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Chỉ dùm mình vài câu sữa lỗi sai


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Ai pro chỉ giáo cho vài câu sửa lỗi sai tý. (Vì không in đậm được, nên A,B,C,D có thử tự trong [...] ), giải thích dùm lun nha, ngắn gọn cũng được.
1. Mr.Phong, [that] has never [been to] the UK, [speaks] English very [fluently].
2. [The] waiter [whom] served us yester [was] polite and [friendly].
3. This class [is] only [for] people [who's] first languagle [is not] Chinese.
4. [The] man with [who] I spoke [in the] meeting used [to work] here.
5. He [is moving] to Lang Son city, [that] is [in the] north-east [of] Vietnam.
6. Nowadays people [are more aware] of [the fact that] wildlife all over the world [which is in danger].
7. [Any country] that has to [cope with] overpopulation, hunger, and poverty, [also that] suffers [from pollution].
8. [Despite] their short time on earth, human beings have brought about enormous [changes] to the surface of the planet, [where] they are surviving [and destroy].
9. [There is] a threat of [global warming], [that] comes from the [result of] greenhouse effect.
10. Our [polluted] environment [which] is the result of the [overusing] of resources nad [ destroying] the wild.
11.The sun [releases] large [amounts] [of] energy [everyday].
12. [The energy] of the sun [can] [be changed] [to] electricity.
13. [the man] [to speak] [to] me is [John's brother].
14. He is the [second] person [be killed] [in] [that way].
15. They [work] [in] a hospital [sponsoring] [by] the government.
Thanks trước
Mình chỉ cho bạn 5 câu đầu, các câu sau bạn tự làm nhé:

1. Mr.Phong, [that] has never [been to] the UK, [speaks] English very [fluently]. (Phải thay bằng who mới đúng)
2. [The] waiter [whom] served us yester [was] polite and [friendly]. (Phải thay bằng who mới đúng)
3. This class [is] only [for] people [who's] first languagle [is not] Chinese. (phải là whose mới đúng)
4. [The] man with [who] I spoke [in the] meeting used [to work] here. (Phải là whom mới đúng)
5. He [is moving] to Lang Son city, [that] is [in the] north-east [of] Vietnam. (Câu này theo mình để chữ that ở đó cũng không hẳn là sai, nhưng nếu thay bằng which có lẽ đúng hơn)

Các câu khác bạn tự làm đi nhé, sai đúng tính sau^^
trình độ of tớ có hạn nên chỉ làm được như thế này thôi :D có j` các bạn bổ sung thêm nhé :D

1. Mr.Phong, [that] has never [been to] the UK, [speaks] English very [fluently].
sai: that
sửa :which
2. [The] waiter [whom] served us yester [was] polite and [friendly].
sai: whom
sửa: who

3. This class [is] only [for] people [who's] first languagle [is not] Chinese.
sai: who's ( cái này thì ko chắc chắn có dạng who's bao h ko nhưng từ trước đến h tớ được học thì trong những trường hợp này dùng whose )
sửa: whose
4. [The] man with [who] I spoke [in the] meeting used [to work] here.
sai:Who ( cái này ko chắc nha :D)
sửa: whom
5. He [is moving] to Lang Son city, [that] is [in the] north-east [of] Vietnam.
sai: that ( Khi phía trước nó có dấu phẩy hoặc giới từ thì ko được dùng that)
sửa: Which
9. [There is] a threat of [global warming], [that] comes from the [result of] greenhouse effect.
Sai : that
( Khi phía trước nó có dấu phẩy hoặc giới từ thì ko được dùng that)
13. [the man] [to speak] [to] me is [John's brother].
sai: to speak
sửa : who speak
15. They [work] [in] a hospital [sponsoring] [by] the government.
theo tớ thì sai ở chỗ sponsoring
sửa : ---->They [work] [in] a hospital [by] the government-sponsored
hic, câu này lộn Vì Mr Phong là người nên phải sửa thành who mới đúng như của thầy bút chì :D
Mr.Phong, [that] has never [been to] the UK, [speaks] English very [fluently].
sai: that
sửa :who
1. Mr.Phong, [that] has never [been to] the UK, [speaks] English very [fluently].

2. [The] waiter [whom] served us yester [was] polite and [friendly].

3. This class [is] only [for] people [who's] first languagle [is not] Chinese.

4. [The] man with [who] I spoke [in the] meeting used [to work] here.

5. He [is moving] to Lang Son city, [that] is [in the] north-east [of] Vietnam.

6. Nowadays people [are more aware] of [the fact that] wildlife all over the world [which is in danger]. => không chắc không làm :D

7. [Any country] that has to [cope with] overpopulation, hunger, and poverty, [also that] suffers [from pollution].

8. [Despite] their short time on earth, human beings have brought about enormous [changes] to the surface of the planet, [where] they are surviving [and destroy].

9. [There is] a threat of [global warming], [that] comes from the [result of] greenhouse effect.

10. Our [polluted] environment [which] is the result of the [overusing] of resources nad [ destroying] the wild. => ???

11.The sun [releases] large [amounts] [of] energy [everyday]. (phải không ta :-?)

13. [the man] [to speak] [to] me is [John's brother].

14. He is the [second] person [be killed] [in] [that way].

15. They [work] [in] a hospital [sponsoring] [by] the government.


Tạm thời, mình đã tìm ra dc mấy lỗi sai của mấy câu ấy rồi, đã chỉ đường cho bạn đi, giờ bạn cất bước nhé :)
(Có 1 vài câu mình không chắc)


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