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School days are the happiest in life

Write about 250 words about Topic: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? "School days are the happiest in the life ".

If you ask me "Are school days the happiest in the life?" I will say "yes" as it is really my case and also yours, I guess. Firstly, school days were the days of future dreaming and hope. When you were a little boy or girl, I am sure that you have big dream with a bright picture of the future. Someone may dream to become a pilot, others may think about a doctor, a director...And you are always happy if you live in dreams without worring about turning it into reality. Secondly, school days were the days we had a lot of friends and everyone was devoted to eachother, we didn't have to care about the money or anything else in life, we lived in a good and happy community. Lastly, everyone has his or her own sweet memories during the time of their schooling. The memories may be a love story, an unforgetable event with teachers, friends...To sum up, the school days are always the sweetest ones in everyone 's life.

Mình viết bài với cương vị là một người đã học xong. Bạn có thể chỉnh sửa lại thì nếu bạn là người đang đi học.

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