KoolMoves 5.6.0 (Hot)


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Phần mềm nầy dùng đễ làm Flash, Text, Banner (chạy chữ/hình) cho website, có thễ ghép Audio vào. Chất lượng tuyệt vời. Cập nhật 18/10/06. CT + đồ chơi : (cài CT xong , mỡ key gen -> chọn chữ KoolMoves ->bấm generate -> copy/paste vào phần register cũa CT và tạo 1 nick vào -> xong).

- Import images and sounds
- 71 action script based text/image effects
- 100 stylish text effects templates
- 343 clip art items and buttons
- Wizard for adding Flash movie to web page
- Capture frames for gif animation
- Easy to use customizable preloaders
- Many unique views of the animation
- Slide show wizard
- Banner wizard
- 28 web interface templates
- 4 skill levels (wizards to cartooning)
- Import Flash movie as object or editable
- Import FLV Flash video
- Full set of drawing/shape manipulation tools
- Dynamic text
- Flash 8 action scripting (AS1)
- Flash 8 filter/blend effects
- 10 interface components
- Masking
- Import/export SVG
- Variable line width
- Character animation bones

Mediafire: https://www.mediafire.com/?ff2akbkk72yka47
Box.net: https://www.box.net/shared/ugrrjf08lx
4shared: https://www.4shared.com/file/2GeVEuO_/kmsetup.html

Nguồn: crackall4you.blogspot.com

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