Mee - March 2008 Joomla! Template


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Begin your march with style and get the new YOOtheme template: Mee! Mee is an unique Joomla template which fits perfect for a designer portfolio. The trendy and fancy style is perfect way to present your latest designs and artwork. The template comes with 10 color and pattern variations which gives you the possibility to create 50+ style combinations. Mee is packed with all new features.


Template: Mee
Bản quyền: YOOtheme
Hỗ trợ: Joomla 1.0.x & Joomla 1.5.x
Demo: Live Demo

The new YOOlightbox allows you to display all popular web media like images, HTML, Flash, QuickTime movies and more. Further we are introducing the exclusive YOOmaps module, bringing you a Google maps integration in YOOtheme way.

* New YOOlightbox which can display any kind of content

* New smart YOOmaps module

* Fading modules while hovering

* Fully sliced Fireworks .png Source files

* Native Versions for Joomla 1.0 & 1.5

And of course all the classic features are included: Tableless CSS Design, YOOmenu System, YOOspotlight, YOOlightbox, YOOreflection, YOOstyleswitcher and many more...
Classic features:

* Tableless CSS design

* Accordion Menu with smooth animation and color fading

* YOOspotlight to place cool spotlight effects

* YOOlightbox displays any kind of content in overlay popups

* YOOreflection adds reflection effects to images

* Styleswitcher for accessibility control

* Lots of template color variations

* Many module positions

* Fully collapsible module architecture

* Enables PNG Alpha Transparency for IE6

* Extra HTML tag stylings

* Fully sliced Adobe Fireworks .png files for customizations

* Joomla 1.0+ version

* Native Joomla 1.5+ version

* Very clean and fast loading design

* XHTML 1.0 Transitional and CSS 2.0 Valid

* Fully tested in Firefox 2.0+, IE6, IE7, Safari 3.0+, Opera 9.0+ and Camino 1.0+

Template Mee for Joomla 1.0.x & Joomla 1.5.x (3.5 MB)


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