missing smile!

NOw,I wIll IntrOduce abOut mYsElf! My nAme 's Bui_Bich_Phu0ng.I'm lIve in km44_nEar Bu0n Ma Thu0t cIty .My wIsh Is gO arOund thE wOrld,bEcOme A mAnAgEr,I wAnt tO meEt "JAngNaRa" In Order tO seE hEr And gEt mArrIed A rIch(very...rIch) hUsbAnd,....FrOm thE bEginIng Until nOw, I dOn't knOw lOve!.And nOw,I wOndEr:"whAt Is lOve???".
...NOW, I'M NO_LOVE...!*_^

I lIke Eat frUit & fIsh,lIsTening tO mUsIc,lEarnIng E,hElp mOm sEll prOdUcts & hElp Dad wrIte lEtters ,....
Sinh nhật
6/6/91 (Tuổi: 33)