These farmers will leave the land and villages to join the urban proletariat class. In either case, it will be, Lenin pointed out that the development is completely familiar to us as well as the process of collapse and "proletariat of" small peasant, by completing the separation of the farm small people "do not land" from the means of production.
nếu là bài tập ở trường thì máy ban nên tự làm lấy rồi đem lên cho mọi người góp ý chứ không nên nhờ mọi người làm giúp hêt. như vậy sẽ tốt cho bạn hơn.
mình viết thế này, góp ý cho mình nha.

Traicopxki was a famous Russian musician. He was a famous music composer in 19th century.He was born on April 25th 1840 in Sankt-Peterburg, Russia. when he was very young, he was very interested in music and quickly showed his talent in music. when he was 10 years old, he started writing songs. He acquired tranditional music of classical Europan Russian to write artistic works which were imbue with cheracter of Russia. he gave us many valuable artistic works like "ep ghe nhi", "o nhe ghin", etc..
to commemorate his talent, the biggest musicology in Moscow called "traicopxki" was etablished in
traicopxki died on January 25th 1893 at the age of 53 in Sankt-Peterburg.

ô la la, mk vít rùi ấy có ai nx đâu.

Em tham khảo thêm một số bài viết trong SGK Tiếng Anh lớp 7 Trang 159-161

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