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[Video] Big bang?

Big bang?

Exactly, the Christian God (or any type of God) could be totally wrong. The creator of the universe could be just be a few hyper-intelligent cells that created the substance that started the Big Bang.
And to answer your question "why?"
How else would the Bang have to come into existence?

I am being straight forward. It's what makes sense. Okay you have seen a video game correct? It has a creator. You have seen a hotel correct? It has a creator. You see this earth? It has a creator. We have orals and values. It comes from a good source, that is God. We can be immoral. The comes from a evil source, that is Satan. Everything has to come from something that already contain the ability to have it. They found Chariots in the red sea from Mose's story.

He doesn't push you away. He doesn't force himself on you. It is your chose to chose him because he sent his son 4 ALL but you don't have to take it but you get what u deserve by not taking the forgiveness. So you get hell because Jesus died what we deserved. But if you do take the gift God lets you into Heaven. Also, if there was no God, where do our morals come from? There must be a force of good and evil for this to work. Evil thoughts = Satan. Good thoughts =God. There is a connection

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