Album: Michael Jackson Collection!!!


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Danh sách bài hát:
01. Thriller
02. Heal The World
03. Black Or White
04. I Just Can't Stop Loving You
05. Human Nature
06. Billie Jean
07. You're Not Alone
08. Remember The Time
09. Cry
10. They Don't Care About Us
11. Scream (Ft. Janet Jackson)
12. The Way You Make Me Feel
13. Wanna Be Startin' Somethin' (Ft. Akon)
14. You Rock My World
15. She's Out Of My Life
16. Beat It
17. Earth Song
18. Smooth Criminal
19. We Are The World (Ft. Various Artists)
20. Bad
21. The Girl Is Mine 2008 (Ft. Will I Am)
22. Man In The Mirror
23. Billie Jean 2008 (Ft. Kanye West)
24. Beat It 2008 (Ft. Fergie)
25. Don't Walk Away

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