Nowadays, work in part time is no longer strange to every student in college. Although it has both benefits and disadvantages for students who work in part-time
Most of the students prefer to spend their spare time to make a part time job. This helps them gain experience which is very important for them to have opportunities to find suitable jobs to their qualifications. For example, my friend used to work as a waitress when she was a student, shortly after graduating, she was accepted to work in an agency as her boss was very pleased because the experience that she had. If you have a part time job, you will know how to communicate and solve problems appropriately. It is important for each person. . In addition, work part time helps students think independently and earn money for shopping and going out because their finances are still dependent on their parents. However, it also has some disadvantages when students work in part time. In fact, their learning time has been replaced by part-time work. In addition, students do not have time to take care of themselves, they can get stress and sick. As a result, the results of study are not good as they want.
In short, part-time job at the university has both pros and cons. So, each student should arrange a schedule if they have a reasonable work part time
Most of the students prefer to spend their spare time to make a part time job. This helps them gain experience which is very important for them to have opportunities to find suitable jobs to their qualifications. For example, my friend used to work as a waitress when she was a student, shortly after graduating, she was accepted to work in an agency as her boss was very pleased because the experience that she had. If you have a part time job, you will know how to communicate and solve problems appropriately. It is important for each person. . In addition, work part time helps students think independently and earn money for shopping and going out because their finances are still dependent on their parents. However, it also has some disadvantages when students work in part time. In fact, their learning time has been replaced by part-time work. In addition, students do not have time to take care of themselves, they can get stress and sick. As a result, the results of study are not good as they want.
In short, part-time job at the university has both pros and cons. So, each student should arrange a schedule if they have a reasonable work part time